"How many times does Jingdong promote every year?"
According to the promotion strength and market trend of JD 618 over the years, although the specific amount of full or reduced may change, JD usually provides a very attractive full or reduced discount.
2024-05-15 12:42:41
During the event, JD will launch a large number of products that participate in the promotion, covering all categories, from home appliances, digital products to clothing, cosmetics and so on. Among these goods, there will not only be preferential activities such as the lowest price of the whole network and time limited second killing, but also various forms of preferential benefits such as full discounts, discounts and gifts.
2024-04-27 20:17:02
Jingdong 618 Shopping Festival, which originated on June 18, the founding anniversary of Jingdong, has now developed into an industry wide shopping carnival.
2024-04-24 19:23:31
Before and after the Spring Festival: The Spring Festival is a traditional shopping season in China. JD usually launches large-scale promotional activities around the Spring Festival, and all kinds of products, including mobile phones, will participate in discount promotions.
2024-03-22 14:18:35
The "Double 11, Double 11" Shopping Carnival refers to the online promotion day on November 11 every year, which originates from the online promotion activities held in Taobao Mall (Tmall) on November 11, 2009. At that time, the number of merchants involved and promotion efforts were limited, but the closing amount was far more than expected, so November 11 became a fixed date for Tmall to hold large-scale promotion activities.
2022-09-12 10:37:10
June 1-19: 618 year-end promotion; June 2-7: Juhuasuan 66 Juhui; June 4-8: 66 National Eye Care Day; June 12-18: Tmall Dragon Boat Festival
2021-05-24 21:13:59
Discount intensity: During JD 618, the discount intensity of goods varies. Some goods may be as low as 50%, or even lower, while others may only be 10% or 9.5% off.
2024-06-02 14:55:14
Jiangsu Yuanzhou E-Commerce Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jingdong Mall, is responsible for operating the book business. The promotion plan proposed that during the 618 period, 8 days in total, all kinds of books will be promoted at a discount of 2-3%.
2024-05-21 13:54:21
Red packet collection rules: The threshold free red packet collection times of JD Plus members are usually set by the JD platform according to promotional activities. Different activities may have different collection rules.
2024-05-19 16:27:48
On the whole, the preferential strength of the Double 11 Festival is generally greater than 618. This is because as a great promotion of the whole network, all major e-commerce platforms will try their best to launch various preferential activities to attract consumers.
2024-05-18 14:01:28
The registration of merchants/commodities [2024 JD 618 Promotion Theme Activity] needs to meet the threshold of basic rules for investment promotion. The successfully registered commodities will be automatically marked "618", and enjoy the public traffic support of JD 618 Promotion exclusive visual atmosphere packaging and search, shopping cart, core conference venue, etc. (subject to the actual launch).
2024-05-09 10:52:16
The specific time for JD 618 to promote spot sales will usually be announced in the warm-up stage before the event. The following is a possible time node: warm-up period: JD may start warming up about a week before 618, at which time there may be some spot goods open for booking.
2024-05-08 16:32:30
It is understood that May 10 this year is the 21st birthday of Taobao. Taobao said, "The most important thing for a birthday is to have fun together.
2024-05-07 10:41:10
On May 6, it was reported that in 2024, the rules for the 618 promotion of full and reduced cross store activities on the JD Open Platform would be made public.
2024-05-06 14:01:22
First of all, the Double 11 Festival is one of the most important promotional activities in the year. Every November 11, each major e-commerce platform will launch a series of preferential policies and promotional activities.
2024-04-01 16:33:35
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