"Pinduoduo Live Shop"
According to the official requirements of Pinduoduo, the following conditions must be met for individuals to settle in Pinduoduo: Pinduoduo account: first, you need to have a Pinduoduo account and complete real name authentication.
2024-06-10 09:07:26
Definition of One Piece Delivery: One Piece Delivery means that after receiving the order, the supplier directly sends the goods to the consumer, and the merchant does not need to prepare the goods in advance.
2024-06-08 11:16:52
Market research: Before opening a store, conduct market research to understand the hot commodities and potential demand on Pinduoduo platform, and determine your own business direction.
2024-06-06 15:51:16
In Pinduoduo live broadcast, appearance is important, but it is not the only determinant. An excellent live broadcast anchor needs to have various qualities, such as eloquence, talent, interaction ability, etc.
2024-06-06 15:26:43
Understand the rules of replenishment: Pinduoduo platform has strict rules of replenishment. Novice merchants need to understand the rules of the platform first to avoid being punished due to illegal operations.
2024-06-06 14:31:14
Whether there is a limit on the live broadcast time of Pinduoduo depends on the rules of the platform and the specific type of live broadcast. In general, Pinduoduo platform has no strict limit on the duration of live broadcast, and merchants and anchors can arrange live broadcast time according to their own plans and needs.
2024-06-06 10:43:59
Pinduoduo live studio is usually located in a prominent position on the home page of the app, and users can enter the live studio by clicking the relevant icon.
2024-06-06 10:40:17
Registration account: The merchant needs to register a merchant account on Pinduoduo's official website to provide necessary corporate or personal information.
2024-06-04 14:51:42
Registered account: First, the merchant needs to register a merchant account on Pinduoduo cross-border e-commerce platform to provide necessary corporate information and personal data.
2024-06-04 14:39:58
Low threshold: personal stores do not need to provide business licenses, but only need to complete real name authentication, which is suitable for businesses trying e-commerce at the initial stage.
2024-06-04 12:43:14
Use of social networks: Pinduoduo's core competitiveness lies in its social attributes. Merchants can promote their stores and goods through WeChat groups, circles of friends and other channels.
2024-06-04 11:37:59
In Pinduoduo, pictures are one of the important elements to attract customers. Merchants can choose to take pictures themselves, purchase pictures taken by professional photographers, or use pictures provided by suppliers.
2024-06-04 11:36:09
Enterprise stores can sell more kinds of goods, including some goods requiring special permission or qualification, while individual stores may be subject to certain restrictions on the types of goods.
2024-06-03 18:43:56
Pinduoduo platform policy: Pinduoduo platform has no special restrictions on the types of merchants entering the platform. As a legal business entity, self-employed individuals can open stores on Pinduoduo.
2024-06-03 16:13:53
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