"Today's headline clip"
Today's Toutiao provides creators with a variety of incentive plans, such as the "Ten Thousand People Ten Thousand Yuan" plan, the "Toutiao Number Creator Incentive Plan", etc. Through these plans, creators can get rewards and shares from the platform.
2024-05-23 19:46:06
The benefits of moving videos on today's headlines are affected by many factors, including video quality, moving skills, user interaction, etc.
2024-05-10 15:01:27
Today's Headline does provide an opportunity to earn income by watching videos, but this income usually exists in the form of platform virtual currency, such as "gold coin" or "points", and needs to meet certain conditions.
2024-05-10 14:59:23
Advertisement sharing: Today's headlines allow creators to insert advertisements in videos. According to the amount of video playing and user interaction, creators can get advertisement sharing.
2024-04-28 11:34:22
You need to download and install Today Toutiao APP on your mobile phone, and then register an account. After registration, you can start cutting videos.
2024-04-10 17:10:00
Play volume requirements: On today's headlines, video play volume is one of the basic requirements for earning revenue. Generally speaking, the amount of video playback must reach a certain standard before it can begin to gain revenue. Specifically, the broadcast volume requirements may vary according to different video content, audience groups and platform policies.
2024-04-06 00:30:31
Use third-party applications: At present, there are many third-party applications on the market that can help users download today's headline videos to mobile photo albums. You can search for and download a suitable video download application in the app store, such as "Fast Video Downloader", "Treble Video Downloader", etc. These applications usually support the resolution of today's headline video links and provide the download function, which is simple and easy to use.
2024-04-06 00:28:39
Internal storage location: When you download videos in Today's Headlines, these videos are usually saved in the internal storage of your phone.
2024-02-29 14:32:48
Choosing 16:9 widescreen ratio can ensure that your videos can be displayed well on most devices and conform to users' viewing habits.
2024-02-22 18:38:21
Use the screenshot function: If you just want to save a specific picture of the video, rather than the whole video, then using the screenshot function is a simple and common method.
2024-02-13 21:29:24
To perform real name authentication, you need to enter the personal center page, click the "Settings" button, and select the "Account and Security" option in the drop-down menu.
2024-01-27 23:56:38
Open Today's Toutiao app: First, make sure you have installed today's Toutiao app on your phone and logged in to your account.
2024-01-27 19:49:03
On the report page, you can select appropriate report types, such as obscenity, violence, terror, and political sensitivity. Select the appropriate option according to the specific situation.
2024-01-10 16:49:17
Source of income: Today's Headline provides creators with a variety of sources of income, including advertising share, original award, etc.
2024-06-09 12:39:39
Definition of presentation amount: presentation amount, also called exposure amount, refers to the number of times that content is displayed on the Toutiao platform today, regardless of whether users click or read it.
2024-06-09 12:37:45
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