[Alibaba Invoice Platform Invoice]
The function of the [Entrance Setting] module will be suspended. At that time, businesses cannot set or edit the invoice type, message card and other functions of the invoice application page on the consumer side. Please complete the display setting of the invoice application entrance in advance.
2023-10-23 15:12:28
Including: electronic ordinary VAT invoice, electronic special VAT invoice, paper ordinary VAT invoice, paper special VAT invoice, all electric invoice (ordinary invoice), all electric invoice (special VAT invoice).
2023-10-01 19:10:44
Because according to the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests, when providing goods or services, business operators should issue invoices and other purchase vouchers or service receipts to consumers in accordance with relevant national regulations or business practices; Business operators must produce invoices and other purchase vouchers or service receipts when consumers demand them.
2023-07-11 09:20:32
If your store is affected by floods, earthquakes and other large-scale natural disasters and cannot issue invoices in time, you can initiate a report to the platform through the invoice reporting tool. After the report is passed, automatic compensation for delayed invoicing can be exempted for a period of time!
2023-08-08 14:28:35
Online search: using the search engine, enter keywords such as "Pinduoduo replenishment platform" or "Pinduoduo replenishment service" to find some platforms that provide such services.
2024-06-02 17:14:36
Xiapi logistics platform: Xiapi's own logistics service is a good choice. With strong network coverage, Xiapi Logistics can provide one-stop logistics solutions for sellers, including transportation, customs clearance, delivery and other links.
2024-06-01 07:31:18
With its intelligent traffic distribution system and efficient conversion rate, the traffic wizard helps businesses get more exposure opportunities on Taobao platform.
2024-05-31 21:45:02
Non official ranking list: "Taobao Supplement Platform Ranking List" is not the ranking list officially released by Taobao, but is self assessed by some informal institutions or individuals in the market according to certain standards.
2024-05-31 17:18:41
Gains through platform fees. As the agent of Alibaba Auction, you will enjoy the commission share of all transactions in the agent area. Whenever a seller conducts a transaction in your agent area, the platform will charge a certain percentage of commission according to the transaction amount, and you can get some income from it.
2024-05-30 14:25:00
Definition of platform intervention rate: Pinduoduo's 30 day platform intervention rate refers to the ratio of the number of orders that the platform has to intervene to handle due to consumer complaints or disputes within 30 days to the total number of orders.
2024-05-29 15:24:24
The free platform may have some limitations, such as unstable service quality, slow processing speed, and incomplete functions. In addition, the sustainability of free platforms is also a problem, because they need to find a profit model to maintain operations.
2024-05-28 20:28:31
The transaction process of the replenishment platform should be transparent, and users can clearly understand the details of each transaction, including transaction time, transaction amount, etc.
2024-05-28 20:27:21
Registration account: First, you need to register a business account on Pinduoduo's official website to provide necessary personal information or enterprise information.
2024-05-28 15:40:49
Price difference of replenishment platforms: There are many replenishment platforms in the market with large price differences. Some small or informal platforms may offer lower prices, but this is usually accompanied by higher risks.
2024-05-28 15:29:10
Ali Digital Auction provides a new trading platform for artists and collectors. The rare digital works here can show their unique charm and attract the attention of the world. So, how does Ali Digital Auction work
2024-05-28 13:46:53
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