"618 Jingdong Apple Phone"
Historical price trend: According to the price trend of Apple products during the previous 618 shopping festival, the price of Apple 15 mobile phones is likely to decrease to some extent during the 618 shopping festival in 2024.
2024-06-01 20:36:56
618 Shopping Festival, originated in Jingdong, has become a shopping carnival in the whole industry. On this day, many products will have different degrees of discount, and Apple mobile phones, as the representative of high-end electronic products, will naturally attract attention.
2024-05-10 12:01:51
During the period of JD 618, the discount of Apple's mobile phones may have the following characteristics: direct price reduction: JD may directly reduce the price of Apple's mobile phones to provide more competitive prices than usual.
2024-05-08 16:27:48
Introduction to the 10 billion subsidy activity: Pinduoduo's "10 billion subsidy" is a large-scale promotional activity launched by the platform, which aims to enable consumers to buy the desired goods at a lower price by means of platform subsidies.
2024-05-29 16:43:24
During JD 618 in 2024, the price reduction of mobile phones is expected to be different according to the brand, model and market strategy.
2024-05-29 16:03:46
Analysis of price reduction range: During the period of JD 618, the price reduction range of mobile phones varies depending on the brand, model, original price and other factors. Generally speaking, the price reduction may range from hundreds to thousands of yuan.
2024-05-25 15:10:24
Overview of Jingdong Baitiao: Jingdong Baitiao is an online consumer credit service launched by Jingdong Finance, which allows users to consume before repaying on the Jingdong platform.
2024-05-23 14:20:28
JD APP home page: Open JD APP, enter "618 Mobile Racing List" in the search box on the home page or directly search for the relevant entrance in the advertising bar scrolled on the home page.
2024-05-21 16:23:47
JD gift cartoons can often be used to purchase most goods on the JD platform, including Apple phones. Product range: JD gift cards can be used to purchase all kinds of goods on the JD platform, as long as the goods support JD gift card payment.
2024-05-15 14:36:18
The price of Apple products is usually stable due to their quality and design, but the promotion activities of e-commerce platforms may provide consumers with purchase opportunities.
2024-05-15 14:33:31
Overview of price reduction: According to market feedback and promotion information, the prices of Apple products have been reduced to varying degrees during JD 618 this year. The specific price reduction range depends on the specific product model and configuration.
2024-04-29 14:58:05
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