"Application Conditions for Pinduoduo Franchised Store"
The full set of information on the company's business license, account opening permit, and deposit are not many. If a merchant has opened a shop in Tmall before, the information required is almost the same.
2023-01-12 23:05:41
The commodities sold by merchants must comply with relevant national laws and regulations and the quality management standards of Pinduo Multi platform.
2024-05-18 21:47:47
Register Pinduo merchant account: You need to register a Pinduo merchant account. If you already have Pinduoduo account, you can log in directly and apply to become a merchant.
2024-04-28 12:13:35
Pinduoduo, as one of the well-known e-commerce platforms in China, provides merchants with rich sales opportunities and business cooperation models. For businesses that want to open a franchise store on Pinduoduo, they need to meet certain entry conditions and pay certain fees. Then, what are the specific entry conditions and fees for Pinduoduo franchise store?
2024-02-24 13:51:16
Reason for account blocking: First, users need to clarify the specific reason for account blocking, which usually involves violating community regulations, copyright issues, publishing illegal content, etc.
2024-05-31 16:30:03
Find the entrance to "apply for authorization" or "become a creator" on the official website or APP of Duoduo Short Play, fill in the relevant information according to the prompts, and submit your application.
2024-05-30 21:36:41
The platform policy allows: Pinduoduo platform allows businesses to sell some virtual goods that meet the requirements of the platform, such as recharge cards, game point cards, software services, etc.
2024-05-28 14:38:14
Learn about Pinduoduo cooperative express companies: Pinduoduo platform has a list of recommended cooperative express companies, and merchants can view the supported express companies in the background of Pinduoduo merchants.
2024-05-27 16:03:45
Timely notify the buyer: once the goods are out of stock, the seller should immediately notify the buyer through the Pinduo multi platform communication tool, explain the out of stock situation, and provide possible solutions.
2024-05-27 09:11:08
Shortage times limit: Pinduo platform has certain limits on the number of out of stock times of merchants. Generally, the allowed number of out of stock times within a month is limited. The specific out of stock frequency limit may vary according to the level of the merchant, the reputation of the store and the policy of the platform.
2024-05-27 09:11:00
Consumer compensation: Pinduoduo has the right to deduct consumer compensation from the balance of the merchant's account, and issue it to the consumers corresponding to the out of stock order in the form of a 50 year non threshold cash coupon. At the same time, the platform has the right to close the transaction and refund consumers.
2024-05-25 08:26:17
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