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Where is the entrance to Xiaohong Bookseller's house? Business settlement process?
2024-05-19 21:44:47
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For merchants who are accustomed to using mobile phones, Xiaohongshu APP also has a merchant portal, which is usually found in "My" or "Settings" of the APP.

In the wave of digital marketing, Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong With its unique community atmosphere and precise user positioning, it has become an important platform for many businesses to seek brand exposure and product promotion. For merchants who intend to settle in Little Red Book, it is a crucial first step to understand the specific location of the merchant entrance and the settlement process.

1、 Where is the entrance to Xiaohong Bookseller's house?

Xiaohong Bookseller Home Entrance, namely Xiaohong Bookseller Home Platform, is a special area for businesses to provide services. Merchants can find and enter the merchant entrance through the following steps:

1. Search Xiaohong Bookseller Platform: enter "Xiaohong Bookseller Platform" in the browser or directly visit the official website of Xiaohong Bookseller Platform.

2. Register an account: On the merchant platform home page, click the "Enter Now" or "Register" button, fill in the relevant information according to the prompts, and complete the account registration.

3. Log in to the merchant background: After successful registration, log in to the merchant background with the registered account to enter the merchant management interface.

4. Navigation bar: In the merchant background, you can quickly find "merchant entrance" and other options through the top navigation bar.

5. Mobile access: For merchants who are accustomed to using mobile phones, Xiaohongshu APP also has a merchant access, which is usually found in "My" or "Settings" of the APP.

2、 How does Xiaohong Bookseller settle down?

Settling in Xiaohong Bookseller's Home Platform is a systematic process. The detailed steps are as follows:

1. Preparation materials: Before applying for residence, businesses need to prepare business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate and other relevant enterprise qualification documents.

2. Submit application: log in to the merchant background, click "Enter Now", fill in enterprise information, store information, brand information, etc. according to the prompts, and upload relevant qualification documents.

3. Qualification review: After the application is submitted, the Xiaohongshu platform will review the data submitted by the merchants, and the review cycle is generally 3-5 working days.

4. Signing a contract: After the qualification review is passed, the business needs to sign an electronic contract with Little Red Book to confirm the terms of cooperation.

5. Deposit payment: according to the category of the store and the goods sold, the merchant needs to pay the corresponding deposit.

6. Shop decoration: After the contract is signed and the deposit is paid, the business can start to decorate the shop, upload product information, set the style of the shop, etc.

7. Commodity listing: After the decoration of the store is completed, the merchants can start to upload commodities, set prices, inventory and other information, and launch commodities.

8. Marketing promotion: After the goods are put on the shelves, merchants can promote the goods through various marketing tools on the Little Red Book platform, such as participating in platform activities, using advertising, etc.

9. Order management: merchants need to deal with orders in a timely manner, including delivery, logistics tracking, after-sales service, etc.

10. Data analysis: After entering the store, merchants can use the data analysis tools provided by Little Red Book to understand the operation of the store and optimize marketing strategies.

Although the search and settlement process of Xiaohong Bookseller's home entrance seems tedious, as long as you follow the steps carefully, you can successfully start the business trip in Xiaohong Bookstore. With the continuous optimization of the platform and the upgrading of business services, businesses settling in Little Red Book will be able to enjoy a more convenient and efficient e-commerce experience, realizing the dual growth of brand and sales.

Recommended reading:

What are the entry conditions and fees of Little Red Book? How to settle and open a store?

What are the conditions for selling the Little Red Book? What should we pay attention to?

What is the store opening process and cost of Little Red Book? Does Xiaohongshu need to pay for opening a store?

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