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How can Pinduoduo Personal Store upgrade to a franchised store? Entry requirements for Pinduoduo franchise store
2024-05-19 17:53:55
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Understand the upgrade conditions: first of all, businesses need to understand the specific conditions and requirements of Pinduoduo platform for upgrading personal stores to franchised stores.

Pinduoduo, as a fast rising e-commerce platform in China, provides a broad market and business opportunities for many businesses. In terms of Pinduoduo, stores can be divided into personal stores and franchised stores, among which franchised stores are favored by merchants for their more professional image and more rights and interests. For businesses that have opened personal stores, upgrading to a franchise store is an important step to improve the store image and expand the business scale.

I Pinduoduo Personal Store How to upgrade franchised stores?

1. Understand the upgrade conditions

Merchants first need to understand the specific conditions and requirements of Pinduoduo platform for upgrading personal stores to franchised stores.

2. Prepare relevant data

Prepare relevant enterprise data and personal information, including business license, legal person identity certificate, etc. according to the requirements of the platform.

3. Optimize store operation

Before applying for upgrading, merchants need to ensure the good operation of their stores, including commodity quality, service quality, customer evaluation, etc.

4. Improve store reputation

Improve the reputation level of the store, and increase the success rate of upgrading by accumulating more favorable comments and sales.

5. Improve store information

Ensure that the store information is complete and true, including the store name, logo, description, etc.

6. Submit upgrade application

Submit the application for upgrading the franchise store at the background of Pinduoduo merchants, and upload relevant materials according to the prompts.

7. Waiting for platform review

After submitting the application, wait patiently for the review of the platform. After the review is passed, the store can be upgraded to a franchise store.

8. Pay relevant fees

Pay the deposit and related service fees of the franchise store according to the platform regulations.

9. Adjust business strategy

After upgrading to franchised stores, businesses need to adjust their business strategies to adapt to new store types and market demands.

10. Continuous optimization of operation

Continue to optimize store operation, improve goods and services, and consolidate and improve the market position of franchised stores.

2、 Entry requirements for Pinduoduo franchise store

1. Enterprise qualification

Merchants applying for the franchise store should have legal enterprise qualifications, including business license, tax registration certificate, etc.

2. Brand authorization

If brand goods are operated, the power of attorney or relevant supporting documents of the brand party shall be provided.

3. Commodity quality

The goods sold must comply with relevant national laws and regulations to ensure the quality of the goods.

4. Perfect after-sales service

It is necessary to provide perfect after-sales services, including return and replacement policies, customer service, etc.

5. Obey platform rules

The rules of Pinduoduo need to be followed, including product release, transaction process, etc.

6. Deposit payment

According to the business category of the store, the corresponding amount of deposit shall be paid.

7. Have e-commerce operation capability

It needs to have certain e-commerce operation capabilities, including commodity management, logistics and distribution.

8. Good reputation record

There should be good reputation records and no major violations.

9. Professional team

For large-scale businesses, it is recommended to establish professional e-commerce teams for operation.

10. Continuous learning and adaptation

The e-commerce environment is constantly changing, and businesses need to continuously learn the latest e-commerce knowledge and skills to adapt to market changes.

Upgrading Pinduoduo Personal Store to a franchise store is an important step to improve the store image and expand the business scale. Businesses need to understand the upgrade conditions, prepare relevant materials, and optimize store operations to meet the audit requirements of the platform. At the same time, the entry requirements of franchised stores are relatively strict, and businesses need to have legal corporate qualifications, brand authorization, and perfect after-sales services.

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