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How to get JD 618 billion subsidy coupons? How do you use it?
2024-05-07 19:03:51
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The first step to get a coupon is to have a JD account. If you don't have an account, you need to register one first. After registration, log in to your account so that you can receive and use coupons.

As one of China's leading e-commerce platforms, Jingdong Mall will launch various promotional activities every year to attract consumers. Among them, the Jingdong 618 Shopping Festival has attracted much attention because of its huge discount. This year, Jingdong 618 launched 10 billion subsidy coupons, allowing consumers to enjoy shopping fun while also enjoying real discounts.

1、 How to get JD 618 billion subsidy coupons?

1. Follow the official announcement of JD. JD will release relevant announcements of coupons through official websites, apps, social media and other channels before the 618 Shopping Festival. Consumers need to pay close attention to these channels in order to get the coupon receiving information at the first time.

2. Register your JD account and log in. The first step to get a coupon is to have a JD account. If you don't have an account, you need to register one first. After registration, log in to your account so that you can receive and use coupons.

3. Browse the coupon collection page. During the 618 Shopping Festival, JD will set up a special coupon collection page on its APP or website. Consumers can directly visit these pages to view the types and quantities of coupons available.

4. Select the coupon and claim it. On the coupon receiving page, consumers can select corresponding coupons according to their shopping needs. After clicking the "Get" button, the coupon will be added to the user's account.

5. Participate in interactive activities. JD will also issue coupons through some interactive activities, such as participating in microblog topic discussions, completing tasks in the APP, etc. Actively participate in these activities and have the opportunity to obtain additional coupons.

6. Pay attention to brand stores. Many brand stores will also have their own coupons issued during the period of JD 618. Pay attention to your favorite brand stores, and you can get the coupon information of these stores in time.

2、 How to use it?

1. View coupon usage rules. Each coupon has its own usage rules, including usage time, applicable goods, minimum consumption amount, etc. Be sure to read these rules carefully before use.

2. Add to cart. Add the item you want to buy to the shopping cart. On the shopping cart page, the system will automatically display the available coupons.

3. Select the coupon and settle. On the settlement page, select the coupon you want to use, and the system will automatically calculate the amount after discount according to the coupon rules.

4. Note the coupon validity period. Coupons have a specific validity period and cannot be used after expiration. Therefore, when using coupons, pay attention to their expiration dates.

5. Avoid coupon stacking. Some coupons may not overlap with other coupons or promotions. Before use, you need to confirm whether the coupon can be used together with other discounts.

6. Pay with coupons. On the payment page, confirm that the coupon has been correctly applied, and then select the corresponding payment method to complete the payment.

The collection and use of JD 618 billion subsidy coupons is a multi-step process, but as long as consumers operate carefully, they can enjoy the benefits of this shopping festival. Through the above introduction, we hope that every consumer can get a satisfied shopping experience in JD 618 Shopping Festival, and can also maximize the use of coupons to achieve the maximum value of shopping.

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