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When is the cheapest time to spend more than 10 billion yuan to subsidize 618? When will it come to an end?
2024-05-06 20:12:53
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In the first few hours of the day, especially from 0 o'clock to 2 o'clock, many goods will offer the lowest prices, because the merchants hope to attract a large number of customers at the beginning of the event and create a good start.

With the vigorous development of e-commerce, promotional activities on various platforms emerge in endlessly, among which the campaign of "Ten Billion Subsidy 618" is particularly eye-catching. Consumers are eager to buy their favorite goods at the most favorable price in this shopping carnival. So when is Pinduoduo's subsidy 618 the cheapest? When will it end? This article will reveal the answer for you.

1、 When is the cheapest time to spend more than 10 billion yuan to subsidize 618?

Pinduoduo's "Ten Billion Subsidy 618" activity is one of its biggest annual promotional activities, which usually reaches its climax around June 18 every year. However, the best price is not limited to 618 days. According to past experience, Pinduoduo will offer the maximum discount in the following periods:

1. Warm up period: About a week before the official start of the 618 event, Pinduoduo will launch the warm-up activity, at which time some goods will start to be discounted, but the discount may not be as strong as the activity day.

2. A good start: In the first few hours of 618, especially from 0:00 to 2:00, many commodities will offer the lowest prices, because the merchants hope to attract a large number of customers at the beginning of the event and create a good start.

3. Peak period: From noon to afternoon of 618, many commodities will enter a peak period of discount, at which time the discount is also very strong.

4. Return period: within a few days after the end of the 618 event, some goods may have return discounts. This is because businesses want to clear their inventory, but also to attract consumers who missed the climax of the event.

2、 When will it end?

Pinduoduo's "Ten Billion Subsidy 618" activity usually lasts about a week, but the specific end time will change according to the marketing strategy of that year. Generally speaking, the event will officially end at 24:00 on June 18, but before that, consumers should pay close attention to the official announcement of Pinduoduo and the promotion information of merchants, so as not to miss any preferential opportunities.

Pinduoduo's "Ten Billion Subsidy 618" activity is an excellent opportunity for consumers to enjoy preferential shopping. Understanding the rhythm of the activity and grasping the best shopping opportunity can make your shopping experience more enjoyable. Remember that warm-up period, good start period, climax period and return period are all shopping nodes that cannot be missed.

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