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Can Pinduoduo's authorized trademark enter the flagship store? How to handle official authorization?
2024-05-02 15:17:05
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Flagship store usually refers to the official store set up by the brand on the e-commerce platform, which represents the brand image and official recognition. Pinduoduo flagship store enjoys a number of preferential policies of the platform, including traffic support, marketing activity participation, etc.

In the wave of e-commerce, Pinduoduo, as an emerging e-commerce platform, has risen rapidly with its unique social e-commerce model, attracting the attention of many brands and businesses. Among them, trademark authorization has become a key link for brands to settle in Pinduoduo flagship stores. This article will discuss whether Pinduoduo's authorized trademark can enter the flagship store, and how to obtain official authorization to provide a detailed guide for brand merchants.

1、 Can Pinduoduo's authorized trademark enter the flagship store?

1. Importance of trademark authorization

Trademark authorization is the legal basis for brands to settle on e-commerce platforms, which ensures the legitimacy of brand rights and the legitimacy of products. Pinduoduo platform strictly reviews the qualification of merchants settled in, and brands with trademark authorization are easier to pass the review.

2. Definition of flagship store

Flagship store usually refers to the official store set up by the brand on the e-commerce platform, which represents the brand image and official recognition. Pinduoduo flagship store enjoys a number of preferential policies of the platform, including traffic support, marketing activity participation, etc.

3. Settlement process

To settle in Pinduoduo flagship store, a series of processes need to be completed, including qualification review, contract signing, store decoration, and commodity listing. Brands with trademark authorization will get more convenience in the qualification review stage.

4. Platform policy

Pinduoduo has certain policy requirements for the operation of flagship stores, including but not limited to commodity quality, after-sales service, price policy, etc. The brand needs to follow these policies to maintain the good operation of the flagship store.

2、 How to handle official authorization?

Obtaining official authorization is the premise for brands to settle in Pinduoduo flagship store. The following are general steps for obtaining official authorization:

1. Trademark inquiry. Before applying for authorization, you need to query the trademark to ensure its availability and legitimacy. It can be inquired through the official website of the State Intellectual Property Office.

2. Contact trademark holders. Contact the trademark holder or its authorized agency to understand the specific conditions and process of authorization.

3. Sign the authorization contract. Sign an authorization contract with the trademark holder to clarify the scope, duration, fees and other key terms of the authorization.

4. Submit application materials. Submit relevant certification materials for trademark authorization to Pinduoduo platform, including authorization contract, trademark certificate, etc.

5. Waiting for review. Pinduoduo platform will review the submitted materials, and after the review is passed, the brand can obtain official authorization.

6. Follow up management. After being authorized, the brand needs to standardize the management of the flagship store to ensure compliance with the platform policy and maintain the brand image.

The placement of Pinduoduo's authorized trademark in the flagship store not only provides a new sales channel for the brand, but also provides consumers with more choices. Through the official authorized formal process, the brand can gain more exposure and trust on the Pinduoduo platform, and achieve a win-win situation between the brand and the platform.

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