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What is the size of Taobao shop signboard? How to set?
2024-04-06 11:14:33
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On the platform of Taobao, an e-commerce giant, store signboards, as an important part of store image display, play an important role in attracting customers' attention and improving store image. So, what should the size of Taobao shop signs be? How to set it? This article will answer these questions for you in detail.

On the platform of Taobao, an e-commerce giant, store signboards, as an important part of store image display, play an important role in attracting customers' attention and improving store image. So, what should the size of Taobao shop signs be? How to set it? This article will answer these questions for you in detail.

1、 What is the size of Taobao shop signboard?

Taobao shop signboard The size of is different in different types of stores. Generally speaking, the size of Taobao Wangpu's signboard is 120 pixels high and 950 pixels wide. For the full screen shop sign, the width is still 950 pixels, but the height can be set between 150 and 200 pixels, which can ensure the signboard is eye-catching without taking up too much page space.

For ordinary stores that are not prosperous shops, the size of signboards is more flexible. Generally speaking, the width is recommended to be within 750 pixels, and the height is recommended to be within 150 pixels. This size can ensure the display effect of the signboard on the page, and will not affect the user's browsing experience.

Of course, Taobao platform will temporarily adjust the size of the signboard according to different needs and activities. Therefore, when setting signs, it is best to check the latest regulations of Taobao to ensure that the size of signs meets the requirements of the platform.

2、 How to set?

The method of setting Taobao store signboards is relatively simple. The following are general steps:

Log in to Taobao Seller Center and enter the shop decoration page.

Find the "Shop Sign" module on the page and click the "Edit" button.

Choose the appropriate size of the signboard according to your own store type and needs. If it is Wangpu, standard size can be selected; If it is an ordinary store, you can choose the appropriate size according to your own needs.

Upload the signboard image. The pictures can be designed by yourself, or you can find appropriate pictures on the Internet to modify them. It should be noted that the size and proportion of the picture should match the size of the selected signboard to ensure the display effect.

Adjust the picture position and display effect. You can adjust the position and display effect of the picture in the signboard by dragging and zooming to make it more beautiful and attractive.

Save and publish. After setting, click Save and Publish to apply the signboard to the store.

It should be noted that the design and content of the signboard should be consistent with the overall style and positioning of the store to enhance the overall image and attractiveness of the store. At the same time, the text information in the signboard should be concise and clear, easy to be recognized and remembered by users.

In a word, the size and setting method of Taobao store signboards are crucial for the display of store image. Through reasonable size selection and careful design, a unique and attractive store signboard can be created, bringing more traffic and transformation opportunities to the store.

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