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How to increase the weight of Taobao's new products? What are the methods?
2023-12-10 20:30:17
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In addition to optimizing the product itself, sellers should also pay attention to user experience and after-sales service, so as to establish a good reputation and improve the sales effect of the product.

Taobao, as one of the largest e-commerce platforms in China, has a large number of new products on the shelves every day. However, how to make their products stand out from the crowd and increase their weight has become an important issue for sellers. This article will introduce some methods from different perspectives to help Taobao sellers improve the weight of their products.

1、 How to increase the weight of Taobao's new products?

1. Improve product information: First, sellers should accurately fill in the title, details and attributes of the product. The title should contain keywords that can accurately describe the characteristics of the product. At the same time, detailed product descriptions and attributes can provide more useful information to buyers and increase the probability of products being searched.

2. Optimize product pictures: Taobao is a vision oriented platform, and high-quality product pictures can attract users to click and buy. Sellers should choose high-definition and clear product pictures, and pay attention to the angle and light of the pictures. In addition, watermarks and labels can be added to enhance the professionalism and credibility of the product.

3. Add product evaluation: Taobao buyers' evaluation of products is crucial to improving product weight. Sellers can actively contact buyers to encourage them to give comments. At the same time, timely reply to the buyer's questions and comments is also an effective way to increase the evaluation.

4. Provide high-quality after-sales service: good after-sales service can increase users' satisfaction with products, thereby improving the evaluation and repurchase rate. Sellers can provide fast return and replacement services, professional answers to buyers' questions, etc., and increase the reputation and weight of products.

2、 What are the methods?

In addition to the above methods, there are other methods that can help sellers increase the weight of new Taobao products:

1. Participate in promotional activities: Taobao often holds various promotional activities, such as Double 11, 618, etc. Sellers can actively participate in these activities and provide preferential prices and gifts to attract more buyers' attention and purchase.

2. Cooperative promotion: sellers can cooperate with other relevant industries or well-known bloggers and online celebrities to promote. Through cooperative promotion, the exposure and popularity of the product can be increased, and then the product weight can be improved.

3. Optimize shop homepage: Taobao shop homepage is an important window for sellers to display their brand image and products. Sellers should carefully design the home page of the store, including beautiful interface, clear classification navigation and popular product recommendation, to improve the user experience and the weight of the store.

4. Regularly update products: Taobao platform has a certain tendency for freshness, and regularly updating products can increase the exposure of products in search results. The sellers can adjust the style, color, material, etc. of the products in time according to the market demand and trend changes to maintain the freshness of the products.

Through the above methods, Taobao sellers can increase the weight of their newly launched products, and improve the exposure and sales of products. Of course, in addition to optimizing the product itself, sellers should also pay attention to user experience and after-sales service, so as to establish a good reputation and improve the sales effect of the product.

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