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Where is the wish shop? Is it permanently frozen? What should I do?
2023-05-05 17:03:56
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1. Open the background of the Wish merchant and click the "Account" button on the left navigation bar.

If your shop is permanently frozen, you can confirm it through the following steps:

1. Open the background of the Wish merchant and click the "Account" button on the left navigation bar.

2. Select Account Status from the pop-up drop-down menu.

3. On the account status page, view the account status information. If "Permanently frozen" is displayed, your store has been permanently frozen.

What should I do?

If your shop is permanently frozen, you can consider the following points to deal with it:

1. Understand the reason for freezing: contact the Wish customer service to find out the specific reason for the permanent freezing of the store, so as to solve the problem pertinently.

2. Solve the problem and appeal: If your store is frozen because it violates the provisions of the Wish platform, you need to rectify the violations and submit complaint materials for appeal.

3. Ask for help: If you can't solve the problem that the store is permanently frozen by yourself, you can consider consulting a professional third-party service agency for help.

It should be noted that the Wish platform continues to maintain a zero tolerance attitude towards violations of regulations. Therefore, it is recommended that sellers should abide by the platform regulations when using the Wish platform, ensure the legitimate operation of the store, and maintain the order of the platform and the rights and interests of buyers.

How to cancel the permanent freeze of the wish shop?

If your Wish Shop is permanently frozen, it cannot be canceled in general. Because the Wish platform continues to maintain a zero tolerance attitude towards violations of regulations, seriously deal with violations, and ensure the order of the platform and the rights and interests of buyers.

If you think your shop has been wrongly frozen by the Wish platform, you can contact the Wish customer service, provide relevant evidence and complaint materials to appeal, and request to review and deal with your shop again.

The Wish platform will review and handle according to the complaint materials and relevant regulations. If the review is passed, the store can be unfrozen.

It should be noted that in the process of operating the Wish platform, it is recommended that sellers comply with the platform regulations, ensure the legitimate operation of the store, maintain the order of the platform and the rights and interests of buyers, so as to avoid such adverse consequences as violations being permanently frozen.

Recommended reading:

What are the platform types of the wish store? What is the store opening mode?

How long is the review period of the wish store? What materials need to be prepared?

Does the wish store have classification selection requirements? How to choose goods in the wish shop?

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