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Is Alibaba International Station easy to do? How to open a store and register?
2023-10-31 00:00:00
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Alibaba International Station is relatively easy to do. No platform says it is easy to do, but compared with the past or the future, it will be easier to settle in the international station in the past two years, and the dividend period is estimated to last for two years, for the following four reasons.

1、 Alibaba International Station is relatively easy to do. No platform says it is easy to do, but compared with the past or the future, it will be easier to settle in the international station in the past two years, and the dividend period is estimated to last for two years, for the following four reasons.

 Is Alibaba International Station easy to do

Opportunities: the global supply order has been restructured, the epidemic situation in developed international stations has tended to ease, and the epidemic situation in developing countries has not been controlled. China is the first country to fully resume work and become the world's largest exporter of supply after the epidemic turned better.

Opportunity 2: The industry reshuffle "leftovers" is the king. The demand of industry buyers is reallocated (similar to the financial crisis in 2008)

Opportunity 3: traditional offline acceleration transfer online. Offline channels have stopped, global enterprises have flocked to online shopping, online purchasing habits have settled and thinking has solidified, and traditional offline business will look like human beings.

Opportunity 4 : The B2B social media business model broke out. During the epidemic, the number of FB video viewers soared 10 times, driving the influx of new buyers such as B2B live streaming online economy, new social networking, short videos, live streaming online goods, and cloud exhibitions. The first platform for these new groups to purchase is Alibaba International Station!

To sum up, it is relatively easy to settle in Alibaba International Station in recent two years.

2、 How to enter Alibaba International Station:

1. International station fee:

Basic members: 29800/year; Senior members 80000/year. No margin is required. The ordinary through train with other costs starts from 10000. The most basic settlement scheme is: 29800 member fees+10000 pre charged through trains=39800.

 Alibaba International Station Fees

In addition, potential expenses: If you trade through Alibaba, you will be charged a service fee, which is called the handling fee for Sinosure transactions. The seller shall bear the credit guarantee transaction service fee, Collect 2% of the actual amount of the order, with a ceiling of USD100; If you use the Alibaba platform for optional logistics, you will be charged 1%, and the maximum is USD100.

2. Entry conditions of international station:

To open an international station, you need to have a business license (self-employed businesses and trading companies can operate without factories, and do not need the right to import and export), a corporate ID card, and a real office address (residential houses can also be used).

3. International station entry process:

① The local customer manager makes an appointment ② reviews the qualification and communicates the settlement scheme ③ The customer manager opens an account, and the customer logs in to confirm the scheme and makes payment.

Welcome to consult Huang Yucheng, the official waiter of Ali, 155 2103 9369.

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