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Where does Pinduoduo come from? What should we pay attention to when selecting the source of goods?
2020-11-03 17:32:15
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Some businesses purchase from ordinary wholesale markets, and then get Pinduoduo to sell. Then some friends will ask why it is so cheap. Because the positioning of Pinduoduo is to go through volume, group, small profits and quick turnover, the price will be relatively cheap. In addition, if the same product has different materials and the purchase price is low, then the same product will be sold cheaply.

Pinduoduo's products are very cheap, but people don't complain about fakes and quality problems twice or once. So where do these suppliers come from? Let's take a look!

 Where does Pinduoduo come from? What should we pay attention to when selecting the source of goods?

1. Ordinary wholesale market

Some businesses purchase from ordinary wholesale markets, and then get Pinduoduo to sell. Then some friends will ask why it is so cheap. Because the positioning of Pinduoduo is to go through volume, group, small profits and quick turnover, the price will be relatively cheap. In addition, if the same product has different materials and the purchase price is low, then the same product will be sold cheaply.

2. Manufacturer

The manufacturer will directly open stores on Pinduoduo. The cost of goods is low, so the price will be cheaper.

3. Final order from foreign trade

The final order of foreign trade is for foreign manufacturers, who always produce more goods, and then deal with them at cost price or loss price, so they will sell them at Pinduoduo. Because the price of the goods is relatively low, the selling price will naturally be low.

4. Own source

Some sellers produce their own goods and sell them themselves. For example, a fruit seller has an orchard at home. The cost of the goods is very low. There is no middleman, no long-distance transportation, no processing, and the goods are picked up and shipped directly. It saves a lot of steps in the middle, so the price is also very low.

These are the source channels of Pinduoduo merchants, so the selling price is very low. They are all positioned to make small profits but sell quickly, relying on volume. In fact, because the unit price of each platform's customers is different, the cost is different, the positioning is different, and the selling price is also different.

What should we pay attention to when selecting the source of goods?

If the novice chooses the source of goods, but will encounter fraud and poor quality of goods on the way, how can we avoid it?

1) Tips for fraud prevention;

Just remember that if the franchisee asks you to transfer money directly, you can basically judge that he is a liar. You can think that if you transfer money directly, you will be on the passive side. If you transfer money, you can't complain to the other party. At this time, he can't cheat. If he wants to play, he can disappear.

Then someone will surely ask, how to deal without transfer?

Generally, you can choose large enterprises and well-known platforms, and use platform payment tools to be more reliable. The chat record can be saved through the platform transaction. Even if there is a dispute in the later period, the chat record can also be used as evidence support to avoid being cheated and causing losses.

2) Commodity quality

Check the transaction reputation of merchants on the platform, as well as the manufacturer and address, whether there are policies such as return without reason for seven days. The quality of such merchants can be basically controlled.

Finally, I would like to remind all buyers to read the Pinduoduo rules carefully. Many friends have been paid large sums of money, which is not worth the loss. Keep learning and enterprising spirit at all times, keep up with changes, and adjust yourself at any time, so as to stand firm.

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