where `id`='5656' limit 1 Panjin Red Beach Sea Amazing Scenery _ Liaoning Panjin Travel Guide _ Yellow Pages of Landscape Tourism
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Panjin Red Beach Sea

Fish spitting bubbles | Published on January 31, 2007 17:00:00 | Source: reprint | Destination: Panjin
stay Panjin The plan has been reduced and reduced. The places I wanted to go to originally include Red Beach, Crane Farm and Reed Pond, all located in Shuangtaizi River Estuary Nature Reserve. Finally, I only went to Red Beach, and even wanted to give up here for a time - not because of anything else, but because there was no car. In fact, I had checked for a long time before I went out, but I still didn't feel much gratitude for the transportation and accommodation in Panjin, so I had to think about it again. It's already afternoon in Panjin. I bought a map at the station and studied it for a long time. I don't know how to take a bus to the Reserve. There are scenic spots and roads on the map, but there is no information about cars. I inquired for a long time in the station, but it seemed that those people didn't know there was a nature reserve here. The person at the service desk even asked me to take a bus to Shuangtaizi District, saying that you were going to some Shuangtaizi Nature Reserve. It must be there. Panjin City is divided into two districts, Shuangtaizi and Xinglong Shuangtaizi is in the north of Xinglongtai and in the south, while the nature reserve is located in the southernmost coastal area of Panjin, not within the urban area at all. It seems impossible to find out here. Standing outside the bus station, I thought about it and decided to stay first. Originally, I wanted to see if I could live in the Reserve. It's close to where I can go, but I don't even know how to get there. I'd better stay and inquire first. I found a hostel near the station. I still thought about the car. I left my things and went out again. I asked around the railway station and went to the bus station over there, but no one knew what bus could pass. Some people said they had been there, but they drove there by themselves, and they couldn't tell the way. It will be dark in the sky. The more I inquire, the more annoyed I am. If I can't help it, I have to charter a car, or I will find travel agency I don't want to. I asked several taxi drivers about the distance and price of each point, but even they could not tell. Several people said that the location was different, and they also said that they had never been to some places. I held the map to show them, but my interest has cooled down a little. Among other things, Red Beach is at least Panjin Travel? The focus of publicity is that basic services are so poor. In fact, sometimes it is contradictory. Come out and always hope that the place you are going to has not been "developed" and remains relatively "primitive", because according to general experience, once a place becomes widely known and "hot", it will soon become completely different. However, going to these undeveloped places, there will inevitably be a lot of inconvenience, especially in transportation. However, it is understandable that the traffic in the undeveloped areas is inconvenient. In any case, Red Beach is also the "key development point" of Panjin. After reading a lot of materials, it is said that how Panjin City will develop its tourism industry, among other things, it is better to get a car so that people can go there. After inquiring all the way, I lost my interest. The places I wanted to go to decreased one by one, and the reeds could not be swung. The crane farm is also not the season to see cranes. If I go there, I can't see anything. Forget it. Only Red Beach is left. If I don't go to Red Beach again, why did I come here. I don't have much mind to eat. Just in front of the bus station, there is a man selling roasted corn. My favorite is to buy some grapes. The elder sister selling grapes has the special enthusiasm of the northeast people, and one mouthful is "your aunt". I was very tired after a day of tossing and turning. In addition, the afternoon was not very smooth, and I was very depressed. What I fear most when I come out alone is that at night, there is always beautiful scenery in the daytime, at least there is also a busy street. At night, when facing an empty and strange room, I say I am not afraid of loneliness and deception. Send text messages to people who think and think, and they still get a few words of response. I went to bed early. The next day, I got up early and decided to go to the Red Beach in the morning, striving to leave at noon Dalian When I opened the curtains, it was raining outside. It's going to rain. I ate some steamed stuffed buns and drank a bowl of porridge on the street, and watched the rain fall more and more quickly. He stopped a taxi and negotiated a good price. The driver seemed to be OK. Although it rained, the road was in good condition, and it arrived in less than an hour. Luckily, the rain stopped when we arrived. Although it was still cloudy, I was very happy, especially after seeing the Red Beach. The ticket for the scenic spot is not expensive, 6 yuan, including Red Beach and bird watching, but 10 yuan parking fee is required for each car. The driver said that it was cheaper in the off-season, but the tickets were more expensive in the peak season. I'm surprised. Isn't this the best time to see Red Beach? He said that he would be one month later. He remembered that yesterday another driver told me that he would be two months earlier. I don't know who to trust. Originally, I wanted the car to wait outside, but when I got in, I knew that there was no need for the car. From the gate to the place where I saw the Red Beach, to the bird watching platform, I went back and forth for several kilometers. The so-called red beach refers to a kind of Suaeda salsa growing on the beach of the sea. In autumn, it turns into a very bright purplish red. The whole area looks very beautiful, like a huge red carpet spreading in front of us. But the area of Red Beach is far less than I expected. The driver said that the area used to be very large, but he has returned a lot in the past two years. I don't know whether it is related to oil and gas development. Several mining platforms can be seen nearby, and the roads that the car passes are all earth dams connecting the platforms. The driver was very good. He always took the initiative to stop and let me take pictures. He also said that he had learned photography and could take pictures for me. The only regret is that the weather has been cloudy all the time, but the beauty of Red Beach has made me very satisfied. I am in a good mood immediately, and I can sweep away yesterday's depression. Occasionally several birds can be seen flying in the distance. The driver always said something true or false beside him. At first, he didn't understand. Later, he learned that people here had put some false birds in the grass to attract real birds. I took a lot of photos. Although I know that they are all the same red after washing, I can't help but want to leave as much beauty and spectacle as possible. In addition, a photography enthusiast encouraged the shutter to press faster. I found myself fascinated by the sound of the camera shutter pressing. "Click", so clear and neat. Maybe it's the wrong season. There are no birds at the birdwatching platform. Several fake red crowned cranes stand alone on the beach. Starting from the tidal barrier, a narrow cement path was built, which went through a large area of beach and land and directly into the sea water. The path is slightly higher than the ground on both sides, so it will not be submerged even when the tide rises. The driver showed me the small holes on the beaches on both sides. He said there were crabs in the holes. If the tide came up, there would be a lot of fish. But I don't care about crabs or fish. The more I go to the sea, the stronger the wind will be. I must concentrate all my energy and strength to walk. I'm afraid I will be taken away by the wind if I don't pay attention. The weather became more cloudy, and the raindrops began to fall. The gloomy sky and the sea in front of me reminded me of the sentences in Haiyan, which really meant that the wind was howling. I have seldom seen the sea. When I think about it, the famous seascape seems to be famous for its blue sea and blue sky. I have never heard of a place where the gloomy and violent sea is the propaganda point. In fact, this kind of sea also has another kind of strength and beauty, which brings even greater shock to people. A seabird flew over the sea from afar. It flew against the wind in the sea wind when I could not stand steadily. So hard and determined to flap their wings, although slow, they are always moving forward. At that moment, I was very moved. But I don't know whether I was moved by its bravery and strength, or by its difficult fate. After all, it's just a small bird. The sea breeze was so strong that people could hardly stand at the end of the road. After a pause, they had to go back. I met several other tourists, one of whom seemed to be a local. All the way, I felt the deterioration of the environment and said that this place was no longer good. The Red Beach retreated several times, and the birds were gone. I wanted to see it Haikou The protection area opposite is better. Back to the empty yard on the tide barrier, there are some turkeys, ostriches and the like in the cages around, but there is a nest of macaques. Unfortunately, there is nothing to eat. The little monkeys are always attractive. The return trip was also very smooth, and I caught the train to Dalian at noon as planned. In the boring waiting for the train to be late, I was hungry and wanted to go out to buy something to eat. Just now I saw several stalls outside the station selling food and fruit. Pears look good, very much like the Beijing white pears in Beijing. The aunt who sells pears is very enthusiastic. She handed me a bag for me to choose - a black opaque plastic bag that is usually used to hold garbage. How can I use this to sell pears? Only four pears were selected, but one said it was more than two kilograms. I said it was impossible. How could my four little pears be so heavy? The aunt who sold pears quickly said that she had added several more to me. I insisted on only four pears. At the same time, I was a little confused, but she didn't take them. Take off a few and weigh them again. I paid the money without any hesitation. My aunt took the bag off the scale and quickly tied a knot and handed it to me. At this time, I already knew what was going on. I took the bag and opened it in front of her. As expected, I didn't pick the rotten pears in it at all. I put the bag in front of her and said that it was not the pear I picked. At the same time, I looked at several bags under her scale. It seemed that there was something inside. I judged the position of the bag, reached for one, opened it and found that my four pears were lying well inside. She is still pretending to be silly, saying that it is not your pear or something. I was too lazy to listen to her, so I left for Pear. Aunt, you are picking the wrong person today by playing such a trick with me. More people come out, more people are cheated, and they have some experience. The old lady seems to have just started to play this kind of trick, and her skills are still unfamiliar, far inferior to those slick old cheats. She sighed in her heart. It was just a few pears. Maybe her family was really poor. One or two yuan was very important for her, but this way of obtaining was even more despised than direct begging. And I remember Jinzhou When I went to the bus station to take a bus, I was stopped by the elder brother who worked at the door before I entered. After earnestly asking my destination, I sincerely said that there was no bus from this station to that direction, and he could take me to another station. After I insisted on entering the station, I left on the bus to Panjin ten minutes later. In my mind, the Northeast people used to be enthusiastic and "honest", but what I met along the way was more than one warm mouth after another. The meaningful smiling faces made people always be vigilant. Of course, these people do not represent all of the Northeast people, and they are almost everywhere. Maybe their overly enthusiastic appearance is too strong in contrast to their real purpose, leaving a deeper impression.
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