where `id`='28954' limit 1 One trip to Wutai Mountain in Datong _ Introduction to Travel Notes in Datong, Shanxi _ Yellow Pages of Landscape Tourism
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Visit Wutai Mountain in Datong

Xinzhou Wutaishan Qingchun Travel Agency Co., Ltd |Published on March 6, 2012 at 10:25:00 | Source: reprint | Destination: da tong
People say Shanxi Good place. However, this trip to Shanxi in 1996 did not impress me at least. from da tong reach Wutai Mountain It took ten hours to walk between loess and wasteland. Maybe it's because of the season. We didn't see any crops and good fields, but only learned the pitted roads, which are called the trunk roads for coal transportation. In spring, the road surface with mud boiling and the overloaded coal hauling truck trapped in it blocked the long-distance bus we took for more than two hours on the barren mountain. On the loess slope, where there is no village in front of me and no shop in the back, spring cold and hunger afflicted my two classmates and I. The road is not smooth, which is a portrayal of poverty. I was deeply impressed by the poverty and backwardness of Shanxi. Although the place is poor, the people are all good. The long-distance bus drivers are high level, bold, careful, and responsible. They just drove the car from the river beach over the traffic jam, so that we wouldn't spend the night on the barren hills. There was a bald boy on the bus. Although he was just a passenger, he was very enthusiastic. He worked hard to dredge and shovel the earth to build the road. The bus was moving in the river beach and sometimes got stuck. The whole bus of men, women, old and young got off and pushed together. It was also very moving.

Datong people call Datong "Bandit City". We didn't meet any bandits, just felt dirty and messy. There were no small restaurants on the busy street, only small stalls and large hotels. As a result, we had to eat pancakes and fruit jelly. There is also a square in the center of Datong, with a strange sculpture in the middle. The department store on one side of the square is like the Great Hall of the People The post office on the other side is like military museum , just two laps short. the nine dragon wall Surrounded in a yard, on the side of the street, standing at the tiny door without buying a ticket, you can't see a dragon.

If you don't see the Yungang Grottoes in Datong, you will see nothing. The grottoes are far away from the city, surrounded by loess hills where rain and grass do not grow, but they are not desolate enough. The secular chaos and pollution surround the exquisite cultural relics. If the coal mines, railways and towns under the grottoes are taken away from the opposite side, and the surrounding area is absolutely desolate, I think it will be enough atmosphere.

The ticket cost 30 yuan. After hesitating, I bought it. Later I thought it was still worth it.

The beauty of the grotto statues and an inexpressible internal force shocked me, making me feel surprised, moved and controlled. I must have done something wrong that made me dare not look into the eyes of the Buddha. I began to believe in the power of religion. Whether it is superstition or not, maybe what we call science can't explain is superstition. Those Buddha statues are really amazing. In the huge cave, there is a sitting Buddha more than 30 meters high. The wall of the cave is full of arhats, large and small. The small Buddha statues, Bodhisattvas, and people in it, I just feel countless eyes staring at me. Under the dim light, I seem to see the infinite universe behind the sitting Buddha, and I seem to hear a chanting voice. Here, a little evil idea in anyone's heart will bring him endless fear. Can the law do it? Can science do it? I don't know how people have learned a little bit from this unknown time and space for thousands of years. Just showing it on the stone statue is enough to control people's hearts. It is too small to think about the billions of people who are crazy on the small earth.

However, above Buddha's head is the city wall for fighting. The top of the grottoes is the Great Wall -- Yungang Castle.

In Datong, we stayed at the home of our classmate Zhang Tianqiang, saving a lot of money and trouble. He lives in a locomotive factory. His parents are simple and enthusiastic. His second sister is a beautiful girl.

Wutai Mountain is a good place, but unfortunately we went at a bad time. On May Day, Beijing It is already full of flowers, but here the snow has just melted, and the cold is pressing. The grassland on the plateau is just scorched and yellow. Mount Wutai is magnificent, with obvious vertical distribution of vegetation. From Shahe (Fanshi) to Taihuai Town, the car had to climb a high road from Beitai to Dongtai, so we walked along the road and appreciated the shape of the mountain. The crossing into the mountain is under construction, and the car has been circling for a long time. I lift it to see that the road is circling on the remote mountain top, and the car is crawling like a bug.

The plants in the low mountains are mainly shrubs and a few trees, which are seriously damaged by human beings. About one thousand meters away, there are a lot of pine trees growing here. It's very beautiful. It's the first time I've seen a real forest, so I'm very excited. The car is circling along the road up the river valley. There are dense pine forests on the side of the road. The river valley is still an ice river, like a silver belt passing through the green, appearing and disappearing. The scenery is so beautiful that I suspect it is in Norway, Canada and China.

Near the top of the mountain, there was a very clear and straight boundary. Below was the forest, and above was the meadow. But the glacier seems to have reached the source, so only a gray belt of road is scattered on the scorched grass. The road is very dangerous. The steep slope turns sharply. If you are not careful, the car will roll out of the road. It will roll hundreds of times on the wide and steep slope and disappear in the valley. Fortunately, our long-distance bus drivers are good.

Taihuai Town is surrounded by mountains, and the surrounding scenery is very good. However, people in the town have poor awareness of environmental protection, so that the pollution caused by tourism is very heavy. We were dragged to a small hotel built by a farmer's family. The price of 10 yuan per day was OK. There are many small restaurants in the town, which are relatively affordable. Maybe it is because of the off-season tourism.

Monk temples and towns are mixed together, so there are monks, nuns and everything on the street.

What impressed me most was climbing the middle platform that day. Zhongtai is one of the five, the second highest peak here, more than 2800 meters higher than Lingshan Mountain, the highest peak in Beijing, and the Five Mountains. That "summit" was really an adventure for our three person trip to Wutai.

We walked on and on, climbing from mountain to mountain, and the three of us imagined that the top of the mountain would be like Mount Tai, where there would be a market, a temple, and food, so we didn't take much with us. On the way, we gradually ran out of apples, sugar and peanuts. Finally, we ran out of water, and there were higher mountains ahead. After turning up, the middle stage saw it, but the strength was exhausted. The top of the platform is wide, flat but cold. Beside the massive snow, there are mossy boulders and many strange thorny shrubs. The weather on the high mountains is very different. When I came out in the morning, the sky was cloudless. At this time, the top of the mountain was like a cloudy day. Looking at the fog at the foot of the mountain, the surrounding mountains were continuous. The sunlight is more dazzling, bright and purple, with several rings of halo.

Maybe it is because of the thin air. When we finally sprint to the top of the platform, we have to take a rest every 100 meters. So even though it is right in front of us, it seems that we can't get there. The peak is not like the temple and restaurant shops where incense is very popular as we imagined. There are only a few dilapidated houses, two monks and five laymen. Here is a weather station. A kind-hearted elder sister in the station asked us to come in and have a fire. She also invited us to drink tea. It was the perennial melting snow water on the top of Wutai Mountain, which was boiled to make tea. It tasted very astringent. According to the elder sister, the roads here are closed by snow for nine months of the year. There is no water and food. Sometimes it's hard to eat only noodles and potatoes.

Standing under the anemometer at the weather station, I wondered why we came here without invitation or guide. Why didn't others want to come up? Maybe it's curiosity, it's the desire to conquer. When I think about it now, I dare not say what I conquered, especially for the mysterious nature. Human beings should not say anything about conquering nature, because human beings are a part of nature. When I achieve something, I can only say that I defeated myself again. Yes, it is this spirit of self breakthrough that drives our three Beijing college students to climb this mountain.

The wind speed wheel on the head turns faster and faster, and the weather on the mountain changes constantly. We can't stay any longer. Take the pot full of bitter water and go down the mountain. This circuit seems to be much easier to walk, but it is just a mistake to enter a "thorny field", and the legs and feet are hurt. It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived in Taihuai Town, so I naturally had to eat and drink a lot and then go shopping again. Local specialties and small handicrafts are very cheap, and the sellers are also very good at bargaining, so they took a lot of things back, and it only cost more than 20 yuan. Back at the hotel, the landlady was surprised when she heard that we were going to climb the Zhongtai. She said she was afraid that we would climb the Beitai. She said that it would be more than 100 miles back and forth, and that it would freeze if we didn't come back at night

On the morning when I came out of Wutai Mountain, there were clouds in the sky. When the car passed Dongtai, it climbed to a very high place. The clouds were outside the car window and in the valley. We are above the clouds. The sun is very bright. While the top of Dongtai was shrouded in clouds, and the scenery was so magnificent that I hurried out of the car and left a picture.

Fanshi County at the foot of Wutai Mountain is a small and messy county town, which is very dirty. There is no toilet at the station, so it is inconvenient to wait for the train. You have to go to the coal pile opposite the railway... It is the tourists from Wutai Mountain who have brought a little prosperity to this small county.

Taking the train back to Beijing from Wutai Mountain is a slow train. I got on at 1 o'clock at noon and arrived at 9:30 p.m. The car was dirty but there were few people. There was a section of our car with less than ten people. When the train passed by Laiyuan, I saw the Great Wall, crossing between mountains and gray clouds, just like a misty ink landscape. The train passed Yesanpo and Shidu, and the tired tourists filled the carriages. They all talked about how duped their trip was. By contrast, our trip to Shanxi was much more fulfilling and interesting.

I have always believed that scenery only exists in people's consciousness. No matter whether someone develops and promotes it or not, maybe a very ordinary thing on the journey is a unique scenery in my opinion. Tourism is the communication between people and culture, between people and nature, and between people and their feelings. If it is wrapped up in complicated entertainment activities and money exchanges, it will lose its significance. So I usually don't get along with others. I even like to travel alone.
Recommended tourist routes
One day tour of Mount Wutai sixty

From yuan

One day trip to Wutai Mountain three hundred and eighty

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One day tour of Wutai Mountain (self driving) ninety

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One day boutique tour of Mount Wutai/quotation of Mount Wutai/tourist routes of Mount Wutai zero

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Quotation of Wutai Mountain on May Day/Bus fare to Wutai Mountain/Ticket reservation of Wutai Mountain scenic spot zero

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The best two-day tour of praying and sightseeing in Wutai Mountain/Wutai Mountain tour/Wutai Mountain route zero

From yuan

Wutai Mountain Prayer One night Two day Tour/Wutai Mountain Route/Wutai Mountain Hotel Reservation four hundred and eighty

From yuan

Classic Scenery Day Tour of Wuye Temple - Bodhisattva Top, Wenshu Temple, Mount Wutai one thousand and two hundred

From yuan

A classic one-day chartered car tour to the former residence of Yan Xishan, Wuye Temple, Foguang Temple, Mount Wutai one thousand and five hundred

From yuan

Two night three day tour of Wutai Mountain (Dachaotai) three hundred and fifty

From yuan

Hotel reservation recommendation
Wutai Mountain Xintai Hotel one hundred and eighty

From yuan

Wutaishan Civil Affairs Hotel two hundred and eighty

From yuan

Wutaishan Yunfeng Hotel four hundred and eighty

From yuan

Wutai Mountain Xinhai VIP Building one hundred and eighty

From yuan

Wutai Mountain Ruyi VIP Building two hundred and sixty

From yuan

Recommended tourist attractions
Entrance fee of Wutai Mountain two hundred and eighteen

From yuan

Bodhisattva Top ten

From yuan

Pingyao Ancient City one hundred and twenty

From yuan

Ta Yuan Temple zero

From yuan

Puhua Temple zero

From yuan