where `id`='2093847' limit 1 Inventory: the world's seven most dangerous highways _ travel notes of Huixian City, Xinxiang, Henan Province _ landscape tourism yellow pages
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Inventory: 7 most dangerous roads in the world

Shaanxi Overseas Tourism Co., Ltd. Xi'an Weiyang Road South Section Sales Department |Published on October 13, 2015 at 14:23:45 | Source: Shaanxi Overseas | Destination: Xinxiang

According to the BBC report on September 29, when talking about travel experience highway It is often a more attractive choice. In order to explore new ways and find some travel routes worth showing off, we conducted a questionnaire survey on Quora Q&A website: "What are the most interesting roads in the world?"

Some readers introduced us to the route through the world's coldest region, or a tunnel only 4 meters wide. Others went to extremes and recommended us some fascinating but dangerous road routes. Most of the time, these roads are inaccessible because of the exciting cliffs, unpredictable debris flow disasters and muddy dirt roads along the way.

Madagascar National Highway 5

National Highway No. 5 is a north-south road, which runs through two small towns on the east coast of African countries: Maroantsetra and Soanierana Ivongo. WAU travel agency )"You need to hire a driver and a mechanic," said Anders Elma, the chief technology officer of. He added that if you are "tired of the concrete road", this road (which he called "the worst road in the world") will completely subvert your travel experience.

When passing the intersection, the driver must get off to check whether there is sand, solid rock, or even a broken bridge, so it takes about 24 hours to drive a 200 km highway. During the rainy season (from December to March of the next year), the road will become extremely dangerous. Because of the lack of asphalt or concrete subgrade, many sections cannot pass at all.

Is there no benefit? Most sections of National Highway 5 go around the white beach coastline, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of palm forest and the Indian Ocean along the way.

India Luotang Pass

The literal meaning of Luotang is "pile of dead people", which originates from Himalaya Shandong The deadly mudslides in the Ministry of Finance often result in the burial of roads up to 4000 meters long. Not to mention the unpredictable weather conditions in this area, including snowstorms and sudden avalanches.

Witold Chrab, an engineer in Washington, D.C., who once drove a motorcycle through the pass in 2011, said, "Every season, the road team needs to use GPS positioning to find the road, and then dig it out again." Once the road is cleared, even though heavy snow will block the road at any time, from May to November every year, The gateway will still be open to the outside world. In 2010, 300 passengers were trapped here. In order to have a safe passage, people built an 8 km long tunnel under the gate. However, the old route that originally connected the three valleys of Kulu, Lahua and Spiti in northern India, with its rugged mountains, continuous valleys and even one or two goats in the way, is more fascinating to tourists.

Transf ă g ă r ă an highway in Romania

There is a road that is well-known to car enthusiasts all over the world. Its 90 km S-shaped curve and long-distance downhill were rated as the "World's Best Road" by the BBC's "Crazy Car Show". Although it has a long reputation, few drivers know that it is the second highest road in Romania. In 1970, Romania built this military line to resist foreign aggression. The road connects three mountains, namely, the Carpathians, Moldoveanu and Negoiu, with an altitude of 2034 meters.

Razvan Baba, a Romanian native, said: "If you like to change gears every two or three seconds, this will also be a very interesting place." Maybe it is more than interesting? Baba said that although the S-shaped curve makes it difficult for people to move forward quickly, no one wants to follow the 40 km/h speed limit.

Aier Highway in Australia

Police officer Carl Logan from Perth warned that at first glance, this 684 mile long road in southern Australia may be "plain", but in fact, it is full of adventure and excitement - especially those animals that come unexpectedly. "You will see kangaroos, emus and sometimes even camels," he said. These wild animals also make this route more dangerous. Animals who have no fixed place and run around may hit an oncoming car heavily.

When driving on the highway between Northman and Ceduna, dawn or dusk is the most dangerous time. The animals go out early and come back late, thinking of passing through this road. However, those "warriors" who are willing to drive by at nightfall will also be rewarded. Logan said, "In the desolate wilderness, the best scenery you can see is the sky full of stars."

Nepal Pritvi Highway

When driving 174 kilometers from Kathmandu to Pokhara, you will pass Annapurna Peak (the tenth highest peak in the world) and its reserve (below). If you want to enjoy the wonderful scenery on this road, you may have to spend some money. Janet M Foley, a driver driving on the road from Las Vegas, said: "In addition to the beautiful scenery of the Himalayas, you can also see some vehicles are stuck in the river valley." Along the Pritvay Highway, you can also see some of the most important religious sites in the country, including the Holy Manakamana Temple.   

Foley said that a one-way "ride" was good - but she decided to fly back to Kathmandu, and she didn't want to try her luck again.

Siberian Kolima Highway

Locals call "Kelima Highway" or M56 Highway "Trassa" - meaning "The Route", because this is the only main road in the cold and desolate area of eastern Siberia.

This road is also nicknamed "Bones Road", which is about its tragic history: from the 1930s to the 1950s, when Stalin was in power, some prisoners were exiled here, and this road was built by thousands of political prisoners.. Thousands of prisoners were shot because they didn't work hard enough, and some died in the harsh environment of the concentration camp. The cold climate is also one of the main culprits causing people's death. Kolima is the coldest residential area in the world, and the temperature can be as low as minus 70 degrees Celsius. Many bodies were directly buried under the roadbed of the road.

Later, the road was in disrepair for a long time. In 2004, actor Ewan McGregor and TV host Charlie Boorman started their motorcycle adventure here in order to shoot the TV program "Long Way Round". In 2008, Kelima Highway was designated as the federal highway, attracting a group of crazy adventurers, cold challengers and motorcycle enthusiasts. Global traveler Filipp Peresadilo said that today, the 2031km long road is still the "coldest road in the world", and even in July and August, there will be heavy snow. This is still the most desolate area. Few travelers have heard of the world's most icy road or the tragic history behind it.

China Guoliang Tunnel

Guoliang Village is a small village built on the cliff top, located in the Taihang Mountains in eastern China. For decades, to reach this village, one has to climb on foot. Because the government refused to build roads, it was inconvenient for Guoliang Village to travel, so the villagers decided to do it themselves. From 1972 to 1977, villagers used explosives and shovels to dig a 1.2 km long tunnel, and some people died as a result.

It was dangerous to dig this tunnel in those days, but now it is not easy to drive through. The narrowest place on the cliff end is only 4 meters wide, and the road is extremely slippery after the rain, so it is dangerous to drive through the Guoliang Tunnel. There are 30 "window" like openings left on the stone wall of the tunnel. One glance at the valley under the cliff can not help but take a breath. "If you want to challenge the highway limit, go to China!" said Louis Xiao, a contributor from Quora. com. "Never look down!"

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