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Product No.: 57526

Nanning Huahua World

Landscape price: ¥50 Market price: ¥100 element Starting price description
Scenic spot level: AAAA
Scenic spot classification: Introduction to Nanning Tourist Attractions
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Team price
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June July August
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Number of visitors:
adult Children

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  • Last updated: 2015-02-12
Domestic tourism teams, tourism activities, business overseas customization teams, official investigation groups. Hotline: 4008-630-666

Introduction to Scenic Spots

animal Happy Valley  
Animal Happy Valley covers an area of about 140 mu and is divided into several animal stocking areas, such as black bear area, zebra area and herbivore area.  
1. Black bear Nanning Huahua World The black bear breeding area of is the largest breeding and breeding center for black bears in southwest and south China. There are more than 130 black bears now, which is one of the largest black bear populations in traditional captive zoos in China. Black bears are good at climbing and can go up to very high trees to get fruit and honey. Black bears are sensitive in smell and hearing, but poor in vision, so they are called "black blind". Black bear is an omnivore. Fruit, buds, invertebrates and small vertebrates are its favorite food. The life span of the black bear is about 30 years, and it is a second-class protected animal in China. Visitors can also feed black bears here.  

2. Zebra Zebra is a special animal of the African continent, mainly produced in southern and eastern Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Kenya. The appearance of zebras is similar to that of ordinary horses. They are close relatives of horses. All kinds of zebras have dark stripes all over their lighter bodies. These smooth stripes look like an abstract painting. Under the sunlight, they look colorful and dazzling. These stripes are protective colors derived to adapt to the living environment. Because under the sunlight or moonlight, the reflected light is different and plays a role in blurring or dispersing the zebra's body contour. From a distance, it is difficult to distinguish it from the surrounding environment. The zebra breeding center in Animal Happy Valley is the second largest zebra breeding center in the country. There are 10 zebras now, which is an excellent breed that we have imported from the United States with heavy money.  
3. The pigeon in the square is a symbol of peace, friendship and holiness. The logo of the International Year of Peace is the design of releasing a pigeon with ears of rice coiled around your hands, which symbolizes peace, friendship and grain yield. There are thousands of pigeons on the squares of many famous cities in the world. So far, there is a statue of a woman standing in Brussels, Belgium. She wears the traditional costume of ancient Greece, opens her hands and holds a pigeon and flowers to welcome tourists, so that people can remember the misfortune of war, cherish peace and love life. When you stand among a group of white pigeons and touch this pure little life with your fingers, you will be deeply moved and hope. In addition, there are also sika deer, camels, Debao ponies, peacocks and other animals in Animal Happy Valley.  
Huahua Supermarket
Huahua Supermarket was started in March 2005 and took shape in September 2005. With a total investment of 2.5 million yuan and an area of 12000 square meters, it is the largest combined greenhouse in the whole district with complete facilities, advanced equipment and high production technology. The annual production can reach 500000 pots and more than 100 varieties, integrating flower production and marketing, science popularization and sightseeing Travel? In one. It mainly produces shade flowers such as Orchidaceae, Araceae, Gingeraceae, pineapple, ferns and various drought resistant desert plants. Here, you can buy various shade plants you like at the cheapest price in the area. Shade plants are not only shade tolerant, long viewing time, and convenient for maintenance, but also can absorb harmful gases in the room, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, chlorine, etc., such as the tiger tail orchid, hanging orchid, etc., with obvious air purification effect. If you are decorating your new house, you might as well come in and have a look to add a natural "air purifier" to your new home. There are many small and lovely potted plants in Huahua Supermarket. You can choose one to put on the desk, which can not only stimulate inspiration, stimulate spirit, activate thinking, but also alleviate eye fatigue to a certain extent.  
Baojin Garden
Baojin flower, also known as rhododendron and triangle plum, is an evergreen woody vine of Miraceae. The stem and branch have thorns. The colorful Baojin flower petals we usually see are not real flowers, but the bracts that make up a triangle. Therefore, Baojin flower is also called leaf flower. The color of the bracts varies according to different varieties, including red, brick red, purple, orange red, pink or pink and white mosaic. There are also two different flower types, single and double. The flowering period of Baojin flower is very long, and it will blossom all the year round.  
Baojin Garden is Nanning Huahua Big world A key scenic spot in the construction of the first phase of the garden industry demonstration park. Baojin Garden covers an area of 58. 14 mu, the largest Baojin flower garden in Nanning. It is close to the mountain and beside the river. The plants are scattered at different heights, and various patterns of Baojin flowers are interspersed in it. Banyan trees for gardens, rubber banyan trees with flowers and leaves phoenix Trees and other trees form the upper layer of trees. The middle and lower layers of space are enriched with golden banyan, southwest Wenshu orchid, Huangsu plum, flowering and leafy ginger, and ground gold. In combination with other plants, Baojin Garden has beautiful scenery all the year round, and is a good place to rest and visit. When you come to Baojin Garden, you can wander in the world of flowers and feel the fragrance of flowers. The long corridor flower racks, garden science popularization facilities, sketches and landscape greening in the park will make visitors linger.  
Gurong Welcome Area
The ancient banyan welcoming area represents the heart of Nanning Huahua World to welcome tourists from all over the world. There are 163 towering ancient banyan trees standing proudly and majestically. If we walk under its shade, the huge crown is like a huge natural canopy, which blocks the sun and the world's noise. The ancient banyan area is full of quiet and quiet atmosphere with other ground cover plants under the trees. When you come here, you can relax your body and feel the simplicity and tranquility of nature with your heart.  
Plant Science Popularization Corridor
The earth we live on is a beautiful and interesting world. On this magical earth, there are about 500000 kinds of plants, most of which are closely related to our clothing, food, shelter and transportation, and have become an indispensable part of our life. The world of plants seems to be silent, but in fact it is complicated and interesting. Do you want to know the origin and classification of plants? Do you want to know the Guinness Book of Plants? Take a walk in the plant science popularization corridor with national characteristics in Nanning Flower World, stop here for a rest, listen to the birds chirping and insects chirping, enjoy the green of the garden, relax, taste the tranquility and leisure, and the answer is right in front of you. In the 200 meter plant science corridor, you can not only learn about plants, but also learn about China's top ten famous flowers and national flowers of various countries.  
Stand alone
"Single tree into forest" is located on the turntable of the main road of Nanning Huahua World Park. Why is it called "one tree makes a forest"? Because it is a peculiar and most eye-catching growth mode of banyan, its uniqueness lies in that there are many aerial roots on its branches, which can fully absorb water and nutrients in the air. They are like fine ribbons hanging in the air, dancing with the wind, once touching the ground, they will not hesitate to plunge into the soil and quickly generate new roots, Aerial roots of different sizes are vertical and down, pierce into the soil, hang up and connect down, forming clusters of supporting roots connected by the roots, and gradually grow into new trunks, so that the crown can be developed, and it can be recovered around, creating a unique forest landscape of one tree with multiple trunks. When you enter Nanning Huahua World and see the unique aerial roots of the forest, you will be amazed.  
Cycad Garden
Covering an area of 45 mu, the Cycad Garden is a gymnosperm garden that gives consideration to both production and appreciation Fujian Cycads are the main cultivated varieties, and they are also planted in Debao Cycads, American Cycads and Vietnamese Castor's Teeth Cycads. Cycas is an ancient plant group. It once dominated the earth with dinosaurs, and was praised as "living fossil of plants" by geologists. Generally, cycads are resistant to high temperature but not low temperature, and their trunks grow very slowly with a long life span. Some plants can live to more than 1000 years old. Cycas cycas seeds are brightly colored, commonly known as "chicken tail eggs". Chinese people believe that cycads can ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts. They regard the flowering of cycads as a sign of good luck and happiness. Cycads are dioecious plants with different flower shapes. The flowering period is from June to August. The male cone is long and oval, standing in the green leaves. The yellow brown flower ball contains high vitality, exudes tiger vitality, and is proud and solemn; Female bulbs are oblate, light yellow, close to the top of the stem, like a quiet virgin, fresh and natural.  
Landscape garden
In the landscape garden, a group of unique banyan trees shaped by the aerial roots of banyan trees are intensively displayed. Aerial roots grow on the trunks of banyan trees and can fully absorb water and nutrients in the air. Once they touch the land, they will plunge into the soil and quickly generate new roots. Aerial roots of different sizes are vertical, hanging from top to bottom, forming clusters of supporting roots connected by roots, and gradually growing into new trunks. As time passes, this strange landscape is formed. Each banyan has a different posture, just like a natural giant banyan bonsai, which makes people have to admire the uncanny workmanship of nature.  
huashan Huahu  
Huashan is located in the center of the main road of Nanning Huahua World Park, adjacent to the steep Shengli Mountain, where large flowering trees such as kapok and erythrina are planted. Until March to April every year, red flowers are reflected in green trees, so beautiful and moving. The Flower Lake is located at the foot of the Flower Mountain, and plants such as triangle plum, yellow locust and phoenix wood are planted on the edge. Different colors and florescence make the Flower Lake so bright and attractive all the year round. In the reflection of the Shengli Mountain scenery, naughty birds flick across the lake from time to time, appearing little ripples, just like a beautiful natural landscape painting, displayed in front of tourists from all directions.  
Huashan Square
Huashan Square is located at the foot of the beautiful and straight Huashan Mountain, surrounded by green trees and beautiful environment. Huashan Square, which can accommodate about 2000 people at the same time, is an ideal place for holding large-scale activities, singing and dancing performances, etc. The "Green City Song Platform" and other activities of the 2006 Nanning International Folk Song Festival were held here.  
Yelin Avenue
Yelin Avenue is the main road in Nanning Huahua World Park. The road is straight and wide. The coconut trees planted on both sides of the road are tall and straight. The spear like broad leaves stretch around, like a huge green umbrella and a neat support team, welcoming tourists from all directions. In the windy evening, walking on the Yelin Avenue, you can see the coconut trees swaying in the sunset, waving in the wind, and hear the slight sound of the coconut leaves swinging. Close your eyes and feel the cool breeze, as if you are on the tropical beach in the evening, and have a special flavor.  
Palm Garden
In Nanning Huahua World Palm Garden, palm plants commonly seen in landscaping are intensively planted. The palm garden covers an area of 50 mu. At present, the varieties planted are king coconut, triangular coconut, palm bamboo and sunflower. One of the characteristics of palm plants is that the stem is not branched, and the leaves are also very distinctive. They are mostly concentrated on the top of the trunk, forming special pinnate or palmate leaves. Palmae plants are dominant species in subtropical regions. With their beautiful shape, tenacious vitality and ease of maintenance, they are planted and widely used in many international famous tourist cities. The palm plants are evergreen all the year round, with tall and straight trunks. They are planted in a centralized arrangement, like an honor guard ready to go. The main effect is obvious. It can create a very distinctive tropical style. The unique transparent canopy structure makes the palm plants have strong wind resistance and light transmittance, which can meet the requirements of the lower plants for light, and is the best partner of the lawn, It is also a romantic place for lovers to date.  
Peach Garden
About 80 mu of peach flowers are planted in the peach garden. Every year in March and April is the season when peach blossoms are in full bloom. Hundreds of peach trees with gorgeous colors and different flower patterns look like red clouds from afar, which is really beautiful. In the warm spring, you can come to see the peach blossoms in the Peach Blossom Garden of Huahua World. Maybe you will get lucky!  
Tanwang Reservoir
Tanwang Reservoir is a medium-sized man-made reservoir with a wide and quiet water surface. The surrounding green mountains are as green as daisy, and the mountains are green, reflecting on the water surface together with the blue sky. There is a long corridor for tourists to rest beside the lake. Sitting in the corridor, you will feel the gentle breeze blowing from the water from time to time, and you will get physical and mental relaxation.

Pictures of scenic spots

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Traffic conditions

Nanning Anji Passenger Station is 16 kilometers away from the scenic spot. It is recommended that Anji Station to Huahua World shuttle bus. Anji Station to Huahua World shuttle bus 1. There are shuttle buses to the scenic spot at Anji Bus Station, and they leave at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00 and 16:00 every day

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CITS (Guangxi) International Travel Agency
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National hotline: 4008-630-666
Office telephone: 0771 -- 2222888
24 hours: 13878851555

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