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 Lijiang Bay


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Product No.: 25255

Lijiang Bay

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Scenic spot level: AAAAA
Scenic spot classification: Surrounding scenic spots
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  • Last updated: 04-25
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Introduction to Scenic Spots

Litchi Jiangwan There are "water, mountains and mountains, Guilin It has the reputation of "The First Bay of Mountains and Rivers" and "Nine Villages in the Cave". In Lijiang Bay, you can explore the oldest (the earliest Lipu people) Yongsuli people's living sites. Many natural mountain murals were found in the scenic spot by boat: fairy coming down to earth murals, dragon murals, nude female murals. The murals are natural, lifelike, vivid and rare in the world. Many journalists have gone to Lijiang Bay to interview and certify, and have successively visited China News Network, Guilin Evening News Guangxi It has been reported by Satellite TV and can be called a wonder of the world. Lijiang Bay Scenic Area is located in Qingshan Town, Lipu County, Guilin, 60 kilometers away from Yangshuo. It is the only way to Fengyuyan. Lijiang Bay Scenic Spot is a large scenic spot planned and constructed according to the national AAAA standard, with a total investment of 25 million yuan. The scenic spot is divided into six sightseeing areas, with nine sightseeing projects, which are distributed within a radius of 30 square kilometers. The charm of the scenic spot is endless: mural charm ---- natural mountain mural wonder: fairy descending to earth picture. A natural mountain mural that can be called a wonder of the world was found in the scenic spot. Shek Pik The human body portrait in is natural, the picture proportion is harmonious, vivid, and perfect. The mural is about 100 meters high and 40 meters wide, which is a wonder in the world! After the mural was found, many journalists from the news media came to interview and certify it. China Xinhua, Guilin Evening News and Guangxi Satellite TV have reported it in detail, which is a precious natural and cultural heritage. Tiangong Rock is a special geological structure where fault rock splits horizontally to form a huge span of rock top. The rock top is flat and spectacular! The rock cave is connected with the underground river and is formed by the scouring of the underground river. The water pools and lakes in the cave are scattered all over the place, and the reflection is brilliant. It is wonderful! Layers of lakes are well arranged, like nine layers of heaven! The scenery is extremely beautiful! There is an underground river flowing through the rock in the cave. The huge waterfall formed at the drop is 10 meters high and 20 meters wide, forming a rare cave waterfall spectacle! The Chinese Dragon Boat Race --- condenses 5000 years of Chinese history and culture, and can be called a unique event in China. Experience the passion of dragon boat rowing! Lijiangwan is the only one in China that integrates dragon boat racing Travel? Scenic spots. There has been a saying in China since ancient times that "dragon boat rowing is a hero!". Going to Lijiang Bay will give you a chance to be a real hero! Osprey performance - There is a rare Osprey performance in Lijiang Bay, which is really close to real life! Osprey is extraordinary and magical, which makes people marvel, and the applause is thunderous! "Evening View of Qingshan Mountain" is one of the eight famous ancient scenic spots in Lipu County. The mountains on both sides of Lijiang Bay are different, and the mountains and waters reflect each other, picturesque, beautiful and charming! It gathers more than ten peaks of wonders, of which five are the most spectacular! They are: Red Horse White Horse Mountain Wuzhi Mountain , Eagle Mountain, Elephant Mountain and Dragon's Head Mountain. It can be said that it gathers the spirit of heaven and earth, and the essence of landscape. When the sun sets, the scenery here is infinite, and there are many mysterious ancient legends. There are many photographers whose works with this background have won many awards in the nationally famous photography exhibitions. Ecological agricultural tourism - Longhang. Guests walking on the green stone road covered with fruits and melons in all seasons can not only appreciate the rural customs of ploughing in the morning and returning in the evening, but also participate in the traditional farming of Yongsuli people and walk along the unique Lijiang River Wind rain bridge Shuiyue Nunnery Site - Lingzhi Fairy Pavilion is said to be a temple built by Yongsuli people to worship Lingzhi. According to the records in the Annals of Lipu County, Shuiyue Nunnery was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong, because the fairy pavilion was built under the cliff of the green mountain Harrier Mountain. It was named after "the moon rises on the top of the mountain, and there are pools of water". The temple site has towering ancient trees and well preserved ancient buildings.
National toll free hotline: 0773-2678730
National individual passenger direct line mobile phones: thirteen billion four hundred and fifty-seven million three hundred and thirty-nine thousand two hundred and thirty-three
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Guilin Kanghui International Travel Agency Tourism Business Department
Service hotline
Kanghui Xiaohong 13457339233
Kanghui Doudou 13607730151
Tourism hotline: 0773-2678730

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