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 Shijiazhuang Jiuhua Mountain Tourism Four day Train Tour from Shijiazhuang to Anhui Jiuhua Mountain

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Product No.: 839621

Shijiazhuang Jiuhua Mountain Tourism Four day Train Tour from Shijiazhuang to Anhui Jiuhua Mountain

Landscape price: ¥950 Market price: ¥980 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
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Package type:
Daily hair regiment
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Instructions for participation
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  • Last updated: 2019-07-21
Jiuhua Mountain, located in the southeast of Chizhou City, Anhui Province, is one of the "four famous mountains of Buddhism in China". It is the ashram of Tibetan Bodhisattva and one of the first batch of national key scenic spots. Jiuhua Mountain faces the Yangtze River to the north, Huangshan Mountain to the south, and Taiping Lake to the east. It is famous at home and abroad for its Buddhist cultural customs and wonderful natural scenery. Jiuhua Mountain is known as the ninety-nine peak. There are more than 20 peaks over 1000 meters, led by Shiwang Peak. The mountains are surrounded by beautiful streams, and the silver waterfalls are flying. The scenery is charming. The mountain peak is like a platform and a column, towering into the sky, and has the appearance of lotus coming out of the water. The beautiful and legendary Shu Yinyue and Jiuzi Spring are more beautiful and enjoy the scenery. The square garden of Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area covers an area of 120 square kilometers, with the main peak of Shiwang Peak 1342 meters. As a branch of Huangshan Mountain, it is a national key scenic spot and one of the first batch of national AAAA scenic spots. Jiuhua Mountain was called Lingyang Mountain and Jiuzi Mountain in ancient times, because there are nine peaks in the shape of lotus, so it got its name. It was renamed Jiuhua Mountain during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty (742~756). During the reign of Tang Tianbao (about 742-752 AD), the poet Li Bai came to Jiuzi Mountain with his friends. Looking at the picturesque mountains and the nine peaks like lotus flowers, he wrote a beautiful sentence: "I used to be on the Jiujiang River, looking at the Jiuhua Peak from afar. The Tianhe River is covered with green water, showing nine lotus flowers". Jiuzi Mountain has since been renamed Jiuhua Mountain. There are ninety-nine peaks within a radius of 100 kilometers. The main peak Shiwang Peak is 1342 meters above sea level. The mountain is composed of granite. The shape of the mountain is steep and the sky is high. It is known as "the first mountain in the southeast". So far, it has retained the gold plaque "the first mountain in the southeast" given by the Emperor Qianlong

Reference travel


Scenic spots and itinerary

have meals

get accommodation

first day

Take K1266 or K1014 to Shijiazhuang Hefei , take a taxi to Jiaotong Hotel (10 yuan)


Day 2 (Hefei- Jiuhua Mountain )

     6:30am Left side of Hefei Jiaotong Hotel Travel? The tour guide of the distribution center will take the "Guide Flag" flag at the intersection of Qingyang Expressway to meet and depart, and the whole journey will take about 3 hours to 9 hours by way of Tongling Yangtze River Bridge Huashan Mountain Fragrance Candle Direct Marketing Center in the Scenic Spot - Buddha Fragrance Pavilion (25 minutes) Jiuhua Mountain The Tourist Service Center handles the [Jiuhua Mountain Grand Ticket and Scenic Area Traffic Ticket] and transfers to the scenic area bus to check in the hotel at Jiuhua Street. Visit Jiuhua Mountain History Museum, Kaishanzu Temple, Jiuhua Mountain---【 Huacheng Temple 】(About 30 minutes, the temple is the oldest Buddhist temple in Jiuhua Mountain, and you can pray for peace with incense), and then walk to【 Clean and refined house 】(40 minutes, provincial key temples, draw lots, the best in the world)【 Go to the Zen Hall 】(About 15 minutes, the national key temple is known as the poorest incense burner/the most gorgeous hall/the most beautiful scenery, worshipping the Guanyin Bodhisattva Dripping Water), Shangzheng Tianmen After visiting the Wheel Palace, you can walk 88 steps to the Jindizang Bujin Resort and the place where you can become a Taoist---【 Body Hall 】(It takes about 20 minutes to make a big wish to the Tripitaka Bodhisattva and cover the Tripitaka Life Treasure Seal. It is the largest Buddhist temple complex in Jiuhua Mountain. After the Nirvana of the Tripitaka Bodhisattva 1200 years ago, the body of the Tripitaka Bodhisattva is incorruptible and as safe as life. Later disciples placed its body here.), 99 steps down to【 Dizang Temple 】(About 10 minutes, dedicated to the body of the old monk Ciming) Amitabha Hall Zhantan Buddhist Forest 】(Great Wish/Great Compassion/Three Halls of Huayan); Hiking or taking the ground cable car (100 yuan/person) to【 Centenary Palace 】(It takes about 30 minutes to worship the body of the Ming Dynasty monk Wuxian) Five Hundred Arhats Hall (About 15 minutes, the hall is resplendent, and there are many arhats saying that they are looking for the incarnation of this world), overlooking the natural sleeping Buddha (about 15 minutes, looking like the late eminent monk Ren De), cable car or walking down the mountain to return to the hotel. After dinner (self-care) (informing the meeting time and place of the next day's activities), visit the earliest palace style of Jiuhua Mountain temple ---【 Jetavana-vihara 】(National key temples are also known as Zhiyuan Temple, and the ancient names are Zhiyuan Temple and Zhishu Temple), and Buddhist activities (or free activities).                       




Day 3 (Jiuhua Mountain - 99m large bronze statue - Hefei)

   Early visit【 Tibetan Sacred Statue Cultural Park Scenic Spot 】(The whole tour takes about 3.5 hours): The scenic spot is divided into three functional zones, namely, Dayuan Cultural Park, Impression Jiuhua, and World Buddhist Cultural Exchange Center, which will be completed in three phases. Dayuan Cultural Park is the landmark project of Jiuhua Mountain to build a world-class tourist resort and an important international Buddhist monastery - the 99 meter open-air large bronze statue of the Tibetan King Bodhisattva, which highlights the nine world's most/nine mysteries of the Tibetan. The straight-line distance from the main entrance of the park to the statue of the King of Earth Buddha is 1900 meters. The tourist attractions along the central axis include lotus handprints, the Great Wish tripod, the Wutongqiao Bridge, the gate, the memorial archway group, the Hongyuan Hall, the lotus throne, the six tin sticks, the Wanfang Mani, the Hongqiao Feitian, the white marble lotus columns, the Mingxiang of Minggong Road, the Letai, the Eight Merits Water, the Jiuhua Feitian, the Lotus Pond Holy image of the Great Wish, etc. Visit the Lianxinping, Dayuan Baoding, Wufu Bridge, and Memorial Archway (20 minutes), visit the Dizang Palace (the largest underground culture exhibition center in China at present, earth covered buildings, and the first time to fully admire the holy image of the underground Buddha) through the main gate (40 minutes), take a close look at the world's largest Buddha Light Pool, see the Buddha three times (20 minutes), pass through the Hongqiao Feidu, and step by step, Stepping into the Pure Land of Lotus, Zhenxi and Mani are set up in the north and south respectively, enjoying the world's largest outdoor glazed mural and the outdoor white jade lotus (20 minutes), and arriving at the Sori Heaven Palace to experience the 13th grade of the Sutra of the Bodhisattva on Earth (10 minutes). Ascend Xingyuan Square and worship Mingong and Daoming. Gather eight merits and virtues to watch Jiuhua Flying Show (20 minutes). After cleaning the heart lotus pool, worship the holy image of the Tibetan King Bodhisattva and pray for a big wish (25 minutes). After lunch, take the bus and live in the national 3A scenic spot【 Longquan Holy Land 】: The earliest underground Taoist temple, learn about the culture of passing away and releasing life, and feel that the eminent monk recites scriptures and prays for you for free (about 40 minutes). With the spirit, wealth and blessing of Jiuhua Mountain, the bus leaves at around 3:30 to return to Hefei


the forth day

Take K892 back to Shijiazhuang to end the pleasant journey

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    This information is provided by Shijiazhuang Yanzhao Travel Agency. Travel information hotline: 0311-85357822, 89808981 Mobile phone: 15032828751 Manager Li Online QQ 2209818745 Company website: www.sjzlyw.com
    1. If you see our route and are ready to book to participate, please contact our customer service representative first to confirm the price, itinerary, flight and train tickets. Because the travel price is changing at any time, our customer service representative will inform you when confirming with you in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. 2. After confirming the price, itinerary and flight, you can choose one of the following two contract signing methods.
    A: Go directly to the address of the company, sign a written travel contract and pay the travel expenses. No. 62, Yuhua East Road, Shijiazhuang City (Yuhua Road, the southwest corner of the intersection of Yuhua Road, Jianshe Street), take Room 101, the west side of Huanyu Hotel, and take Room 2, 6, 16, 19, 29, 32, 34, 35, 36, 51, 55, 66, 70, 83, 92, 99, 516, Tourism No. 11, Tourism No. 12, and get off at the intersection of Yuhua Road, Jianshe Road (the original Hebei Grand Theater). 100 meters west of the road. Tel: 0311-85357822 15032828751 Li Xiaobing
    B: Book online, contact our customer service representative, and send you the electronic travel contract and itinerary by email. You just need to fill in the content, confirm the price, and send the itinerary reply email to our company's mailbox according to the contract prompts sjzyzlxs@126.com , and transfer through Alipay or online banking.


    1. Once the ticket is confirmed as a team ticket, it cannot be changed, re signed or refunded; Once the train ticket is confirmed, the refund loss and service charge shall be borne!
    2. You need to carry your ID card and other valid documents with you on this trip;
    3. If you have an officer certificate, veteran cadre retirement certificate, or national guide certificate, you must show the relevant certificates and use the certificates. (If no ticket is generated after the presentation of valid certificates, the local guide will be refunded at the discount price. Please go to your travel accident insurance agency for your guests;
    4. For free items in the product, the guest voluntarily gives up without refunding any fees, does not occupy the bed, and does not include the ticket, there is no free item;
    5. The itinerary and scenic spots may be interchanged, but the scenic spots will not be reduced; In case of policy price adjustment of scenic spot tickets, guests must make up the difference now. The losses caused by force majeure or policy factors shall be borne by the guests themselves; Tourists voluntarily give up the tour temporarily for personal reasons. Meals, accommodation and other expenses are not refundable;
    6. Tourists should ensure their health and their own conditions to complete the journey; Minors (under 18 years old) must be accompanied by adults as guardians before they can join the delegation. Elderly people who register (over 60 years old) to join the group must truthfully provide health information to the travel agency and act according to their own health conditions. At the same time, they must be accompanied by their family members throughout the journey. If tourists feel unwell, please immediately inform the tour guide. Those with hearing impairment due to cardio pulmonary cerebrovascular disease, those who are not suitable for long-distance travel, and those with medical history and physical disability are not suitable for participation; The consequences of any concealment shall be borne by the tourists themselves. Our agency does not accept tourists over 70 years old to travel alone, please understand;
    7. This product is a national individual tourist group. Due to its particularity, according to the specific flights, weather, road conditions, train numbers and different departure times, accommodation hotels, and the connection of tourists with different itineraries, it may cause waiting conditions; The agreed time in the journey is expected, and there may be some error in the actual situation. The tourists shall bear their own personal and property travel losses caused by any public transportation; If the tourists are unable to travel due to reasons other than our agency, we need to charge the incurred fees and charge the business reservation losses. If it is necessary to change people to participate, a separate contract should be signed; If you request to withdraw from the group after departure, all group funds will not be refunded; If the tourists' itinerary changes due to reasons other than our agency, our agency will not compensate for the reduced part, and the increased costs will be borne by the tourists themselves;
    8. Leaving the group without consultation during the trip will be deemed as a breach of contract by the tourists. The unfinished part will be deemed as a waiver, and our agency will not refund the fees and will not bear the additional costs incurred by the tourists. Normal project refund (tickets, accommodation) is subject to the discount price of our club, but not the listing price;
    9. Our society monitors the reception quality at any time. Please understand the limitations of individual tourists' group competition, and communicate with our society on reception quality problems in time to help solve them in a timely manner; Before the tourists leave the group;
    10. Tourists are requested to fill in the Feedback Form of Tourism Reception Quality carefully and objectively. If the counter debt opinions after leaving the group are inconsistent with the opinions signed by themselves, our agency will not deal with them;

    payment method

    1. If you see our route and are ready to book to participate, please contact our customer service representative first to confirm the price, itinerary, flight and train tickets. Because the travel price is changing at any time, our customer service representative will inform you when confirming with you in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding two After confirming the price, itinerary and flight, you can choose one of the following two contract signing methods.

    A : Go directly to the address of the company, sign a written travel contract, and pay the travel expenses. Yuhua East Road, Qiaodong District, Shijiazhuang City sixty-two No. (southwest corner of the intersection of Yuhua Road, Jianshe Street), in the west courtyard of Huanyu Hotel one hundred and one room ride two six ten sixteen nineteen twenty-nine thirty-two thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six fifty-one fifty-five sixty-six seventy eighty-three ninety-two ninety-nine five hundred and sixteen , Tourism eleven , Tourism twelve Luhebei Grand Theater, get off and go west one hundred Mi Lunan   Telephone: 0311-85357822  15032828751  Li Xiaobing

    B : Book online, contact our customer service representative, and send you the electronic travel contract and itinerary by email. Just fill in the content, confirm the price, and reply to the company's email address according to the contract prompts sjzyzlxs@126.com , and transfer through Alipay or online banking.


    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Shijiazhuang Yanzhao Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Individual Customer Department: 0311-85357822
    Fax: 0311-85357833
    Mobile: 15032828751 15369187567

    Classification of tourist routes


    Booking process