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  On the National Day holiday, travel with a group from Shijiazhuang to Jiangxi, Wuyuan, Jingdezhen, Lushan Mountain, a five-day two bedroom tour

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Product No.: 837246

On the National Day holiday, travel with a group from Shijiazhuang to Jiangxi, Wuyuan, Jingdezhen, Lushan Mountain, a five-day two bedroom tour

Landscape price: ¥1960 Market price: ¥1990 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance six Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
Please confirm the real-time price in advance due to hotel, air ticket and other factors
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
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  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2020-01-20
››› Product features:
※ Visit Wuyuan, the most beautiful countryside and a good place for photography in China;
※ Visit Jingdezhen, the world porcelain capital
※ Visit Lushan Mountain, which is famous for its magnificence, wonder, danger and beauty

Reference travel

first day Multiply T167 times( Shijiazhuang 17:12, Baoding 15:42, Xingtai 18: 10) Train to Ruichang /// train

the second day 5: 44 Arrive at Ruichang, take a special bus to Jiujiang, gather around 7:30, and take a bus (about 3 hours) to Wuyuan, the most beautiful village in China. You Xiaoqiao Shuiren【 Li Keng (90 minutes)] The two streams meet in the village and pass through the village. Dozens of small bridges of various types cross the waves, connecting the ancient courtyard houses scattered on both sides. People live by water and watch from generation to generation, thus creating today's beautiful picture of "small bridges, flowing water and people's homes"; Wuyuan "Book Town" representative, hometown of great people【 Jiangwan (70 minutes) Wuyuan 5A level scenic spot, which is a typical millennium old town in Weizhou. Xuanang Ancestral Temple is carved with respect for generations; Streets, alleys and old houses, Nuo dance, pavilion lifting, tea art, marriage customs and other performances let you feel the pulse of the ancient village town; [Impression Sifang Exhibition Center 40 minutes] The Ancient Cultural Ecology of the Integration of Man and Nature [II] Rise at dawn Village (60 minutes)] "The high and low houses with ancient trees and the setting sun are far and near the mountain. The forest is like a belt of smoke, and the water outside the village is like a ring." Xiaoqi is an ideal place for people to relax and relax. You Bi Check in Hotel



night Wuyuan

on the third day It has been more than 800 years since we started our morning tour. It is one of the most beautiful covered bridges in China【 Bifrost (40 minutes)] Color Hongqiao Although it has experienced more than 800 years of wind and rain, it still lies on the blue waves with graceful appearance. Long bridges and green mountains, river bends, villages Ancient road , always a beautiful picture. In the morning fog, in the drizzle, under the moonlight, its dreamlike figure is even more reverie; Visit [Yantian Scenic Spot for 60 minutes] Wuyuan's largest ancient camphor tree with a history of 1000 years. Shuikou culture is the most beautiful Shuikou in Wuyuan's Huizhou village; Visit the world's largest wild mandarin duck habitat【 Mandarin Duck Lake Scenic Area (60 minutes/ticket+90 yuan for cruise)] Yuanyang Lake is Wuyuan's ecology Travel? It is a bright pearl with elegant and quiet environment, fresh and sweet air, green mountains, clear lakes, flying birds, muntjac deer, squirrels, fish flying at the bottom. It is called a "quiet green world" and a "super quiet place". Especially at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter every year, more than 2000 pairs of wild mandarin ducks regularly migrate from remote Siberia to live here for winter. They fly in pairs, take baths and walk together, adding infinite poetic and picturesque flavor to the nature, which makes people have endless reverie and feelings. Visit the 3A level scenic spot - [Yuanyuan Ceramic Creative Park for 60 minutes] to show the porcelain making process, understand the whole process of ceramic production, and experience the origin of the porcelain capital. Visit Jingdezhen Tairuibao Jade Culture Communication Center and spread jade appreciation culture for 60 minutes. Take a bus (about 2 hours) to Jiujiang for check-in

Good morning!


/ Jiujiang

the forth day At about 7:30, take a bus (about 1 hour) to the world cultural heritage landscape - Lushan Mountain for sightseeing: rippling blue waves, violin shaped [Ruqin Lake], [Splendid Valley]: thousands of rocks are competing in the valley, and thousands of valleys are lingering; The cliffs are natural, and the stone forests are tall and beautiful. The cliffs, peaks and valleys are like lions roaring, tigers leaping into streams, apes climbing, and immortals sitting in a pan. The scenery along the way is like a beautiful picture scroll, intoxicating. The mysterious [overpass] has unlimited scenery in [dangerous peak]; Chiang Kai shek and U.S. Special Envoy Marshall secretly talked about the sentence -- [the former site of the negotiating platform]; [Wonderful Pavilion] with panoramic view; Shi Song, born with a [immortal cave]; The best preserved and oldest Imperial Stele Pavilion on Lushan Mountain (90 minutes); The most legendary villa on Lushan Mountain -- [Meilu Villa] (about 30 minutes' tour), palace style building [Mao Zedong's old house on Lushan Mountain] (No. 1 Villa in Lushan Mountain), Mao Zedong's poem stele garden (about 40 minutes' tour), [Lulin Lake]: Lushan Lake is surrounded by mountains, green pines and cypresses, beautiful scenery, clean and clear lake water, clear as a mirror, and mountain reflections, which make each other interesting. The magnificent [Lulin Bridge]. Visit the different beautiful scenery of the four seasons "spring is like a dream, summer is like a drop, autumn is like a drunkard, and winter is like a jade" - [Hanpokou]: the Wulao Peak, known as the Leader Peak, can be seen in the north, China's largest freshwater lake Poyang Lake can be seen in the east, the highest peak of Lushan Mountain Dahanyang Peak can be seen in the south, China's first sub high Lushan Botanical Garden can be seen in the west, and visit the Dakou Rainbow Waterfall (ticket+cableway round-trip 87 yuan/person). After the tour, take the bus (about 1 hour) back to Jiujiang, take the bus back to Ruichang (about 40 minutes' drive), and take the T168 train (21:10 at Ruichang Station) back in train

The Fifth Day Arrive in the morning (Shijiazhuang 9:41, Handan: 56 Xingtai 8:28 Baoding 11:12), and end the happy journey!

Scenic spots passing by

place of departure > Li Keng > Jiangwan > Rise at dawn > Lushan Mountain > Triassic Spring > destination

    Instructions for participation

    Reservation hotline: 0311 - 89852503, 89642870, 13832398212
    Person in charge: She Yanwei
    Customer service QQ: 2321852306 2235070030 1440529932 2271219040 1648345045
    Address: B806 above Beiguo Supermarket at the intersection of Zhonghua Avenue and Heping Road (you can take No.8, No.108, No.17, No.4, No.5 or No.76 bus in the city)
    More routes can be found at: http://lxs.cncn.com/63098
    Departure date and price: The price is due to the fluctuation of hotel price, ticket price and other factors. Please contact the customer service on our website before registration to confirm the schedule and real-time price.


    [Reception standard]:
    1. Admission: including package tickets of Wuyuan Group (140 yuan will be refunded by the tour guide with certificates and 35 yuan will be refunded at half price);
    Including Lushan big ticket (160 yuan will be refunded by the tour guide with the certificate, and 70 yuan will be refunded for half)
    2. Accommodation: Wuyuan Four Star Hotel is not listed as a standard room, Jiujiang Three Star Hotel is not listed as a standard room. Single men and single women arrange extra beds or make up room difference;
    3. Tour guide: tour guide with national tour guide certificate;
    4. Transportation: round trip hard sleeper train, local air-conditioned tourist bus;
    5. Meals: 4 meals in the morning, 10 yuan for breakfast, 20 yuan for dinner (10 people for one table, eight dishes and one soup for less people)
    6. Shopping: 40 minutes for Impression Sifang Exhibition Center, 60 minutes for Terry Gem Culture Communication Center, free shopping
    7. The quotation does not include: scenic cable car, entrance ticket+cable car 87 yuan, Yuanyang Lake ticket+boat ticket 90 yuan, private consumption
    8. Note: The tour schedule of Lushan Mountain, Wuyuan, and other major scenic spots will be adjusted without reducing the scenery and tour time;
    Visit Wuyuan on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, and Lushan on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday;

    payment method

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    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Hebei Overseas International Travel Service Zhonghua Street Business Department
    Service hotline
    Consulting hotline 1 0311-89642870
    Consulting hotline 2 0311-89852503
    Consulting number 3 is the same as WeChat 13832398212

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