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 Hangzhou: One day cultural tour of Dunhuang (Mogao Grottoes, Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Spring)

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Product No.: 824222

Hangzhou: One day cultural tour of Dunhuang (Mogao Grottoes, Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Spring)

Landscape price: ¥380 Market price: ¥460 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance one Booking for more than days
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Package type:
Fees include: the first ticket of the scenic spot, tour guide service, and tourism
Departure month:
June July August
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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2018-03-29
Mogao Grottoes, known as the most valuable cultural discovery in the 20th century, is located in Dunhuang at the west end of the Hexi Corridor and is famous for its exquisite murals and statues. It was founded in the pre Qin period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, and has been built in the Sixteen Kingdoms, the Northern Dynasties, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Western Xia Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty and other dynasties, forming a huge scale.

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1     
  •  Hangzhou: one-day cultural tour of Dunhuang (Mogao Grottoes, Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Spring) _ itinerary of the first day
  • After receiving the delegation from the hotel in the morning“ Thousand-Buddha Cave ”So-called【 Mogao Grottoes 】(Tour time: about 2 hours), Mogao Grottoes, known as the most valuable cultural discovery in the 20th century, is located in Hexi Corridor Westerly Dunhuang , famous for its exquisite murals and statues. It was founded in the pre Qin period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, and has been built in the Sixteen Kingdoms, the Northern Dynasties, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Western Xia Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty and other dynasties, forming a huge scale. Afternoon (lunch in the city), sightseeing【 Mingsha Mountain 】(Tour time: about 2 hours), climb to the top of Mingsha Mountain, where the sand peaks are like golden waves in the sea, magnificent and surging. The spring at the foot of the sand mountain is like a young girl, snuggling gently in the arms of her lover. Water and fire have always been incompatible, and desert springs are difficult to coexist. But in Mingsha Mountain, you can see the wonderful scenery of desert and spring, which is the first spring in the desert "Crescent Spring". Crescent Spring is like a crescent moon on the fifth day of the lunar calendar, falling in the yellow sand. The spring water is cool, clear, delicious and sweet. It has been lying quietly in the arms of sand mountains for thousands of years. Although it is often attacked by fierce wind and sand, it is still rippling with blue waves and murmuring water. It is worthy of being the first spring in the desert. Then return to the urban area to end the journey.


Scenic spots passing by

Instructions for participation

Fees include: the first ticket of the scenic spot, tour guide service, tourist bus, and pick up and drop off at Dunhuang Railway Station (in the city)
The fee does not include: airport transfer 50 yuan/time, Liuyuan transfer 50 yuan/person transfer/station fee (50 yuan/person for shuttle car pooling, 80 yuan/person for taxi pooling)


Dunhuang China International Travel Service
Customer service hotline: 0937-8837021
Customer service hotline: 0937-5953886
Customer service hotline: 0937-5953896
Duty telephone: 13909372861 (24H)
Duty telephone: 13993733795 (24H)
Duty telephone: 18293701688 (24H)
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Outdoor WeChat: Dunhuang Discovery Tour

payment method

Dunhuang Discovery Tour Outdoor Sports Service Co., Ltd Dunhuang Feifan Holiday International Travel Agency Co., Ltd

ID: 91620982MA71MHJWXN Identification No.: 91620982MA73AYJY9Q

Bank of deposit: Dunhuang Branch of Bank of Gansu Bank of deposit: Dunhuang Branch of Bank of Gansu

Account No.: 662503058714600010 account number: six hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and three trillion and seventy-three billion four hundred and sixty-one million seven hundred thousand and ten

Address: Dunhuang International Travel Building, No. 857, Mingshan North Road, Dunhuang City, Gansu Province Zip code: 736200

Tel.: 0937-8837021 Fax: 0937-8837023

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You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Dunhuang China International Travel Service
Service hotline
Customer service hotline: 0937-8837021
Customer service hotline: 0937-5953886
Customer service hotline: 0937-5953896
Duty telephone: 13909372861 (24H)
Duty telephone: 13993733795 (24H)
Duty telephone: 18293702088 (24H)
Outdoor WeChat: Dunhuang Discovery Tour

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