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  Four day single high three bedroom tour in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Wutai Mountain

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Product No.: 813405

Four day single high three bedroom tour in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Wutai Mountain

Landscape price: ¥1430 Market price: ¥1450 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance three Booking for more than days
Additional items:
Package type:
one thousand four hundred and thirty
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2017-03-10
The place of pilgrimage --- Mount Wutai

Reference travel


D1: Chifeng - Beijing Taiyuan

Chifeng goes to Beijing by train, then goes to Beijing West Railway Station on his own, and goes to Taiyuan by high-speed railway. After arriving, he meets the station and stays in the hotel

Reference train number: Chifeng Beijing: K1190 (05:35-15:03)

Beijing Taiyuan: G619 times (18:02-20:53)/G621 times (18:07-21:10) /// Taiyuan

D2: Taiyuan - Wutai Mountain (250km, about 4 hours by car)

06:30 Yingze Street Gather in Tianyi Palace, take Travel? The bus goes to Mount Wutai, the first of China's four famous Buddhist mountains (when driving

Time: about 4 hours). [Mount Wutai AAA]: Mount Wutai Yu Shan Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Western Province

Taixian County, 230 kilometers southwest of Taiyuan, the provincial capital, and Zhejiang Mount Putuo Anhui nine Huashan Mountain Sichuan Mount Emei, known as "China"

Four famous Buddhist mountains ". Mount Wutai is called the world together with Nepal's Lumbini Garden, Indian Deer Wild Garden, Bodhgaya and Jushi Naga

Five Buddhist holy places in the world. After lunch (60 minutes), visit the temples in the afternoon: Huang, known as the "Little Potala Palace"

Temple Leader Temple - [Bodhisattva Top] (1, 5 hours), exterior Wutai Mountain logo - [Great White Pagoda] take photos; Visit Wutai

Mountain Manjusri Bodhisattva Ancestral Court, worship the largest Manjusri Bodhisattva - [Juxiang Temple] (1 hour); The 11th Panchen Lama Temple - [Guanghua

Temple] (40 minutes), you can visit Wutai Mountain at your own expense in the evening (220 yuan/person)

Check in the hotel Midnight and evening Taihuai Town

D3: Wutai Mountain Taiyuan (250km, about 4 hours' drive)

06:30 Gather to visit the temple of Wutai Mountain with the most fervent vows [Wuye Temple (also known as Wanfo Pavilion)]: the temple of Wutai Mountain with the most fervent vows and the most fervent vows. Here you can light the heart lamp, illuminate the future, make a wish, and pray for peace. (1 hour), after breakfast (30 minutes), climb 1080 steps to visit the so-called "Little Chaotai Platform" of Wutai Mountain - [Daluoding] (2.5 hours), after lunch (40 minutes), take a tour bus back to Taiyuan (driving time: 3.5 hours), visit the first temple outside Wutai Mountain, known as the throat of Wufeng - [Zunsheng Temple] or the national intangible cultural heritage - [East Lake Vinegar Garden] (40 minutes), then return to the railway station and take the hard sleeper to Beijing. Reference train number: K610 (22:31-05:13)

Early and middle train

D4: Beijing Chifeng

After arriving in the morning, go to Changping North Station by yourself, take the train back to Chifeng, arrive at the warm home in the evening, and end the happy journey!

Reference train number: 2621 (10:00-19:14) /// ///

Expenses include

1. Transportation: hard sleeper for Chifeng Beijing/Changping North shuttle train, second-class seat of Beijing West Taiyuan high-speed railway, hard sleeper for Taiyuan Beijing train

2. Accommodation; (Subject to the hotel notified to guests before departure);

3. Meal: 3 meals in the morning (breakfast is a packed breakfast, the dinner is eight dishes and one soup, one table for ten people, no food, no refund, no drinks, if the whole group is less than 6 people, the meal fee is now refunded to the guests)

4. Tickets: the largest ticket for the scenic spot and the small tickets listed

5. Vehicle use: local air-conditioned station wagon (ensure everyone has a seat). 6. Tour guide: excellent Mandarin tour guide.

7. Insurance: including travel agency liability insurance and personal accident insurance

Tips for Shanxi Tourism

1. The hotels listed in the itinerary are standard double rooms with local assessment standards; Please keep your valuables and emergency medicines for your own use properly during the travel to avoid loss.

2.1.2 Fees for children under 2 meters: only tourist parking spaces, travel agency liability insurance and tour guide services are included.

3. Therefore, the group is a group of individual tourists. When the guests arrive at the local place, they may wait for other guests. Please follow the guide's arrangement and ask the tourists to understand!

4. If the guests need to leave the group due to their own reasons, only the tickets, accommodation and meal fees for the non participating projects will be returned; Free items and non refundable expenses incurred.

5. For some scenic spots included in the itinerary, according to the regulations of the local scenic spot, ticket discounts will be given to specific holders. Please bring valid certificates such as student card, old age card, retirement card, military officer card, disability card, etc., and be sure to show them to the guide in advance. In case of ticket discount, the difference between the ticket discount price enjoyed by the travel agency and the actual preferential ticket price will be refunded by the tour guide on the spot.

6. In case of force majeure such as government, weather and roadblocks during the trip, we will try our best to coordinate and adjust the trip if necessary. Please cooperate and understand at that time.

7. The tourist quality is based on the guest's local opinion sheet. Please fill it in carefully.

8. The accommodation in the scenic spot is limited, please bring your own toiletries. It's cold at night in the scenic spot. Please take your own warm clothes,

Important tips

1 Shanxi has a continental monsoon climate. The temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and the air is dry. Please remind visitors to drink more water and eat more fruit.

2 The local diet in Shanxi is mainly pasta. The basic flavor of Shanxi cuisine is mainly salty, supplemented by sweet and sour. The cuisine can be divided into southern, northern and central schools. The south road is dominated by Yuncheng and Linfen. Seafood is the most popular dish, and the taste is light. The north road is represented by Datong and Wutai Mountain, and the dishes are heavy in oil and color. The middle way cuisine is mainly in Taiyuan, taking advantage of both the north and the south. The ingredients are carefully selected and well cut. Shanxi cuisine is characterized by crispness, tenderness, color and taste.

3 The drinking water in Shanxi is alkaline. Please eat a moderate amount of Shanxi's specialty aged vinegar, which can not only neutralize the alkalinity in the water, but also strengthen the physique, prevent colds, and have a unique beauty effect.

4 Necessary for travel: raincoat or umbrella, sports shoes, cold medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, insect proof plaster, sunscreen, sun hat, sunglasses, etc.

5 Shanxi is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization and has a profound historical and cultural background. Please do as the Romans do and follow local customs.

6 There are many ancient buildings and precious cultural relics on the ground in Shanxi. Please take good care of the ancient buildings and treasure the cultural relics.

7 The time between Shanxi scenic spots is long, please get ready.

The tourism development in Shanxi is late, and the infrastructure and reception conditions are still far behind those in developed regions.

9 The lobby, rooms, washrooms and restaurants of the hotel are mostly on smooth ground. Please pay attention to your feet when walking to avoid falling.

10 The check-out time of the hotel is 12:00 at noon. Guests on the evening flight can leave their luggage in the hotel for free activities or leave the room for rest after making up the room.

11 Breakfast included in the itinerary is provided by the hotel, which is included in the room rate and is non refundable.

12 On the premise of not reducing the number of scenic spots and visiting time, travel agencies can negotiate with tourists in a friendly manner to adjust the visiting order according to the actual situation.

13 In case of force majeure or policy adjustment, we can adjust the scenic spots that cannot be visited to other equivalent scenic spots through friendly negotiation. If the guests do not agree, we will refund the tickets at the price agreed between the travel agency and the scenic spot.

14 The travel time of the scenic spots marked in the itinerary is agreed according to the normal tourism situation, from arriving at the gate of the scenic spot to leaving the gate of the scenic spot; In principle, when there are few people in the off-season, the travel time marked in the front can ensure that tourists can fully finish the tour of the scenic spot. As for the travel time between scenic spots between cities agreed on the itinerary, it is measured based on the fact that there are no special circumstances (such as traffic jams, rain, snow, road repair or accidents). If any one of these circumstances occurs, it may cause time changes. Please understand.

15 All kinds of shops or other items in some scenic spots or service stations belong to the supporting facilities of the scenic spot, not the shopping places designated by travel agencies. If you choose or purchase, please pay attention to the safety of the activity, the quality and price of goods, and ask for vouchers such as small tickets. Such consumer travel agencies and tour guides will not bear any responsibility.

16 Please pay attention to your personal and property safety during free activities after the trip, remember to act alone, and do not blindly listen to the taxi driver. During this period, we can arrange other special experience projects with additional fees if tourists actively request or sign a supplementary agreement through consultation.

17 Due to the requirements of relevant environmental protection laws and policies, tourist buses will be shut down during free activities, during which the air conditioner in the bus may not be opened.

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Enrollment for tourist group:
    Method 1: Pay at the travel agency and provide the ID card number and mobile phone number of each tourist.
    Method 2: Report your name and ID card number on QQ, and transfer money to our company's card through online banking, Alipay, etc. or to a nearby bank teller machine


    Contact: 15547670707/15332956926
    Tel: 0476-2291588 8495000
    Fax: 0476-8495000
    Work QQ: 402302612/350008428
    Address: Chifeng Fangzhou Travel Agency, Floor 10, Zone B, Zhonghao Shangpin Digital City, Songshan District, Chifeng City

    payment method

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    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Chifeng Fangzhou Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Chifeng Fangzhou Travel Agency 0476-8495000
    Chifeng Fangzhou Travel Agency 15547670707
    Ark Tourism 0476-2291588

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