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 In November, Qingdao went to Zhangjiajie for a 7-day bus tour of the Grand Canyon in Furong Town, Zhangjiajie, the ancient city of Xiangyang, the Three Gorges Dam

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Product No.: 702195

In November, Qingdao went to Zhangjiajie for a 7-day bus tour of the Grand Canyon in Furong Town, Zhangjiajie, the ancient city of Xiangyang, the Three Gorges Dam

Landscape price: ¥480 Market price: ¥580 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: November 28, we suggest you send group in advance two Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
November 28
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
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  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2017-07-03
Qingdao to Zhangjiajie tourist route, recommended by Qingdao travel agency, Qingdao to Zhangjiajie special price group
Qingdao Chunqiu International Travel Agency Tel: 0532-81119905
Contact: Sun Yingying 13280868230
Consulting QQ: 2276020377
Welcome to inquire

Reference travel

Qingdao Spring and Autumn International travel agency Tel.: 0532-81119905

Contact: Sun Yingying 13280868230

Consulting QQ: 2276020377

first day

night 18:00 Take a bus to the ancient city Xiangyang

On the vehicle

the second day

Visit the "First City in China" upon arrival [Xiangyang moat] Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ancient cities on both sides of Jianghan River and the tall Ming Dynasty city walls. visit [Xiangyang Ancient city wall Visit Xiangyang after climbing the city to see the scenery of Han River Zhuge Liang Square , and then take the bus to the city of water and electricity - Yichang





on the third day

In the morning, get on the boat at Huangbai River Wharf; Take a boat tour of the world famous Three Gorges of the Yangtze River (Gift of Yangtze River Three Gorges cruise ship) Appreciate Lei Zu Temple, Zhixi Pavilion, Zhang Fei Drum beating arena , Chen Yi cliff carvings, ancient military fortifications, etc; Boat View Ancient Plank Path, Guanyin Seating Lotus Platform, Shipai Monument, Mingyue Bay, Shipai, Dengying Stone, Xiling Gorge; Through the Three Gorges people, the scenery is endless all the way through the canyon, and the boat view is a masterpiece of nature -- immortal bridge, scissor peak Maogong Mountain Experience the beautiful legend of Liantuo and Shajingping, and enjoy the prospect of the Three Gorges Dam; 12: 00 Dock at Huanglingmiao Port, welcome to leave the ship; Post Tour Three Gorges Dam (35/person for traffic vehicles in the scenic area) BUS via China highway The special highway for the Three Gorges Project, known as the Tunnel and Bridge Museum, goes to Yichang Zhangjiajie

Good morning!



Yichang or Zhangjiajie




the forth day

    After breakfast( Self guided tour of Furong Town + Old courtyard + Red Stone Forest six 00 Going to Mysterious Xiangxi -- An Ancient Town with Thousands of Years -- Film Furong Town Former site, Chinese film, Shanghai Film Studio Shot on one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six Year, according to Ancient Chinese Adapted from the novel of the same name, famous director Xie Jin Directed, Liu Xiaoqing Jiang Wen to star; Furong Town has a history of 2000 years ancient town , visit Diaojiaolou Group, Shiban Street, also known as the ancient town hanging on the waterfall. (Red Stone Forest National Geopark) It is a pearl on the golden corridor of Zhangjiajie , It is the only red carbonate stone forest in China, facing the "Furong Town" across the Youshui River. The scenic spot integrates karst, canyon, karst cave, lake spring and waterfall, has high geological research, aesthetic appreciation and tourism landscape value, and is known as "Wuling No.1, two thousand and thirteen In 4A Grade A tourist attraction. BUS Go to Zhangjiajie Cheguan Tianmen Mountain, Tianmen Cave Post Tour (Old Yard) It is the ancestral home of the Tian family. Tian Chengman, the ancestor of the Tian family, took the post of Taibao in the Northern Song Dynasty . Taifu . As a grand master, the official rank is the best. The court officials of Tongfu Street used to bind all the chieftains in western Hunan. Former Premier Zhu Rongji studied here.

Good morning!







The Fifth Day


Travel after breakfast; Self service tour Jiutian Cave, Kuzhu Ancient Village, Maoyan River Pinghu+Tusi Town (Tusi Town) It is the oldest copycat in China recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. It is a national cultural treasure integrating the farming culture, war culture, chieftain culture and architectural culture of the Tu family. The Nine Heavenly Diaojiaolou Group and the Tujia primitive dance "Thousand People Maogusi" were recorded in the Guinness World Records. (Jiutian Cave) It is a unique sight of underground forest and crystal palace, with stalagmites, stone pillars and stalactites all over the world. It is a rare underground treasure in the world; Kuzhu Village (also known as Red Army Village) . Watch the stilted buildings and fire walls and walk along the ancient street to experience the vicissitudes of the ancient village; ( Pinghu Tour of Maoyan River ) Known as "Not the Three Gorges is better than the Three Gorges", Maoyan River and Pinghu Lake are favored by people all over the world for their primitive, beautiful and ecological features


Good morning!






Day 6

     After breakfast (Gift Zixia Mountain) Zixia Xianshan was built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty five hundred The history of , The towering architectural community and pavilions are scattered at different heights, which are reflected in the green bamboos and cypresses. From time to time, there is a clear sound of bell and chime, which is very ancient. Zixia described that later generations deified him, and advocated that Laozi was one with the origin of all things before the creation of heaven and earth. Around "Lao Tzu riding a green ox", there are hundreds of banners, all of which are stories in Taoist legends, Pass Suoxi Gorge, also known as Baizhang Gorge It is said that Xiang Tianzi, the hero of the ancient Tujia uprising, fought with the officers and soldiers here for a hundred days, also known as Baizhan Gorge. The canyon is magnificent and spectacular. Self service tour [Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon] Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Scenic Area. Gather mountains, water and gorge together, and visit the rotten boat gorge with steep cliffs and peak forests: Divine Spring Stream. Luanquan Gorge: [Sky Ladder Plank Path], [Rock Wall Crack], [Winding Path and Forest] Afternoon BUS Go to Jingmen,

Good morning!





Day 7

Go to Jingmen in the morning Pengdun An ancient and magical village feels like entering a paradise. You can take a battery car to see the idyllic scenery, appreciate the beautiful countryside, see farmers' new houses and organic vegetable bases, visit the Peacock Garden, Pigeon Garden, and also participate in picking ripe fruits. You can exchange hard sweat for sweet fruits, and enjoy the happiness of returning with a full load! Enter the fairytale world - Scarecrow Art Park, where there are excellent Chinese and foreign cartoon characters for tourists to take photos, and then return to Qingdao by bus after sightseeing.




Service standards

1 Transportation): Qingdao Zhangjiajie Qingdao air-conditioned tourist bus.

2 Accommodation): double standard room accommodation (air conditioning, color TV, Duwei)

3 Meals): 5 Breakfast 7 Dinner

4 Tour guide): full tour guide service, excellent pick up tour guide service

5 Tickets): the largest ticket in the scenic spot (excluding self-service tourist attractions)

6 Insurance): including travel agency liability insurance, accident insurance is voluntarily purchased by guests

Note: This tour is a semi self-help tour, and there are many self tours

1、              Children's quotation includes: local car meals only

2、              If there are natural single rooms, our society has the right to arrange the occupancy of standard rooms for 3 people or make up the room difference by itself; Our society will not bear any responsibility for losses caused by human force irresistible factors; The number of scenic spots shall not be reduced, and our agency has the right to arrange the order of visiting;

3、              Please pay off all the group funds before individual tourists leave the group. Thank you for your cooperation! The reception quality of the team shall be subject to the feedback form of the guests' opinions, and the guests shall sign it carefully

Self service tour items are subject to local scenic spot charges

Note: The extra charge item is voluntary consumption, which is selected by the guests according to their own conditions.

Boarding place: Xinye Square, Liaoyang West Road - Jimo Stadium - Shuangbu, Chengyang - Binhai College, Development Zone - Liqun, Jiaozhou - Jiaonan Municipal Government


Scenic spots passing by

place of departure > zhangjiajie national forest park > destination

    Instructions for participation

    1. Please take your ID card with you and your children's household registration book with you to check in the hotel.
    2. Children's quotation includes round-trip transportation, parking space, tour guide service, excluding accommodation, tickets and scenic area transportation.
    3. We reserve the right to make corresponding adjustments to the itinerary due to force majeure factors such as weather, war, traffic delay and strike.
    4. Our quotation only includes a one-time large ticket for the scenic spot. If the guest goes out of the scenic spot for special reasons, the guest will bear the costs incurred again, such as drifting, riding, archery, etc. on the traffic cableway in the scenic spot.
    5. The above itinerary is for reference only. The itinerary may be interchanged, but there are many scenic spots. We are only responsible for refunding the difference of tickets due to the change of tour and reduction of scenic spots caused by force majeure factors. (However, if there are free scenic spots in the itinerary, we will not refund the ticket fees if we cannot participate), and we will not bear the losses and responsibilities caused thereby!
    In case of single man and single woman, our club has the right to arrange to plug in or stay in three rooms or let the guest make up the room.
    6. Free activities should try to avoid and respect the customs of local people to avoid unnecessary trouble. Travel alone. The mobile phones and room numbers of tour guides and their peers must be remembered. You should also remember the name and location of the hotel you stay in. Don't trust strangers.
    7. There are many and miscellaneous people in the scenic spot and parking lot, so please take your valuables or money with you and take care of them;, If the guest room is lost, the hotel and travel agency will not be responsible for compensation, but will only assist in handling.
    8. When tourists are engaged in activities and free activities with personal risks such as mountain climbing, skiing, horseback riding, rafting, swimming, rock climbing, etc., they must make their own decisions according to their own health conditions. The elderly and children should be accompanied by their families and cannot be alone; Tourists shall be responsible for personal and property losses caused by their failure to comply with regulations during the activity, their own fault, their own behavior during the free activity period or their own diseases, and travel agencies shall not be responsible.
    10. The ticket fee for this trip is calculated according to the agreement price of the travel agency team. There is no price difference between children under the age of 12 who operate as adults and tourists who enjoy preferential tickets for the scenic spot with other valid certificates, such as the old man's card, the military officer's card, the student's card, and the teacher's card. No price difference will be refunded. Please pay attention!
    11. If the travel agency voluntarily leaves the group and does not participate in the normal activities of the group, the travel agency will refund the balance of the expenses not incurred after deducting the actual expenses incurred. If the travel agency suffers losses, the tourists shall be liable for compensation according to law. The guests shall be responsible for the safety problems during the departure period, and sign the departure certificate before the departure. If there are any problems, our club will help to deal with them.
    12. In order to prevent risks and reduce the loss of tourists caused by natural disasters, accidents and other accidents, it is recommended that every tourist should buy travel accident insurance (our company has the License for Concurrent Business Insurance Agency issued by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, and tourists can buy accident insurance from business personnel.)


    1. Please bring your valid personal certificate when you go out. When checking in, please keep your valuables properly during the tour. Important items must be carried with you, not deposited at the front desk of the hotel;
    2. In case of force majeure (such as weather change), which causes changes in travel and reduction in scenic spots, our agency will only be responsible for returning the fees that have not occurred, and will not bear the losses and responsibilities caused thereby.
    3. Without reducing the number of tourist attractions, our club has the right to make corresponding adjustments to the city of accommodation and the itinerary.
    4. If there is no ticket fee, our agency will refund the ticket price difference according to the preferential price agreed by the travel agency.
    5. The climate of the scenic spot is changeable and rainy, so you should carry rain gear, raincoat is better, and a sunshade with rainproof function should also be provided. Shoes need
    Anti slip and certain looseness are required. Socks need medium thick cotton socks or functional outdoor socks, which are conducive to perspiration and protection. Nylon socks should not be worn.
    It is better to choose a backpack with two shoulders to balance the strength of both shoulders. Take a windproof coat in autumn; It's hot at noon. Short sleeved shorts are OK,
    Apply sunscreen;
    6. Regular drugs such as carsickness (boat sickness) drugs, benevolent pills, anti-inflammatory drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, berberine, cold medicines, Band Aids, and anti mosquito essential balm
    Toilet water. Guests with heart disease and high blood pressure should take necessary medicines with them.
    7. Mobile phones, cameras, chargers, memory cards and other electronic products and accessories. Common toiletries also need to be taken
    8. If there is any quality problem during the tour, please contact the tour guide or group agency in time. Guests are kindly requested to truthfully fill in the "Tourism Service Quality Opinion Sheet" for quality problems, which is based on this opinion sheet!

    payment method

    Qingdao Youth International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Address: Room 2103, the first building of Yizhongyin Street, No. 153 Liaoning Road, Shibei District, Qingdao Zip code: 266071
    Tel.: 0532-81117171 81115166 Fax: 0532-68899980

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Qingdao Youth International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    International tourism: 0532-81115199
    International line: 0532-81119901
    Qingdao Tourism: 0532-81119905
    Domestic tourism: 0532-81115115
    Domestic tourism: 0532-81119907
    Team travel: 0532-81115166

    Booking process