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 Travel Route from Xingtai to Yichang Three Gorges

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Product No.: 696264

Travel Route from Xingtai to Yichang Three Gorges

Landscape price: ¥548 Market price: ¥548 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every Friday, it is recommended that you send the group in advance three Booking for more than days
Service commitment: Tourist security
Package type:
Automobile group
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2018-09-28
The miniature model of the Three Gorges Dam, the memorial stone for the closure of the Three Gorges Dam, the foundation stone of the Three Gorges Dam, the stone at the bottom of the river for thousands of years, the relief group, and a distant view of the Xiling River
The bridge, overlooking the world's largest double line five step ship lock, feels the greatness and pride of the Chinese nation

Reference travel

Yangtze River Three Gorges Dam · Transportation of two dams and one gorge · Three Gorges Bamboo Sea Quality pure play Three day tour

D1: afternoon one six :00 destination Set out for one of China's four natural wonders Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

D2: Arrest Yichang , Visit The largest water conservancy project in the world---- Three Gorges Dam Transfer to sightseeing bus in the scenic area 5A Grade A scenic spot ( Tanzi Ridge ) - Dam maximum

     High points, (miniature model of the Three Gorges Dam, memorial stone for the closure of the Three Gorges Dam, foundation stone of the Three Gorges Dam, stone at the bottom of the river for thousands of years, relief sculptures, a distant view of the Xiling River

     Bridge, overlooking the world's largest double line five step ship lock, feeling the greatness and pride of the Chinese nation); 185 Platform (View of the same height as the Three Gorges Dam

     Experience the height of the Three Gorges Dam by visiting the scenic platform, and survey the high gorge of the Three Gorges Dam after the impoundment Pinghu Of Scenery, real experience of Chairman Mao's poems“ section

     Cut off the clouds and rain on Wushan Mountain, and the high gorge rises out of Pinghu Lake ”With heroic feelings); Three Gorges Dam Closure Memorial Park: Three times of closure of the Three Gorges Dam

     Dam flood discharge, etc. By car Go 4A level Three Gorges Flowing Bamboo Ecological Scenic Area Tourism has bred more than 200 kinds of bamboos Hundred Bamboo Garden , the climate here is unique,

     It is an excellent place for bamboo culture and bamboo science popularization, as well as a place for appreciating the artistic conception of flute, flute, poetry and painting; Lifelike Yutu Peak , respectful Couple rock , Shengsheng

     Nonstop Bamboo Shoot Peak , and the Three Gorges area Highest Bamboo Sea Giant Buddha Asia has the largest drop 491m) Of WuDieShui Waterfall , the fifth cascade is as straight as the sky

     Hanging on the bottom of the valley; boating Shengshui Lake Row bamboo raft Dragon-boat Racing Bamboo rafts ripple, dragon boats dance, drink holy water and lake, and sing songs to the green mountains, Imitate

     In a fairyland.                                                                         Home: Yichang/   Zigui

D3: Take the bus after breakfast "Three Gorges of the Yangtze River" luxury cruise ship , enjoy the beautiful scenery along the river in Yichang, Ship passing Gezhouba Dam Gate, experience the wonder of "rising tide and rising ship"    

Wonderful feeling, The cruise ship takes you into the picturesque Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Xiling Gorge And strive for the world's top Travel? The essence section of the Three Gorges scenic spot along the Yangtze River

The beautiful scenery of the journey poured in. Scenic spots to watch by boat include: Three Gorges Family , Sanyou Ancient Cave, Leizu Temple, Zhang Fei Drum Beating Platform Marshal Chen Yi Cliff Stone Carvings "Three

The gorge is strong all over the world. Please take a boat trip. " , ancient barracks, etc; Boat View Ancient Plank Path of Three Gorges People, Shipai Monument, Moon Bay, Shiling Sign, Dengying Stone

The beautiful legend of Shajingping, It's true“ Boat walking on the river, people swimming in the picture ”! On board Appreciate the Tujia wedding performance with unique characteristics of the Xiajiang River,

I'm lucky to be here“ Tujia son-in-law ”。 After the happy journey, return to the warm home !                         contain : Breakfast   

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    1. Accommodation: standard room of two star or economical hotel; 2. Transportation: air-conditioned tour bus throughout the journey 3. Meal: 1 morning
    4. Guide service: whole tour guide service 5. Insurance: travel agency liability insurance, travel accident insurance


    This information is provided by Xingtai Travel Agency. Tel: 0319-3138622 3138633
    Mobile: 13363770985 Manager Wu Online QQ 137685355 1991831827 . two billion eight hundred and forty-two million eight hundred and thirty-six thousand four hundred and five
    Company website http://www.xtlxs.com http://www.ss0319.com

    1. If you see our route and are ready to book to participate, please contact our customer service representative first to confirm the price, itinerary, flight and train ticket. Because the travel price is changing at any time, our customer service representative will inform you when confirming with you in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. 2. After confirming the price, itinerary and flight, you can choose one of the following two contract signing methods.
    A: Go directly to the address of the company, sign a written travel contract and pay the travel expenses. Room 919, Block B, Tianyicheng, Xinhua Road, Xingtai City Tel: 0319-3138622 3138633 13363770985 Manager Wu
    Bus route: 12, 15, 23, 24, 28, 31, 30, 32, 35, 101, 108, Tianyicheng
    B: Book online, contact our customer service representative, and send you the electronic travel contract and itinerary by email. You just need to fill in the content, confirm the price, and send the itinerary reply email to our company's mailbox according to the contract prompts xtjsjq@126.com At the same time, online banking transfer is sufficient.

    payment method

    one If you see our route and are ready to book to participate, please contact our customer service representative first to confirm the price, itinerary, flight and train tickets. Because the travel price is changing at any time, our customer service representative will inform you when confirming with you in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. two After confirming the price, itinerary and flight, you can choose one of the following two contract signing methods.


    A : Go directly to the address of the company, sign a written travel contract, and pay the travel expenses. Tianyicheng, Xinhua Road, Xingtai City B Seat eight hundred and eight room Telephone: 0319-3138622     3158919      13363770985 Manager Wu

    Bus route: twelve road fifteen road twenty-three road twenty-four road twenty-five road twenty-eight road thirty-one road thirty road thirty-two road thirty-five road one hundred and one road one hundred and eight road Tianyichenxia


    B : Book online, contact our customer service representative, and send you the electronic travel contract and itinerary by email. Just fill in the content, confirm the price, and reply to the company's email address according to the contract prompts xtjsjq@126.com At the same time, online banking transfer is sufficient.

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Xingtai Binhe Baishitong International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Tianyicheng Business Department
    Service hotline
    Tourism Consultation 0319-3138622
    Tourism Consultation 13363770985
    Manager Li of Grounding Department 15833635718

    Classification of tourist routes


    Booking process