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 Five day leisure tour in Dandong, Yalu River, Dalu Island, and Bingyu Valley in Northern Little Guilin

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Product No.: 643022

Five day leisure tour in Dandong, Yalu River, Dalu Island, and Bingyu Valley in Northern Little Guilin

Landscape price: ¥1280 Market price: ¥1580 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance twenty Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
This itinerary is a team price, and individual passengers will be discussed.
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2015-03-23
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Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1      Accommodation: train
Schedule of Day 2      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Zhuanghe City or Xianrendong Town
  • Arrive in Anshan at 5:35 a.m. and take the bus after breakfast Travel? Drive to Bingyugou Valley. After lunch, visit Yunshui Ferry Lover Island mainstay , Shuanglonghui, Yiye Stone, Beauty Stone, Baibaifeng, Xiaoguilin Water Amusement Park, Lingyin Cave, Bieyoutian, Shuanglongba, Yingna Lake Scenic Area, take a boat to watch the golden carving stone Braised Frog-Shaped Abalone Etc.
Schedule of Day 3      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Dalu Island
  • Go after breakfast Dagushan Pier (about 3 hours' drive), passengers enter by boat【 Dalu Island 】(One way 1.5 hours) (Because the time when the ship stops at Dalu Island is affected by the tide, so the time of the trip to Dalu Island should be based on the tide of the day; if the passenger ship can't travel due to the tide, the guest needs to pay 30 yuan per person for a one-way trip, and take a speedboat or hovercraft. Please forgive the inconvenience caused by the island.) After lunch, go to the sea, pick up shellfish and have free activities.
Schedule of Day 4      Meal: breakfast
  • After breakfast, leave the island and return to Dandong by bus to watch the Arc de Triomphe of the Volunteers and the relics of the Korean War【 Yalu River Broken bridge] (no boarding); Take a close look at Sinuiju, the capital of North Pyeong Avenue in North Korea, and walk along the Yalu River Scenic Avenue. Return to Anshan by bus or Shenyang , multiply by 2219 to return.
Schedule of Day 5     
  • Arrive in Qiqihar as early as possible to end this pleasant trip Yalu River Border style tour.


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Reception standards
    1. Transportation: hard sleeper for round-trip train (non air-conditioned, general express); Local air-conditioned tour bus. 2. Accommodation: 4-8 ordinary rooms
    3. Admission: including round-trip tickets for Bingyugou, Dalu Island and shuttle bus; 4. Tour guide: Excellent tour guide service.
    5. Meals: 3 breakfast, 4 dinner (dinner, 8 dishes, 1 soup, 10 people, a table without drinks) 6 insurance: travel agency liability insurance


    Please voluntarily purchase travel accident insurance
    As the docking time of big ships in Dalu Island is affected by the tide, the time of going to Dalu Island in the journey is based on the tide of that day; If the passenger ship cannot be driven due to tide, the guest shall pay 30 yuan/person (one-way) to take the speedboat or hovercraft. Please excuse the inconvenience caused by the island to the guests!
    matters needing attention
    1 Our agency has the right to change the tour schedule and the tour order of the scenic spots according to the local and current reception conditions, but we will never reduce or lower the reception standards.
    2 Cancellation of individual meals and return during the trip; The ticket, accommodation, meal and other expenses that have not occurred will not be refunded if the group leaves midway.
    3 In case of travel changes and scenic spots reduction due to irresistible human resources, our agency will only be responsible for returning the expenses that have not occurred, and will not bear the losses and responsibilities caused thereby.
    4 If you are not satisfied with the reception standard during the trip, please put forward it in time, negotiate on the spot and handle it properly to ensure a successful and smooth return!
    5 Pay attention to safety when taking photos in the offshore and wave areas, playing in the sea, swimming, etc., and take the initiative to issue a written guarantee to the guide. It is strictly prohibited to play in the deep water area. If you do not listen to the guide's dissuasion, you will bear the consequences.

    payment method

    ——Payment method is not filled——

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Qiqihar Youth Travel Agency
    Service hotline
    Domestic 0452-2445678
    Ren Ying 13039749777

    Booking process