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 How much is the two-day tour from Shijiazhuang to Mount Tai and Qufu? - Introduction to Qufu Tourism - What do you want to do in Qufu

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Product No.: 633989

How much is the two-day tour from Shijiazhuang to Mount Tai and Qufu? - Introduction to Qufu Tourism - What do you want to do in Qufu

Landscape price: ¥648 Market price: ¥658 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day during holidays
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Please confirm in advance before registration due to the increase of hotel ticket price and other factors
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June July August
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adult Children

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  • Last updated: 2020-01-20
Features of Shijiazhuang Qufu Jiatai Mountain Tour
Including three hole tickets plus small traffic and Taishan tickets

Reference travel

Shijiazhuang reach Qufu Mount Tai Travel itinerary introduction


first day Good morning! 5:00 Xiqing Park 5:30 Provincial Expo East Gate Assemble to go Go by bus east "Jerusalem of Confucius" -- Ancient City Qufu (about 6 hours) , transfer to the scenic spot after lunch traffic (Including three hole ticket+small traffic 165 yuan/person) Visit the three scenic spots of the hometown of Confucius, the founder of the Confucian school, and visit the world cultural heritage - "The First Family in the World" -【 Confucius Mansion 】, the world's largest temple for individual sacrifice, one of the three major buildings in ancient China【 Confucian Temple 】, the world's largest family cemetery--【 Kong Lin 】Go Tai'an                                          have meals : / Noon /   get accommodation : Tai'an or Qufu

the second day After breakfast, climbing, as the "top of the five mountains" in China, symbolizes the soul of China and is named by UNESCO as the "World Natural and Cultural Heritage" Mount Tai Scenic spot: from Hongmen Hiking on foot and sightseeing on the way Tianmen Gate, Confucius Landing Place through Shiyu Hutian Pavilion , Cutting Cloud Sword, Joyful Three Miles Yunbu Bridge Wuda Fusong Chaoyang Cave , welcoming pine, facing pine mountain Eighteen plates The Heavenly Southern Gate Tianjie , Wang Wu Shengji Daguan Peak Qingdi Palace, Five Sacred Mountains Sole Stone Carving Site Wordless Stele peak riguan The scenery on the road is limitless. You can pick up the camera and follow the emperor. Celebrities leave behind beautiful scenery and various styles of celebrity calligraphy to broaden your horizon. Finally reach the end of the mountain -- Peak of the Heavenly Emperor (The highest peak of Mount Tai, 1545m above sea level), Experience the pride of being the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains. Mount Tai After that, take the bus back to the stone, and end the pleasant trip to Mount Tai!!!                                                      have meals : Good morning! //     get accommodation : ///                                                      

Date of dispatch: [Tomb Sweeping Day: the morning of April 5 and 6] From now on, every Saturday morning, the iron bound group         

          [May Day: May 1st and 2nd morning departure] The Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival Day after Day, Day after Day


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Reservation hotline: 0311 - 89852503, 89642870, 13832398212
    Person in charge: She Yanwei
    Customer service QQ: 1289431358 2321852306 1440529932 2271219040 1648345045
    Address: A801 above Beiguo Supermarket at the intersection of Zhonghua Avenue and Heping Road (you can take No.8, No.108, No.17, No.4, No.5 or No.76 bus in the city)
    More routes can be found at: http://lxs.cncn.com/63098
    Departure date and price: The price is due to the fluctuation of hotel price, ticket price and other factors. Please contact the customer service on our website before registration to confirm the schedule and real-time price.


    Reservation hotline: 0311 - 89852503, 89642870, 13832398212
    Person in charge: She Yanwei
    Customer service QQ: 1289431358 2321852306 1440529932 2271219040 1648345045
    Address: A801 above Beiguo Supermarket at the intersection of Zhonghua Avenue and Heping Road (you can take No.8, No.108, No.17, No.4, No.5 or No.76 bus in the city)
    More routes can be found at: http://lxs.cncn.com/63098
    Departure date and price: The price is due to the fluctuation of hotel price, ticket price and other factors. Please contact the customer service on our website before registration to confirm the schedule and real-time price.

    payment method

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    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Hebei Overseas International Travel Service Zhonghua Street Business Department
    Service hotline
    Consulting hotline 1 0311-89642870
    Consulting hotline 2 0311-89852503
    Consulting number 3 is the same as WeChat 13832398212

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