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 Two day trip from Wuhan to Suizhou West Tour Mythical World: Hot Springs and Ginkgo Valley

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Product No.: 592281

Two day trip from Wuhan to Suizhou West Tour Mythical World: Hot Springs and Ginkgo Valley

Landscape price: ¥418 Market price: ¥438 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
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Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

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  • Last updated: 2017-03-19
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Reference travel

Suizhou a dedicated line:

A Journey to the West, the Mythical World, the Kingdom of Women hot spring , Ginkgo Valley two Day Tour


first day    morning Wuhan Gather at designated place, take bus to Suizhou, and visit in the afternoon Sister-in-law tower Forest Park] Listen to the beautiful story of my sister-in-law's struggle and fighting side by side. There are dense forests, and the content of negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter is more than eight thousand First of all, we will take an air bath here that is conducive to physical and mental health. Later, visit [Farming Experience Park] and experience in person orchard The pleasure of working in the garden. You can go to the square at night Watch the free special features Bonfire party , folk stunt performance, chime performance, song and dance and other wonderful performances, while participating in the lottery, tourists can perform interactively. Watch the only simulated real scene in central China after the party Volcano eruption Landscape, after bathing in 900 million years of volcanic hot springs -- [Queen's Hot Spring], enjoy spa Spa, millennium ginkgo soup, agricultural civilization spring, hot spring area, dynamic hot spring area (sea wave pool, colorful slide, children's dream city), etc seventy More than one hot spring pools of different sizes and styles bring happiness and tranquility. You can enjoy yourself in them.

                                                                    Accommodation: Nuerguo Hot Spring Scenic Spot

the second day    Go after breakfast Luoyang Town, visit "Millennium Ginkgo, Ten miles Gallery , the purest place in the world "- [Ginkgo Valley]. Ginkgo Valley currently has wild ginkgo trees five point one Ten thousand trees, the whole village is hidden under the ginkgo tree. The "King of Ginkgo Tree", "Pot Shop Tree", "Five Old Trees", "Ginkgo Supreme" and "Ten Mile Gallery" are dotted among them, which is more picturesque. In the golden autumn, the trees are golden, the wind blows and the leaves dance. It is like a dream, like a fairyland on earth. It is also the photographer's dream paradise. After finishing the journey, he returns to his warm home.      


Service standard:

Transportation: air conditioning throughout the journey Travel? bus     

Admission: the first big ticket for the scenic spots listed in the itinerary  

Accommodation: in the Nutherland Hot Spring Resort  

Catering: breakfast is included in the hotel, and dinner is not included in the whole journey  

Guide service: excellent tour guide service throughout the journey (elite tour guide of Wuhan Shangtuan special line)

Insurance: travel liability insurance


Departure time: The shift starts every Saturday

Receiving place: 7 :00 Hongshan Square Lijiang Hotel   7:20 Xudong Old House   7:40 Hankou Guobin Hotel

nine thirty Xiaogan Expressway intersection        10:00 Anlu Expressway Crossing

Friendly tips:

a、 Without reducing the number of scenic spots, the tour order of scenic spots shall be subject to the arrangement of our agency.

b Please take your valuables with you or leave them in the hotel. We will not be responsible for any loss!.

C Self paid attractions, reasonable and possible arrangements according to the wishes of the guests


one )You must bathe and clean your body first to keep the water quality of the hot spring clean and let your body adapt to the water temperature. Washing away the sweat on your skin is conducive to easier absorption of minerals in the spring water;

two )You must wear swimsuit and slippers when entering the outdoor area, and be careful of slippery ground;

three )Select a hot spring pool suitable for your own temperature to soak, generally from warm to hot, every time fifteen After about minutes, you should go ashore for a rest, drink a cup of water or drink, and then soak it (the high temperature pool should not exceed ten Minutes, the elderly should reduce the time appropriately). Those who are not adapted for the first time or who have soaked for too long will generally have uncomfortable feelings such as dry mouth or chest tightness. At this time, they should go ashore immediately to have a rest. Drinking a cup of water or drink can ease the discomfort;

four )People with serious heart disease, hypertension, physical discomfort or pregnancy should not soak in the pool; Unless approved by the doctor or accompanied by a specially assigned person, the responsibility shall be borne by himself;

five )Alcoholics are strictly forbidden to soak in the pool, or they will be held responsible (because immersion in hot spring water with high temperature after drinking can easily cause cerebral congestion, stroke, heart disease and other complications. Bathing is closely related to age and health. Elderly people should not bathe in hot springs with too high temperature, and should not bathe in extreme excitement; Even young people are not encouraged to drink while soaking in hot springs, because the danger is very high, we must pay attention! As for the hangover after drinking, it is not suitable to enter the hot spring the next day, at least until the alcohol gas has completely dissipated, otherwise, shock or fainting in the bath will bring serious consequences);

six )Those who are physically fit can take ice bath at different temperature during immersion;

  seven )After soaking in the hot spring, you can wash your body with water, but do not use soap or bath fluid to preserve the minerals absorbed by the skin surface.

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

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    payment method

    Bank of deposit: Agricultural Bank of China Limited [Click to enter the bank's website]
    Card No.: 6228480058064051376
    Account name: Zhang Xu

    Bank of deposit: China Construction Bank [Click to enter the bank's website]
    Card No.: 6217002870011689237

    Account name: Zhang Xu

    Opening bank: China Merchants Bank

    Account No.: 6214830272767806

    Account name: Zhang Xu

    Welcome to pay with Alipay
    Alipay account: 18507100621
    Account name: Zhang Xu

    Welcome to WeChat payment
    WeChat account: 18507100621 (payment can be made after adding)
    Account name: Tourism consultant Zhang Xu

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    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Wansongyuan Store of Zhongnan International Tourism Hubei Co., Ltd
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    24-hour reservation hotline: 027-88186120
    Emergency contact information 185-0710-0621

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