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 Two day trip from Suzhou to Jinhua<Shuanglong National Scenic Spot Zhuge Bagua Village Longyou Grottoes>

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Product No.: 467637

Two day trip from Suzhou to Jinhua<Shuanglong National Scenic Spot Zhuge Bagua Village Longyou Grottoes>

Landscape price: ¥330 Market price: ¥368 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Additional items:
Package type:
Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2019-12-17
★ Shuanglong Cave has a history of more than 1600 years. At 520 meters above sea level, it is composed of an inner hole, an outer hole and an ear hole. The entrance of the cave is Xuanlang. The stalactites hanging on both sides look like dragon heads, so it is called "Double Dragon Cave".

Reference travel

Route arrangement                                                                                                                     


07:00 11:30  Rosen's trip will be concentrated at the designated place, and you can go there by car Jinhua

11:30 12:30  Use Chinese food.

12:30 17:00 Visit famous【 The Double Dragon Cave 】Scenic spot: visit Shuanglong Cave, Curling Cave Taoyuan cave Jinhua View etc.

17:00 18:30 Dinner, stay in the hotel.


07 00 07 thirty Wake up early.   

07 thirty 08 00 Breakfast.

08 00 eleven thirty Take a bus to the largest settlement of Zhuge Liang's descendants in China【 zhuge bagua village 】: Bagua Village has a unique layout Ancient dwellings It is also very rare. There are more than 200 ancient buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties preserved in the village, scattered in the alleys and alleys of the town. The original flavor and ancient style still exist. "Look for Zhuge's trace and explore the mystery of the Eight Diagrams!"

eleven thirty twelve 30  Chinese food.

twelve thirty fourteen 00 Go to visit the wonders of the world【 Longyou Grottoes 】It is one of the highest level underground artificial buildings in ancient China, and also a wonder of the development and utilization of underground space in the world.

fourteen 00 eighteen 00 Return to the designated place (arrange to taste Hangzhou white chrysanthemum on the way back), and end the pleasant trip to Rosen !  

Reference quotation

forty-two Quotations of the group: 330 yuan/person

Service standards

Transportation: air conditioning throughout the journey Travel? vehicle forty-five passenger coach forty-two Person pricing forty-nine passenger coach forty-six Person pricing   51 passenger coach forty-eight Person pricing  

Admission: Including the tickets for the above scenic spots (Shuanglong Cave 90  element / people     zhuge bagua village eighty element / people     Longyou Grottoes sixty-five element / People)

Accommodation: double standard room (Hot water, color TV, independent toilet)

Meal: take care of yourself (dinner twenty-five element / people Ten people per table, nine dishes and one soup, breakfast ten element / people Food label can be arranged according to requirements)

Comprehensive fee: complimentary for tour guides in Mandarin (to help organize entertainment activities) eighty ten thousand / Renren Travel Agency Liability Insurance (New Version)

Friendly Reminder                                                                                                                      

     The above schedule is for reference only, and the specific situation on the day of the trip shall prevail.

     Rosen reminds: Please take good care of your belongings and pay attention to personal and property safety!

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    The above are regular routes, and the specific price will fluctuate with the ticket, hotel and traffic prices in the off peak season. If there is any other line demand, we also provide services with Ctrip. Welcome to call and mail for consultation
    Fax: 0512-68550025
    Contact: Xiao Sun 18915580015
    Q Q:1751302425
    Address: diagonally opposite the Industrial and Commercial Bureau (next to the Agricultural Bank of China), 54 Xujiang Road, Canglang District, Suzhou
    Bus: 200300, 51522, 70, 7921, 54305, 47602 -- (under Xinshiqiao platform)



    payment method

    Online payment (online banking): Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, China Everbright Bank, CITIC Bank.

    Shop payment: shop cash payment, transfer cheque, swipe card.

    Corporate remittance: remit relevant funds to the designated account through the bank.

    Invoice description: according to the relevant national regulations, this product is provided with an invoice for "travel expenses", but not other categories of invoices.

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    China Comfort Suzhou International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    WeChat 18915580015
    Group individual consultation 18915580015
    Visa Consultation 0512-68550338
    Fax: 0512-68550025

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