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 W Daqing self driving to Heihe | Daqing Wudalianchi Heihe four-day volcano ecological quality tour (self driving)
Heihe River

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Product No.: 407181

W Daqing self driving to Heihe | Daqing Wudalianchi Heihe four-day volcano ecological quality tour (self driving)

Landscape price: ¥787 Market price: ¥797 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment:
Package type:
Group price for 5 people
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2014-01-07
★ Tongcheng Honesty Record Member. Tongcheng Gold Online Shop
★ First class Russian tour guide, providing butler service throughout the journey
★ Reasonable itinerary to make every guest satisfied
★ High grade Russian wholesalers ensure more competitive prices

Reference travel

have meals
get accommodation
Daqing five Dalian pool
Take a special bus early Wudalianchi( whole course four hundred Km, about five Hour), after lunch visit Longmen Stone Stronghold Scientific Research Sightseeing Area( It takes about 25 minutes by car. 1.5 hours sightseeing) Watch the geological relics of Shixiao landslide hundreds of thousands of years ago, such as the waves and waves, Shifeng Town, Shizhai Castle, and tracing Ancient road , Longmen hanging stone, Longmen larch, Longmen longevity pine, Longmen lying on the ground pine, Longmen cloud top, Xing'an cypress, Shixiao mountain collapse, ancient birch, spruce protection belt, Gutang longevity pine, Dazixiang and other scenic spots); visit Crystal Palace, It takes about 10 minutes by car. 30 minute tour (lava frosts, ice sculptures, lava stalactites, experience of winter in summer, etc.); visit North Drinking Spring It takes about 20 minutes by car, 1 hour tour (Changshou Garden, Yishen Pavilion, Basalt Memorial Archway, Beiyuan Reed Appreciation, Drinking Hall Yaoquan Lake , Yaoquan Waterfall), stay in the hotel after dinner.
Midnight and evening
Wudalianchi Heihe River
After breakfast, visit the new volcanic sightseeing area - climbing Black Dragon Mountain It takes about 25 minutes by car to view the burning mountain from a distance, and it takes 2.5 hours to visit (mountain top crater, lava sea, water curtain cave, magma overflow outlet, sub volcano crater, Kaitian pear, Laojun pine, lightning strike wood, couple tree and other landscapes) After lunch, take a special bus to Heihe, Heihe, and then check in the hotel for a rest after dinner
Morning, noon and evening
Heihe River
Heihe River
After breakfast, take the bus to the unequal signing place of the Sino Russian Aihui Treaty Aihui Ancient City The site, Aihui, is 32 kilometers away from the urban area of Heihe and 40 minutes by car. Along the way, you can see the unique birch forest called beautiful girls in Heihe. Upon arrival, we visited the Heilongjiang General's Yamen Residence in the Qing Dynasty, the historical exhibition hall, Kuixing Pavilion, ancient city ruins, witness pine, Sabusu Park and other landscapes (about 1 hour), recording the humiliating history of the Chinese nation in fighting against the Russian aggression. Later visit Educated Youth Museum, (Visiting time: 50 minutes) To watch the fiery years and the burning years of passion, the educated youth took the bus to the shooting place of "The Silence of Li Ming Here" and "The Age of Roses Blooming" after lunch in the magnificent picture scroll of the vast Longjiang Land War, snow and cold. It is 15 kilometers away from the city and 20 minutes by car. Enjoy the national customs of China and Russia and the natural scenery of the Xing'an Mountain, Longjiang River and the border line of Black Land., After returning to Heihe, you can watch the exit port and dock of Heihe. Then walk along the Heilongjiang River and overlook the city of Blagoveshchensk, the capital of Amur on the other side, take photos in front of the Sino Russian boundary monument, and stay in the hotel for a rest after dinner
Good morning!
Heihe River
Heihe Daqing
After breakfast, take the special bus back to Daqing and return to the warm home to end the happy journey!
Good morning!

Instructions for participation

The tour fee includes:
1. Accommodation: The travel agency designates the hotel, without mentioning the natural single room, and may arrange the room to be plugged in according to the actual situation. If the room cannot be plugged in, the single man and single woman must make up the single room difference.
2. Dining: Breakfast, dinner group meal is not refundable. If the normal standard is not met, the guest will take care of the extra meal.
3. Admission: The first admission ticket for the scenic spots listed in the itinerary (battery cars, cable cars and entertainment items in the scenic spots are self provided).
4. Vehicle: car
5. Guide service: excellent local guide service.
6. Insurance: travel agency liability insurance.



payment method

Heihe Tianma Business Travel Agency Co., Ltd

Address: No.147, Hailan Street, Aihui District, Heihe City (diagonally opposite to Jinjiang Hotel)

Tel: 0456-8278887 Post code: 164300 Fax: 0456-8257011

Alipay payment (no bank charges, convenient and fast.)
Our Alipay account is :             , If you have an Alipay account, you can pay through your Alipay account.
After remittance, you must notify us by fax that the deposit has been remitted, so that we can confirm the return of your reservation in time after inquiry  

Bank of deposit: Agricultural Bank of China Limited [Click to enter the bank's website]
Card No.: 62228481950349388111
Account name: Chu Feng
Bank of deposit: Bank of China Limited [Click to enter the bank's website]
Card No.: 6227001120219028527
Account name: Chu Feng
Bank of deposit: Bank of Communications [Click to enter the bank's website]
Card No.: 601428233330077804
Account name: Chu Feng
Bank of deposit: China Construction Bank [Click to enter the bank's website]
Card No.: 6227001120219028527
Account name: Chu Feng
Bank of deposit: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China [Click to enter the bank's website]

Card No.: 6222020913001601362

Account name: Chu Feng


Bank of deposit: Postal Savings Bank of China [Click to enter the bank's website]
Card No.: 6221502600003107253
Account name: Chu Feng
Company account Bank of deposit: Aihui Sub branch of China Construction Bank, Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province
Account No.: 23001736851050503780
Account name: Heihe Tianma Business Travel Agency Co., Ltd

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Heihe Tianma Business Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Departure Department 186456668888
Domestic 13604568887

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