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 Harbin charter bus to Xuexiang _ travel charter bus price of Xuexiang


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Product No.: 6324

Harbin charter bus to Xuexiang _ travel charter bus price of Xuexiang

Landscape price: ¥600 Market price: ¥1000 element Starting price description
Number of seats: fourteen (set)
Self driving: not allowed
Package type:
Can be rented by day
Lease month:
June July August
Lease date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of leases:

The enterprise providing the car rental is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Price description
  • Model Introduction
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2017-02-26
Can be rented by day

Model Introduction

Merchant: Songhua River international travel agency limited company

Address: Harbin Nangang District Big world Office Building Room 2104 (near Harbin Railway Station Qiulin Company Side)

Reservation telephone: 15046668091 13314616977 (WeChat is the same as mobile phone)

1. Tariff description:

According to the requirements you mentioned, we will charge you according to the number of kilometers and the number of days.

2. Special tips:

This car includes seat insurance, which is a travel agency Travel? Special vehicles, all with travel procedures. There are certain price regulations, so don't compare us with ordinary black cars. thank you

3. Car rental agreement: Our company is a travel company and can sign a formal travel car rental contract with you to ensure your travel safety.

4. Car Rental Notice

1. You need to leave us your name, mobile phone number and ID card information.

2. You need to sign for us Tourist routes Agreement, change the route for your personal reasons. We need to contact our staff in advance to ensure whether it can be changed. If it cannot be changed, the fee is non refundable.

3. In case of natural disasters and weather conditions, which are force majeure factors, we have the right to change the time and schedule.

4. For those who have travelled for many days, they need to provide meals and accommodation for our drivers. If you can't handle it, tell us in advance that we will charge you accordingly.


5. Supplementary notes:

1. Our company also has tickets for Harbin and its domestic tourist attractions. Preferential price will be given when booking tickets at the company.

2. Our company also provides tour guide service, and consult the merchants for details.

payment method

Fax signing: we will fill in the contract and fax it to you, sign it and return it after you confirm it;

Company signing: go to the company headquarters to sign on site or choose to let relatives and friends sign on behalf;

Online subscription signing: pay part of the deposit to our company account, and sign in Harbin (to ensure the location of travel in other places);

On site contract signing: we will send staff to your hotel or location to sign the contract (on-site contract signing is limited to Harbin urban area)

Company address: Dongdazhi Street, Nangang District, Harbin No. 323 2104 (Big World Office Building)

Weiwei 13314616977 Liu Yang 13313623135 Binbin 13351903392 Xiao Yan 13351317073 Feifei 13351210108

Post Office: 6210 9826 0008 0883 513 Liang Chunhong

CCB: 6222 8011 4144 1012 512 Liang Chunhong

business circles: 6222 0235 0002 5793 692 Liang Chunhong

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
  • contact information:
  • Consultation content:

Service Centre

Heilongjiang Songhuajiang International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Hongyuan Holiday
Service hotline
Master control meter adjustment micro 13314616977
Cluster Planning and Adjustment Kexin 13351317073
Group planning and adjustment Binbin 13351903392
Group planning and dispatching Feifei 13351210108
Group adjustment Liu Yang 13313623135

Booking process