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 Qufu car rental


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Product No.: 5842

Qufu car rental

Landscape price: ¥300 Market price: ¥400 element Starting price description
Number of seats: five (set)
Self driving: allowed
Package type:
The price of Buick Regal in 2013 is low. You are welcome to make reservations.
Lease month:
June July August
Lease date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of leases:

The enterprise providing the car rental is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Price description
  • Model Introduction
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2015-01-03
The price of Buick Regal in 2013 is low. You are welcome to make reservations.

Model Introduction

   Qufu As Qufu car rental The industry leader, relying on the mature operation mode of the car rental market, provides various professional car rental services such as short rent, long rent and so on for the majority of users. Qufu Shunxin Auto Service Co., Ltd. is committed to providing the most professional car rental services, constantly optimizing the car rental process, breaking the barriers of the traditional car rental model, Let customers enjoy the fastest car rental service experience, collect and return the car 24 hours a day, and meet the customer's car rental service anytime and anywhere.
The company serves in Qufu Shandong , according to the needs of different customers, combined with years of market experience, launched the business car charter business, Travel? Car use business, high-speed railway, airport and station shuttle car rental business, business car rental business for enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities, tour, inspection, conference, exhibition and other different customer car rental business.
Since its establishment, the company has continuously improved its own service level by virtue of scientific, professional and networked management methods, and insisted on innovation. It has a complete range of rental cars, a number of luxury vehicles and economical and practical vehicles, which customers can choose according to different needs. The company also deepened cooperation with Ping An Insurance, People's Insurance, Pacific Insurance and other large insurance companies to jointly launch joint products, auto insurance, mutual membership and other services.
Over the years, Qufu Shunxin Auto Service Co., Ltd. has won unanimous praise and support from the vast number of car rental users with sincere dedication, professional and considerate service concept, and constantly innovative service quality. We will work harder on this basis to provide users with comprehensive, professional and fast services, and try our best to provide customers with warm, thoughtful, safe Comfortable quality service!
Rent a car to Shunxin, and the journey will be more Shunxin!
It's convenient and pleasant to rent a car to Shunxin!
Renting a car to Shunxin was a pleasant journey!
Shunxin car rental, the right choice for car rental!
Qufu Shunxin Auto Service Co., Ltd., which creates a more convenient way for customers, is a private garage for customers anytime and anywhere. It is fast, convenient and reassuring. Qufu Shunxin Auto Service Co., Ltd. warmly welcomes your arrival.

payment method

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Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Qufu Shunxin Automobile Service Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Qufu car rental 18678761555

Booking process