"Falling Dust Literature Cup" Gaochun District Fifth Youth Literature Competition solicited contributions!

2023-02-07 15:49:16

In order to comprehensively implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, welcome the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, prosper Gaochun literary creation, discover, cultivate, support and stimulate the original power of youth literature, and create a good atmosphere of "reading for all", after research, the United Front Department and Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, the Youth League District Party Committee The District Education Bureau, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau, the District Customs Working Committee, and the Chunxi Street Party Working Committee jointly hosted the "Falling Dust Literature Cup" Gaochun District Fifth Youth Literature Competition, which solicited novels, essays, poems and other literary forms of works from young writers and authors throughout the district.



        Guiding unit: United Front Department of Gaochun District Committee of the CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee

Publicity Department of Gaochun District Committee of the CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee

        Organizer: Nanjing Gaochun District Committee of the Communist Youth League

Nanjing Gaochun District Education Bureau

Nanjing Gaochun District Culture and Tourism Bureau

Nanjing Gaochun District Customs Working Committee

Party Working Committee of Chunxi Sub district, Gaochun District, Nanjing

        Organizer: Nanjing Gaochun New Class Friendship Association

Nanjing Gaochun District National Reading Promotion Association

Nanjing Gaochun District Youth Literature Association

Co organizer: Nanjing Luochen Culture Media Co., Ltd





Teenagers with Gaochun household registration or who have worked, studied and lived in Gaochun for more than one year (born after January 1, 1977) can participate.




Entry form


The competition aims to encourage multi form and multi genre creation, and advocates new thinking, new expression, and true feeling without proposition, theme or genre.



The number of words required: not less than 400 words for primary school group, not less than 600 words for junior high school group, not less than 800 words for senior high school group, not less than 1200 words for youth group, and not limited to poetry.



The entrants shall ensure that they enjoy the copyright of their entries, and the legal responsibilities of their entries, such as copyright and reputation rights, shall be borne by themselves.




Event time


1. Submission deadline: June 30, 2022.


2. Review date: July 2022.


3. Award date: August 2022.




Award setting


        Primary school group:

2 first prizes (1000 yuan) 4 second prizes (600 yuan)

6 third prizes (400 yuan) 8 excellent prizes (200 yuan)


       Junior high school group

One first prize (1000 yuan) Two second prizes (600 yuan)

Three third prizes (400 yuan), four excellent prizes (200 yuan)


       High school group (Students in senior high schools and secondary vocational schools)

One first prize (1000 yuan) Two second prizes (600 yuan)

Three third prizes (400 yuan), four excellent prizes (200 yuan)


          Youth group: (Young people under 45 years old)

One first prize (1500 yuan) Two second prizes (1000 yuan)

Three third prizes (600 yuan), four excellent prizes (300 yuan);




Entry mode


Email submission, and send it to the mailbox of the Organizing Committee before the deadline (June 30, 2022) 664700799@qq.com Please indicate the literature contest+name+article genre+group (youth, high school, junior high school, primary school) in the email title.

Please indicate your name, age, school or unit, contact information, etc. (primary and secondary school students should also add their parents' contact numbers). Each person is limited to one article, please do not repeat your contribution.


After the review, the works will be published on the website of Luochen Literature www.luochen.com. The ranking award was selected by the expert review team and announced on Gaochun Youth WeChat official account, and the award meeting was held. The competition organizing committee will recommend the authors who have won the grade awards and meet the corresponding requirements to join the writers' associations at all levels and Gaochun Youth Literature Association. Some of the award-winning works will be edited into volumes, and each award-winning author will have two copies.


Contact: Shen Chen Tel: thirteen billion eight hundred and fifty-one million five hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and fifty-five