Crazy little return
Crazy little return
Serials marriage and love one
6.326 million Word 32000 popularity
Crazy little return, one hand cover the sky. Ye Xiu was betrayed by his girlfriend and was looked down upon by others, but he was surprised to learn his extraordinary life experience. From then on, the fish leaped into the dragon and became a carefree city.

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Wuhan Xuji Jingsheng Technology Co., Ltd

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When I saw the little servant girl's obsession, she looked very much like those girls of later generations who saw idols! Qin Lanyue was also unable to laugh or cry. She reached out and shook her hand in front of her. She said, "Hurry to stop drooling. This is my husband." The little servant girl said, "Ah!" He covered his face and stamped with shame. Then he suddenly realized that he had made a breakthrough, and the whole person was confused. He said, "Big lady, I... seem to be stronger." "It's the same situation, and I know it." Qin Lanyue knocked her head and looked at Ye Xiu with tender eyes. He said, "Shall we go now?" Ye Xiu nodded, He said: "Do you want to go to the [Qin] family first and tell them

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