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Chapter 1 Dead and decayed boot

Montage: a collage of meaningful time, space, people and places.

Fuming is the worst city in the province.

Low and remote buildings, narrow streets, numerous people, and public security can only be described by a confused word.

Less than a week after I was transferred from Gaogang, the provincial capital, I almost collapsed.

Liang said that only an excellent criminal policeman like me can manage a slum like Fuming City well.

But I think it's more like matching frontier!

My name is He Sheng, and I have been a criminal police captain in Gaogang City for five years. Recently, I was transferred to this place where the birds do not shit. I had a heart for dogs for days, but the recent cases have made me very interested in this place.

For me, I have been exposed to all kinds of strange cases, but at the beginning of this month, there was an extremely strange case that made me even more shocked.

That night, I was in the office sorting out information, and a hurried call disturbed my thinking.

"Hello! This is Fuming Police Station!"

The phone was so silent that I could not hear my breath.

Generally, if the other party dare not say a word when calling the police, he may be in an extremely dangerous environment.

"Don't be afraid. You are being held hostage. Is it inconvenient to talk?"

"......" The other side was still silent and numbing.

I was about to continue to inquire, but the twisted voice came: "Help me! Please! Come and help me!"

The other party's voice was tense and frightened, like being held by someone's throat, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman. The crying voice was extremely pleading!

"Tell me your position? Or everything you can see in front of you, the environment..."


At the critical moment, the phone hung up!

Stunned, I saw that the caller ID was the number of the fixed line phone, so I dialed the phone back, but no one answered.

"Xie, help me find a phone number..."

I shouted out of the office, but before I could finish speaking, Xiao Xie had rushed to me.

"Captain, Liu Bureau asked you to come to the meeting room immediately!"

Usually, Liu Bureau seldom organizes meetings. If you are so anxious today, something important must have happened.

I'll come to the meeting room right away.

Just after the door was opened, the serious expressions of Liu Ju and colleagues in other departments have been confirmed, and I guess it is right.

"This case is very difficult. Zhang Huilong reported the case and his son Zhang Jiye disappeared!"

Zhang Family! Zhang Huilong!

Zhang Huilong, Chairman of Real Estate Group, is the largest real estate leader of the Zhang family in Fuming City.

There are dozens of bodyguards in their family. Is his son missing?

Kidnapped? Extortion?

"This case has been paid great attention by the police, and we are required to solve it within a week!" Liu said, asking the police officers nearby to distribute simple information about the case.

"Liu Bureau, I suggest to check and monitor, and find the last place where he appeared!" I said seriously.

"Xie Deguang from the Technology Department is dealing with it. I am now assigning tasks. He Sheng and Xiao Yuande go to the Technology Department to investigate the relevant monitoring!"

"Li Siqi and Gao Qiang went to visit the contact circle of the missing person Zhang Jiye."

"Zhang Wang and Liu Chao, you help Xie Deguang investigate Zhang Jiye's recent contacts!"

After saying this, the Liu bureau accused me: "He Sheng, as the criminal investigation leader, this case must be solved immediately, or you will not be the leader!"

"Director I, I know!" My eardrum was almost shattered by him and I hurried out of the conference room.

I went to the technology section with the information to find Xiao Yuande and asked Zhang Jiye where the mobile signal finally disappeared!

Xie Deguang said that according to Zhang Jiye's mobile phone signal, he left home on the 18th. There were Bourbon Hotel and Tianhui Internet Cafe in Fuming City, and finally disappeared in nearby Jiaoyu Town.

Mobilizing the nearby monitor, we saw him at the intersection of a factory in Jiaoyu Town. He was holding his mobile phone at that time, but he was making a phone call at the nearby public phone booth. He was a little excited, his body was trembling, and his eyes were constantly alert.

It seems that there are some blood stains left behind him, and his clothes are extremely shabby. He kept crying, "Help me! Please! Come and help me!"

He covered his heart and saw something from the phone booth glass, which made him more anxious and seemed to collapse.

"Help me! Please! Come and help me!"

The cry again sounds like thunder and lightning from hell, and when we look carefully, we find a flickering shadow standing behind him all night!!

He was afraid of the man behind him. It seemed that Zhang Jiye was so anxious to avoid him that he had to go to the public phone booth to call the police for help!

However, later the video became a bit blurred, and there were many water ripples, which gradually disappeared. Xie Deguang, who was present, checked and said: "This is caused by the interference of the camera."

"Disturbed?" I said.

"Yes, maybe the killer did it. He didn't want us to see the content behind."

Then Xie Deguang checked that at 11:00 p.m. before his cell phone signal disappeared, someone was calling the police station to give an alarm. According to the call record, it can be determined that it was Zhang Jiye who gave the alarm.

We listened to the call recording in the audio room.

There was no response for a long time after the phone was connected. It was me who answered the phone. The same recording came from it: "Hello! This is Fuming Police Station!"


Hearing this, Xiao Yuande asked me, "Why didn't you tell us? Did you hide it on purpose?"

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