Starting from the Nine Goddesses of Divorce
Starting from the Nine Goddesses of Divorce
Serials marriage and love miracle-working doctor
1.143 million Word two thousand nine hundred and thirty-five popularity
He knows everything from hand to eye, which makes the leaders of all parties afraid. He has a wonderful hand to revive. Silver needles can save people, and gold needles can ferry souls. The old man claimed that his time was running out, so he called him back. Unexpectedly, I found him a role as fiancee! Numb, numb completely

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Wuhan Xuji Jingsheng Technology Co., Ltd

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At this time, Saint Lotus stopped absorbing Qi. "Ha ha ha, it's done, it's done!" "You......" At that moment, Ying Tianci suddenly shouted excitedly, his face full of pride. But before he finished speaking, a knife appeared on his chest. It was the Eastern Ghost Emperor among the Five Emperors. "Ha ha ha, it's mine!" "Master, don't blame me. The winner is the king and the loser is the Kou. I don't want to be the Kou!" The Oriental Ghost Emperor said while rushing towards Li Ergou. "You bastard, it's amazing to kill the master!" "I will fight with you!" This sudden change shocked the other four ghost emperors, and they attacked each other one after another.

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