A crazy husband who protects his wife
A crazy husband who protects his wife
Serials marriage and love
1.185 million Word three thousand six hundred and fifty-two popularity
Author: Li Yunlong, writer of China Writers Association, representative of the Ninth National Congress, novel collection: Young Heart of Fresh Clothes and Angry Horses, published many works. Li Shengyuan was forced to break up with his girlfriend, but accidentally got into a school bully. Brainstorm and integrate strength. Get rid of the magic claws that stretch towards you one by one

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Beijing Dingtian Cultural Entertainment Co., Ltd

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Li Yunlong

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Chapter 496 Sorry 09-09 16:07

"I'm really sorry for you," said Li Shengyuan. Now Li Shengyuan can only say this. Jiang Shuzhen said, "It's nothing. We're still friends, aren't we?" Li Shengyuan knew how sad Jiang Shuzhen was at the moment. Li Shengyuan also knew that the kind-hearted Jiang Shuzhen was so silent and dedicated. All this may really be unfair to Jiang Shuzhen, but has God ever been fair to herself? Li Shengyuan looked at Jiang Shuzhen, took out a credit card and handed it to Jiang Shuzhen, saying, "Take this card, the account name is yours, the password is your birthday, there are ten million in it, which is my compensation for you." "No, I don't want it. I can't use it

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