Bloody pupil kills god
Bloody pupil kills god
Serials Mystery
1.493 million Word eight thousand three hundred and seventy-five popularity
The unparalleled martial arts aptitude, the shocking cultivation speed, the fantastic alchemy technique, the unparalleled martial arts realm, the powerful and mysterious nine sky dragon, the direct descendant of the blood pupil divine vein, and the bloody battle killing god created a blood pupil killing god against the sky! A new generation of fighting against the sky is about to be born. Who is the winner of the battle of gods and demons? What will the limit of Bloody Dragon reach? Can the endless monster break the divine barrier? Let's take a look at this book and break it down for you one by one

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Beijing Dingtian Cultural Entertainment Co., Ltd

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Bloodthirsty Deep Rainbow

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"Who are you?" asked Jin Tianlin subconsciously. "Hahaha, you don't have the right to know who I am. The reason why I come out now is that you have defeated him, but you can't kill him now, so I want to stop you." The whole body of the black robed man is covered in a broad robe, so people can't see his face clearly. From his evil and cold breath, we can feel that his strength is absolutely superior to the anti sky Lin! Because of this, he felt a little strange. Such strength had already exceeded the realm of the Emperor of War. Why could he hide in the Xuanling Continent through the suppression of the border?

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