Urban welfare lottery system
Urban welfare lottery system
end Workplace Counterattack
773000 Word eight thousand nine hundred and six popularity
What? You said my head is a little green, and I need to break the evil? Pooh! I'm bound to fate with the female Xia who has been practicing for a hundred years, and we also have our own welfare lottery system, and you can help me break the evil! Go away! Go away! Go away! What? You call me Hulk? You are the Hulk! My lovely girlfriend will not green me!

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Chongqing Shengshi Yuewen Network Culture Co., Ltd

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Chapter 369 Ending 11-21 09:45

"Remember?" Xu Qingfeng nodded his head, still looking at Jiufang Xuan in front of him in great doubt. "At that time, Hou Yao helped us to untie our destiny!" Jiu Fangxuan turned the menu intentionally or unintentionally. "Sister Nvxia, what have you been doing these days? Why haven't you seen you?" Xu Qingfeng was even more curious when he heard what Jiu Fangxuan said. "Hee hee~" Jiu Fangxuan always seems happy. She ignores Xu Qingfeng and orders two cups of coffee instead. After a while, the waiter served coffee. The strong aroma of coffee made people relaxed and happy. Jiu Fangxuan casually picked up the coffee in front of her and looked at it curiously

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