Urban unparalleled god of war
Urban unparalleled god of war
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The god of war returns. He learns that his family has suffered. He is a hot blooded man who fights the world with blood without regret. How can he not avenge his family's deep hatred? The craziest man in the world, the invincible god of war for me!

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Beijing Zhongchuang Zhongyue Network Technology Co., Ltd

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Song Danian

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Chapter 845 Ending 04-20 17:46

"Although my accomplishments are not as good as yours, I still have some friends in the Qin Family. And this time we went to the Qin Family openly, and those who wanted to make trouble in the dark would have to restrain a little. It is just to ensure that your people have no worries about their lives." "In fact, when we really get to the Qin Family, I'm afraid that those who would not like to see us would have to protect us specially! After all, such a big thing has happened. Once the matter is exposed, those people are afraid that they are all eager to wash their minds! " Lin Chenyi nodded after hearing the words, but then shook his head, "In this case, let's forget it." "As for my people, let's forget it! I really want to find

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