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Chapter 51 Successful Operation


Waiting for you on the way

2020-05-23 14:49

The fruit basket food bought by everyone can be put together to open a fruit supermarket.

According to the arrangement, everyone has done the matching inspection and stayed here to wait for the results.

Of course, all the things the students did were hidden from Ye Lanting.

If she knows that her students hurt their bodies to save her, I'm afraid Ye Lanting would rather die than agree.

A few hours later, all the matching results came out. Unfortunately, no one was suitable.

Even Dong Wenxuan's matching results are not matched.

Just when everyone was disappointed and worried, Fu Yuzhu had some good news.

In a hospital, there was a patient who died from a car accident. Her kidney matching was successful with Ye Lanting.

The family members of the deceased patient agreed to the organ donation, and the suitable kidney is being flown in.

If it goes well, the operation can be carried out in about a week.

The arrival of this good news has raised hopes for everyone.

Teacher Ye is saved!

In the next week, the hospital was making various preparations for the kidney transplantation operation, and Ye Lanting was also very cooperative, and he was doing various examinations every day in accordance with the doctor's instructions.

This morning is the day of the operation. All the students who can come are here.

Ye Lanting's father-in-law and mother-in-law were too old to come, and one of her children came to the hospital on leave with the school.

Dong Xiaoye is now in her fourth year of college. Her school is Ye Lanting's former model university.

After graduating this year, she can become a people's teacher like her mother.

Dong Xiaole was admitted to a medical university and is now a freshman. He will become an excellent doctor in the future.

Before the operation, the nurse came to help Ye Lanting prepare for the operation.

Dong Wenxuan was even more nervous than Ye Lanting, rubbing his hands nervously.

"Don't worry, Dad, my mother will be fine!" Dong Xiaole, 19, looks like a responsible man.

"Mom, don't be afraid if you are alone inside, we are all waiting for you at the door!" Dong Xiaoye is more considerate.

The two children are really sensible, comforting their parents who are over 50 years old.

After a while, two nurses came to pick Ye Lanting up and went into the operating room.

Looking at the cold white gate, Dong Wenxuan calmed down.

He sat there in silence, praying silently that the operation would be successful.

The seven hour operation was long and painful. At the moment when the operating room door was opened, everyone gathered around.

Ye Lanting was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes tightly closed, and her face was as white as a sheet of paper.

"What's wrong with her?" Dong Wenxuan looked at Ye Lanting's weak chest and asked the doctor fearfully.

"No anesthetic reaction yet, don't worry, the operation was successful!" The doctor smiled and comforted everyone.

Hearing this, all the people were relieved, especially Dong Xiaoye, who was so excited that they cried.

The nurse sent Ye Lanting to the ICU ward and needed to observe for a day or two. After the condition was stable, she could be transferred to the ordinary ward.

There are professional nurses to take care of the patients, so the family members can't see the patients.

When the students saw that the teacher was OK, and no one could be seen in a short time, they dispersed.

I want to wait for the teacher to get better and not delay her coming back when she has a rest.

Dong Xiaoye and Dong Xiaole also took advantage of this time to go back to Xingwang Village and bring some clothes for their parents to change.

Dong Wenxuan was left alone in the hospital. He sat in the empty ward and could do nothing but wait.

A family of three waited anxiously in the ward for two days before finally meeting Ye Lanting.

"Lan Ting, what do you think?" Dong Wenxuan sat in front of the hospital bed and stroked her hair, his eyes were full of heartache.

Ye Lanting looked at Dong Wenxuan, who was no longer young, smiled and comforted him

On the seventh day after the operation, Ye Lanting's spirit was much better.

The muscles of her whole body lying on the hospital bed were so sore and numb that she could finally get out of bed and exercise.

"Jingle, jingle"

Ye Lanting's mobile phone rang again.

Needless to say, this call must be from students again. On average, there are at least 20 calls every day these days.

As a teacher for more than 20 years, Ye Lanting's students are more than one. Other students are worried when they hear the news that the teacher is ill.

Those who can come back will come to the hospital to see her, and those who can't come back will call to care about her.

The fruits in the ward could not be put down. Ye Lanting asked Wang Yinghong to take them back to the school and give them to the students as lunch.

I thought everything would get better smoothly, but I didn't expect Ye Lanting to have a fever again, and the rejection reaction that I was most worried about happened!

Fortunately, Ye Lanting's rejection was very mild. After the hospital's treatment and medication, it improved in a few days.

However, in the days to come, she will never leave the anti rejection drugs.

This is the best result. Ye Lanting doesn't want too much. It's easy to satisfy.

After living in the hospital for a month, I was finally able to leave the hospital and go home.

Before leaving, the doctor specially opened a diagnosis book for her.

It says: It is recommended to leave early and not to continue teaching reluctantly.

With such medical certificate and Ye Lanting's reality, it fully meets the standard of early sick leave.

But when Ye Lanting held the diagnosis, he looked lonely and thoughtful.

Dong Wenxuan, who was driving, sighed helplessly when he saw her.

After thinking for a long time, he seemed to make up his mind and said, "If you want to continue working in school, you must promise me to have regular physical examinations. If the doctor says you are in good health, my children and I will support your decision."

"Wenxuan?" Ye Lanting was surprised and delighted.

They deserve to be husband and wife for more than 20 years, and their mutual understanding and understanding have reached an self-evident level.

Ye Lanting really wants to go back to school, but she feels most guilty about her family.

During the illness, Dong Wenxuan was always taking care of her. After the two children started school, they also went back and forth on weekends, just to be filial to her.

If she really has something to do, they are the most sad.

Therefore, Ye Lanting was silent after she got the diagnosis. She could not open this mouth.

"You still have time to think about it. The doctor said that you should stay in bed for at least one month." Dong Wenxuan looked at her with a teasing smile.

"I promise!" Ye Lanting would not oppose such a casual proposal.

In this way, Ye Lanting, who has a deep attachment to the school and students, returned to her beloved post one month later.

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