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Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) Pastry is popular all over the world, and has been sold to more than 40 countries to gain a firm foothold in the industry "C"

Published on: January 20, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet Author: Editor in charge: One Song

In recent years, with China's growing global influence, Chinese elements have been more widely spread overseas. As one of the representatives of traditional Chinese cuisine, pastry has gradually become a new favorite in the global market. According to the data of iiMedia Research, the global Chinese pastry market will reach 74.42 billion yuan in 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 8.4%. It is expected that the market size will reach 105.05 billion yuan in 2028.

The scale of the global Chinese pastry market is increasing year by year, which is inseparable from the development of the domestic market, and is closely related to the multi-channel active development of overseas markets by leading Chinese pastry enterprises represented by Daoxiangcun (Suzhou).

It is understood that Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) is an early Chinese time-honored pastry enterprise with a global layout. As early as 2006, Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) began to conduct overseas market research, taking the first step of "going to sea". In the same year, it began to register trademarks overseas. At present, more than 100 trademarks, including "Daoxiangcun", have been registered in more than 60 countries and regions, laying a good foundation for the development of globalization; In 2013, Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) officially set up its overseas business unit, which constantly braved the wind and waves and explored the international market under the policy dividend of the "Belt and Road" initiative.

   Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) Suzhou Guanqian Street Store

In order to successfully enter the overseas market, Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) carefully studied the laws, regulations and food standards of various countries, and worked hard to improve the production process and product quality. In addition, on the premise of respecting the cultural background and living habits of residents in various countries, the product taste has been improved according to local conditions. In the production process, Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) sticks to the "three same standards" for products at home and abroad, that is, in the same production line, according to the same standards, reaching the same quality level, and implementing the taste and quality that consumers care most about.

  Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) "same line, same standard and same quality" enterprise certification

Thanks to the business strategy of keeping pace with the times and reliable and high-quality product lines, Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) has made continuous breakthroughs in overseas markets and made remarkable achievements. It is reported that in the existing 10 processing parks in Daoxiangcun (Suzhou), 7 factories have export qualifications. They export Chinese pastries to more than 40 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, through cross-border e-commerce, cross-border stores, cross-border supermarkets and other online and offline channels, The average annual growth of export business is more than 50%, and about four overseas consumers are non Chinese consumers. More than 100 kinds of pastry products of Daoxiangcun (Suzhou), including Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi, Mid Autumn Festival Moon Cake, Flower Cake, Crispy Cake, Peach Cake, Cloud Cake, Pine Nut Jujube Paste Cake, are loved overseas.

In the latest Research Report on Consumption Insight of the Global Chinese Pastry Industry in 2023 released by iiMedia Research, Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) Chinese pastry will have the first global sales volume in 2023, accounting for 7.2% of the market share, ranking first among Chinese pastry brands at sea.

At present, Daoxiangcun (Suzhou) continues to increase its efforts to explore overseas markets. With the help of this force, Chinese pastries are expected to become an important part of global food culture, bringing more delicious enjoyment and cultural exchanges to consumers around the world.

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