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Relax and face the college entrance examination

Published on: May 15, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet Author: Editor in charge: Liu Na

On May 14, senior three students of Xinle No. 4 Middle School in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province cheered for themselves in the classroom.

With the college entrance examination approaching, many high schools around the country have held special activities to help junior high school students release pressure, relax, and face the college entrance examination with optimism and self-confidence.

Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Jia Minjie)

On May 14, senior three students in Shijiazhuang No. 22 Middle School, Hebei Province, held a wrist wrestling contest.

With the college entrance examination approaching, many high schools around the country have held special activities to help junior high school students release pressure, relax, and face the college entrance examination with optimism and self-confidence.

Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Liang Zidong)

On May 14, senior three students of Zunhua No. 2 Middle School in Hebei Province had fun games on the playground.

With the college entrance examination approaching, many high schools around the country have held special activities to help junior high school students release pressure, relax, and face the college entrance examination with optimism and self-confidence.

Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Liu Mancang)

On May 14, senior three students of Shijiazhuang No. 45 Middle School in Hebei Province held a fun activity called "Dream Relay Race".

With the college entrance examination approaching, many high schools around the country have held special activities to help junior high school students release pressure, relax, and face the college entrance examination with optimism and self-confidence.

Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Zhang Xiaofeng)

On May 14, senior three students of Shandong Linyi No. 7 Middle School were skipping rope.

With the college entrance examination approaching, many high schools around the country have held special activities to help junior high school students release pressure, relax, and face the college entrance examination with optimism and self-confidence.

Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Xu Chuanbao)

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