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It is forbidden to indulge campus bullying and occupy "ten minutes between classes"... the Ministry of Education has taken the initiative!

Published on: May 14, 2024     Source: Chuanguan News Author: Editor in charge: Liu Na

The Ministry of Education issued a notice today (14th) that it will carry out the "standardized management year" action for basic education, focus on the standardized rectification of basic education from three aspects, namely, the loss of safety bottom line, the disorder of daily management, and the misconduct of teachers' ethics, and detail the negative list of 12 basic education standard management, including the "ten minutes between classes" break for students in various ways Teachers ignore and connive at students' bullying behavior, and schools organize various examinations for the purpose of selecting students at the compulsory education stage.

The Ministry of Education requires all regions to start implementation from now on, improve and refine the negative list, conduct comprehensive self-examination and rectification, and further promote the implementation of standardized management requirements through cross city and county cross survey, responsible supervision for school attendance, professional guidance and other means. The Ministry of Education will timely carry out assessment, feedback and report the existing problems.

In addition, the Ministry of Education will also establish a supervision and exposure mechanism and reputation evaluation system for the "Year of Standardized Management" of basic education.

·Local education administrative departments should unblock and publish the acceptance channels such as standardized school running report telephone, mailbox and network platform, and widely accept the supervision of students' parents, deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members and all sectors of society on the school running behavior.

·Set up an exposure platform to publicly circulate a notice of criticism on the school's illegal school running behaviors that are verified to be true.

·Strengthen the construction of supervision force, strengthen the daily supervision of school running behavior through the parent committee, specially invited supervisors and other ways, and strive to build every primary and secondary school kindergarten into a school that reassures the Party and satisfies the masses.

·Education administrative departments at all levels should also explore the establishment of a reputation evaluation system for running basic education schools, truthfully record the non-standard behaviors of education departments and schools around the country, and list the events that have caused major safety accidents, major public opinions, and adverse social impacts separately.

The Ministry of Education requires the education administrative departments at all levels to increase the punishment of school running behaviors that violate the provisions of the negative list and touch the bottom line red line, and seriously pursue responsibilities according to law and regulations. The higher education administrative departments shall supervise and hold accountable the education administrative departments that ignore the school's violations, perfunctory and ineffective handling.

It is reported that in recent years, local governments have continuously improved the level of running schools in accordance with the law and standards, but some local governments and schools still have prominent problems in running schools in violation of the law, which seriously affects the physical and mental health of students and destroys the good educational ecology. The public has strongly expressed their concern and the society has paid great attention to it. The "Year of Standardized Management" of basic education of the Ministry of Education will further clean up and rectify the violations, educational laws and utilitarian short-sighted behaviors in the field of basic education, and further establish and improve the long-term mechanism of legal management, strict management and standardized management.

   The negative list of standardized management of basic education is as follows

1. It is strictly prohibited to appear wrong words and deeds, such as anti party and anti socialism, vilifying the image of the Party and the country, denigrating the leaders or heroes of the Party, splitting the country, distorting history, beautifying aggression, or spreading relevant wrong opinions in public and transmitting them through the Internet.

2. It is strictly prohibited to investigate and rectify the formalism of campus safety, indulge in major campus safety hazards, conceal and falsely report after major accidents, and handle improperly.

3. It is strictly prohibited for teachers to discriminate against students from vulnerable groups, and to impose corporal punishment, corporal punishment in disguised form, abusive assault, sexual harassment or other acts insulting human dignity on students.

4. It is strictly prohibited to bully students with more than one, the weak with the strong, the small with the big, or teachers ignore and connive at student bullying on campus.

5. It is strictly prohibited to rank schools, assign promotion indicators, rank teachers, reward and punish teachers based on their promotion rate or examination results.

6. It is strictly prohibited for schools in the compulsory education stage to organize various examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or to use various competition certificates, social training results, grade examination certificates, etc. as the basis for enrollment.

7. It is strictly forbidden for schools to start school ahead of time or postpone holidays in violation of the school calendar uniformly stipulated by the education administrative department, and organize students to make up classes collectively in holidays, winter and summer vacations.

8. It is strictly prohibited to arrange students' work and rest in violation of the national sleep time, or occupy students' "ten minutes between classes" rest in various ways.

9. It is strictly prohibited to arbitrarily adjust, increase or decrease courses in violation of the national curriculum plan, and occupy the class hours of moral education, physical education, aesthetic education, labor education, and comprehensive practical activities.

10. It is strictly prohibited to assign operations that exceed the total amount and duration specified by the education administrative department, or assign repetitive and punitive operations.

11. It is strictly prohibited to use teaching materials and teaching aids in violation of regulations, or force and induce students to purchase books, electronic products, teaching aids and stationery through designated channels in any form.

12. It is strictly prohibited for the school to increase the charging items, raise the charging standards, expand the charging scope, embezzle and misappropriate various funding funds distributed to students in violation of the charging management regulations.

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