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National Publicity Day for Public Security Organs to Combat and Prevent Economic Crime was held

Published on: May 16, 2024     Source: People's Daily Online Author: Liang Qiuping and Hao Ping Editor in charge: Liu Na

People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 15 (Reporter Liang Qiuping, Hao Ping) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security that on May 15, according to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, local public security organs focused on the hot spots of public concern, highlighted local characteristics, and innovated forms of publicity, and concentrated on the national public security organs' propaganda day activities to combat and prevent economic crimes. The event was hosted by the Economic Crime Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and the Information and Publicity Bureau, and leaders of the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the China Anti money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center, China UnionPay Co., Ltd. and other relevant units attended the launch ceremony at the main venue in Xiong'an, Hebei.

It is reported that the "5.15" publicity day activity has been carried out for 15 consecutive years. The national public security economic investigation departments and the vast number of public security economic investigation police adhere to the original intention of "working with the people and guarding for you", constantly enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to do a good job in economic investigation, and promote the implementation of various measures to combat crime, escort development, and benefit the people and enterprises. This year's publicity day focused on prominent economic crimes, such as serious violations of the vital interests of the people, damage to the business environment, obstruction of high-quality economic and social development, harm to economic order and economic security, introduced prevention knowledge, issued early warning tips, and comprehensively demonstrated the effectiveness of public security organs in combating crimes, preventing risks, maintaining stability, and serving development. During the event, the relevant news media, the public account of the "Economic Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security", and the life account will focus on introducing special reports and excellent publicity works from all over the country, revealing common economic crime tactics to various market operators and the masses in an easy to understand way, and popularizing knowledge of economic crime prevention.

The relevant responsible comrades of the Economic Crime Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security said that the national economic investigation department of public security will continue to deepen the reform of the new police operation mode of "specialty+mechanism+big data", strive to promote the "three five" project of public security economic investigation in the new era, accelerate the formation and improvement of the new quality of public security economic investigation combat effectiveness, and actively focus on preventing and resolving economic and financial risks The main theme of combating and preventing prominent economic crimes is to carry out prevention publicity, keep pace with the times and innovate constantly, continue to deepen communication and cooperation with administrative law enforcement, criminal justice, industry supervision, financial institutions and other units, and constantly improve the awareness and ability of various market operators and the masses to recognize and prevent economic crimes.

Since 2023, the economic investigation department of public security has organized and carried out special actions against prominent economic crime activities that are common and frequently occurring and strongly reflected by the masses, and continued to crack down on them. As of March this year, 95000 economic crime cases of all kinds have been uncovered and tens of billions of yuan of economic losses have been recovered. At the same time, local public security economic investigation departments strictly implement several measures to ensure high-quality development of public security services, promote the implementation of the Ten Work Guidelines for Public Security Economic Investigation Departments to Facilitate People and Benefit Enterprises, study and introduce more service guarantee measures, actively respond to the demands of enterprises and the masses, and effectively provide convenient services and security guarantees.

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