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Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Short Video Contest Announces the First Prize for Dragon Dance and Happy New Year

Published on: April 19, 2024     Source: China Youth Network Author: Li Jianping Editor in charge: One Song

Client of China Youth Daily (Li Jianping, reporter of China Youth Daily, China Youth Network) Recently, Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center (Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum) announced the award results of the 2024 "Xishi Cup" Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Annual Popular Short Video Competition. A total of 621 short video works (groups) were received in this competition, and 373 works (groups) were selected for preliminary evaluation. After online voting and expert review, 3 first prizes, 9 second prizes and 12 third prizes were awarded.

Inheritor of Shenjia bench dragon in Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province. Provided by the sponsor

Among the three works that won the first prize, the video entitled "Dragon Dance in the Year of the Dragon and Happy New Year" sent by Zhuji City recorded every welcome activity of the Shenjia bench dragon in Zhuji City from February 3 (the 24th day of December) to February 24 (the 15th day of the first month of the first month), which included both the old generation who welcomed the dragon lantern and the rural intangible cultural heritage craftsmen, so that the young generation could experience the folk culture of their hometown and the joy, happiness and peace of the year; The video of "Spring Festival Folk Culture Celebrating the New Year" sent by Yuyao City shows that the folk lantern festival of Yangming Ancient Town in the Spring Festival is held brightly. "Mr. Wang Yangming" returns to his hometown Yuyao through a hundred years to enjoy the festival together; The video of "Wine is Hometown Alcohol" presented by Yuhang District of Hangzhou City shows that every family in Liangzhu brews rice soju during the Spring Festival, which is not only a necessary drink for the festival, but also a symbol of people's yearning for a better life and their adherence to and inheritance of excellent traditional culture.

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