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Sichuan issued the first special policy for vanadium battery industry in China to expand new energy storage field

Published on: May 9, 2024     Source: China News Network Author: Shan Peng Editor in charge: Yang Lei

China News Network, Chengdu, May 8 (Shan Peng) The Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology announced on the 8th that recently, six departments including the Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology jointly issued the Implementation Plan for Promoting the High Quality Development of Vanadium Battery Energy Storage Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Plan). This policy is the first special policy for vanadium battery industry in China.

As a typical green and low-carbon industry, vanadium battery energy storage industry is an important development direction in the field of new energy storage. Sichuan has a solid foundation for the development of vanadium battery energy storage industry, and has built the world's largest vanadium production base with the most complete industrial chain. Sichuan is rich in clean energy, such as hydropower, and the proportion of photovoltaic power generation has gradually increased, providing broad market space for the development of vanadium battery energy storage industry.

The Implementation Plan clearly states that by 2027, Sichuan's vanadium battery energy storage industry will rank among the top in terms of technology level and innovation capability in the country, cultivate and expand more than three leading enterprises with outstanding innovation capability and national competitiveness, build a batch of pilot demonstration projects with good economic benefits and strong driving capacity, and realize the agglomeration and large-scale development of vanadium battery industry.

According to Qing Jiasheng, Chief of the Materials Industry Division of Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, it is expected that by 2025, vanadium batteries will have a penetration rate of 15% to 20% in the energy storage field, and will dominate the field of large-scale long-term energy storage. The Implementation Plan aims to build a leading vanadium battery energy storage industrial base in China by carrying out application pilot demonstration, strengthening independent technological innovation, expanding production and supply of vanadium products, promoting industrial cost reduction and efficiency increase, accelerating the building of industrial clusters, cultivating and improving standard brands, etc.

In terms of pilot demonstration, the Implementation Plan proposes to support the promotion and application of vanadium batteries in photovoltaic, wind and other new energy power generation, energy storage, peak shaving and frequency modulation of power grid, energy storage of communication base stations and other aspects. In terms of strengthening independent technological innovation, the Implementation Plan proposes to build high-level innovation platforms such as vanadium battery energy storage laboratory and pilot scale maturing platform. In terms of accelerating the building of industrial clusters, the Implementation Plan proposes to support Chengdu, Panzhihua, Guangyuan, Neijiang, Leshan, Dazhou, Liangshan and other places to focus on vanadium battery basic research and innovation, vanadium resource development, vanadium electrolyte preparation, vanadium stack and system integration equipment manufacturing and other key fields. In terms of cultivating and improving standard products, the Implementation Plan proposes to strengthen docking and cooperation with regions with rich new energy resources at home and abroad and strong demand for peak shaving, and promote the "going global" of product technology, equipment and services.

Gan Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Advisory Committee of Experts on the Development of New Materials Industry, pointed out that vanadium battery energy storage has the advantages of large-scale and long cycle, is an important part of the energy storage field, and will become one of the best technical ways to expand the use of electric energy, cope with the random fluctuations of renewable energy, and support the high proportion of renewable energy in the power system. The Implementation Plan plays an exemplary role in promoting the development of vanadium battery energy storage industry in China. (End)

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