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Does PPR pipe work? What kind of pipe is good for home piping

The application field of home piping is very wide, and many industries are using pipe materials.

Different industries have different characteristics, so they have different technical requirements.

Pipe is a relatively mature product, and all industries have corresponding technical standards.

To test the pipes, select the corresponding product standards according to the industry in which the pipes are used, and test the corresponding technical indicators according to the needs of the industry.

Generally, it includes dimension index, inner diameter, outer diameter and wall thickness.

Strength indicators: the strength indicators of pipes include radial compressive strength, namely ring stiffness, flexibility indicators, bending indicators, impact strength, etc.

For pipes used for drinking water, there are technical indicators in terms of sanitation and water pressure resistance. There are also other technical requirements for the communication industry.



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Contact: Manager Wu
Company address: Ruan Industrial Park, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China
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